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Hunting and Tracking after succ hit


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lately i have been keeping busy with just hunting in the game and i noticed something.

when you shoot down a rabbit let's say from pretty far distance, how do you find your game?!


By the time you run to it especially if you hit it in the grass there is no way finding it..


and that is if there is no zombies aggroing you while you run up to it..


Soltuion/Idea : when you sneak and you get the 20sec tracking , it should show your target with an green X or something? so you can run to it and find it


is there anything for this in the future...


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Should be fine with the tracker perk, as in, if you have it, the icon stays for a bit. The less icons on screen, the better IMO, but since that's the direction, I don't really see why not.


For a practical solution though, just run em down and smack it with a club. With full mobility and a decent amount of stamina, I end up getting about 95% of the rabbits I go after like that. Sometimes they do those nasty 90 degree turns and disappear, and I cba trying to keep up after two .. but usually it works fine. Save some ammo and find your kills easily :)

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I too used to shoot them, but now I have great fun chasing rabbits and chickens down with a knife. Poke them once, then follow the squawks/screams until they bleed out.


Not as much fun with cougars. If you try to poke them just once, they will text you for weeks and you really can't go back to that particular bar.

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But chasing with a knife use alot of stamina which lead to increased hunger, not the effective way.

I rather risk to loose the corpse then to chase a small prey.

And don't tell me that you still hunt chicken/rabits later once you got a vehicle and see more bigger prey on you travels without tracking.


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4 hours ago, Canute said:

But chasing with a knife use alot of stamina which lead to increased hunger, not the effective way.

Eh, it's a 10-15 meter sprint, if done right. Not that the difference is going be big enough to matter either way.


And I will tell you, I do run down rabbits just for sports in late game.. makes no sense, but it's kinda fun :)

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On 6/21/2021 at 12:01 PM, saoron666 said:


lately i have been keeping busy with just hunting in the game and i noticed something.

when you shoot down a rabbit let's say from pretty far distance, how do you find your game?!


By the time you run to it especially if you hit it in the grass there is no way finding it..


and that is if there is no zombies aggroing you while you run up to it..


Soltuion/Idea : when you sneak and you get the 20sec tracking , it should show your target with an green X or something? so you can run to it and find it


is there anything for this in the future...




When you shoot them, I try to mark landmarks or general features that stand out, because yes, when they did they fall into the grass and can be lost.


I also try to kill the Z's before because if the Z's wander too close the animal will usually run away, and I don't want more of that.

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Hunting animals with the Compound Bow is very satisfying and fun from a very far distance!!

especially when you hear the hit and it goes down cause you have max sneak att dmg multiplier and max box skill.


but by the time you run to it and encounter a zombie  then you just lose it .


you cannot just run to it straight since you turned around maybe few times to kill several zombies before running to your pray..


so some sort of solution marked with an X on your minimap would be great i think..


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You must keep your eye on the rabbit and run to it. don't move your eyes off of it one iota or you'll never find it. Hunting rabbit and chickens with the primitive bow is a fun mini game all by itself. It takes patience and practice. If you get the hunters perk you're going to find the prey but still have the same problem shooting it.

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There are a few who seem to have missed that this was about after the prey was killed and Animal Tracker is no longer capable of showing where the prey is. Doesn't just affect finding the bodies of the rabbits. Chickens and deer can be a pain to find to harvest after you take them down as well depending on how far out you were and what the plant density and terrain is like. Tunnel visioning on the location where they dropped isn't always a good idea, and pre-clearing threats in my experience just causes the prey to run off into another zombie infested area.

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Whether you find every bunny you killed hardly determines between overall success and failure. And one could see it as part of the hunting mini-game, because of the hunting perk noticing animals is trivial already.


This is another dividing line between players who want everything marked for easy access (turn off your brain and simply follow any markers you see) and players who want to explore and have a difficult time finding stuff.


Now I'm honestly glad my bike, my turrets and a thrown spear are always marked. There is no fun in searching for stuff you dropped somewhere and can't find it anymore. But stuff like a deer corpses, well, that is going a bit far. That sounds to me to be on the level of showing every lootable container on the mini-map. There is some stuff you should be able to manage yourself.


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You cannot start clearing the area before you shoot down a rabbit or anything else.. the sec you get close to them or try to clear the area they will just run away to another area where there is more zombies..

i think most of you not getting the point where they need to be some sort of perk to see where the body is..forget running after the chicken with a knife or clear the entire area and hope your pray is still sitting there for you to hunt it down..


it is simple! just mark it with an X on the minimap so we can get to it. 

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1 minute ago, saoron666 said:

X on the minimap so we can get to it.

What minimap? Do you mean the map you have to pull up using the {M} key that stops you from controlling your character while you have it up or do you have a small map up somewhere on you screen while you run around?

4 hours ago, meganoth said:

But stuff like a deer corpses, well, that is going a bit far.

Since we don't have blood trails/splatter, or any other indicator for that matter, to que off of, a mark on the map screen that only indicates a rough 5M radius area of where it might be would work.

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1 minute ago, hiemfire said:

What minimap? Do you mean the map you have to pull up using the {M} key that stops you from controlling your character while you have it up or do you have a small map up somewhere on you screen while you run around?

Since we don't have blood trails/splatter, or any other indicator for that matter, to que off of, a mark on the map screen that only indicates a rough 5M radius area of where it might be would work.


well not the minimap, sorry i called it that,

i mean the compass on top of the screen where you see the landmarks or sameway you see the pray in green.

after the kill it should show in a red X or green X whichever is fine, just so you dont lose it.


especially deers you have to shoot from a very far distance since they get afraid so easily and runs away very fast.


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3 hours ago, saoron666 said:

You cannot start clearing the area before you shoot down a rabbit or anything else.. the sec you get close to them or try to clear the area they will just run away to another area where there is more zombies..

i think most of you not getting the point where they need to be some sort of perk to see where the body is..forget running after the chicken with a knife or clear the entire area and hope your pray is still sitting there for you to hunt it down..


it is simple! just mark it with an X on the minimap so we can get to it. 


If I stay stealthed and preferably use a bow to clear away the zombies the rabbit won't go anywhere (in the majority of cases). Most of the time it is only 1 zombie that is near the rabbit, it is not neccessary to clear the whole area.


And when we are talking about the early game and you have a knife the alternative is you can simply run to the dead rabbit (killed by arrow), stab stab stab and run away before even the nearest zombie is able to shamble up to you.


And yes, there will be up to 1 in 5 rabbits this way that will get away because they stroll out of range while you are busy with zombies, or a zombie gets in your way while you try to get near the rabbit or in spite of your careful spotting of the corpse you still can't find it after the kill. A game needs failures to make a success uplifting. Without downs there are no ups. This is not a pure shooter, killing zombies should not be the only thing were you need to to use some part of your brain or your reflexes. Not everything should be trivial


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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19 hours ago, meganoth said:


If I stay stealthed and preferably use a bow to clear away the zombies the rabbit won't go anywhere (in the majority of cases). Most of the time it is only 1 zombie that is near the rabbit, it is not neccessary to clear the whole area.l



Im not sure you ever did any hunting in the game or which version you playing..

but if you play a sitting duck and try to be stealth and take out zombies, that rabbit or wtv you hunting is looong gone my friend!!


i have tried many times, and when you get close enough to see the green marking on top of your screen, if you sit there for 3-5sec it is gone!

it walks away..

there is no pray that just sits there for you to go and take your time shooting zombies and clearing the way and then aim at it..


i think you should go ahead and try it out.


and i am also playing the game on insane mode, and nonetheless most of the time there was always more than 1 zombie near by.


AND also depends Where you hunting! forest area, wastelands, snow...


The solution isnt sitting and playing stealth and cross your fingers


the solution is to actually ADD an X or any other marking so you find your game..

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1 hour ago, saoron666 said:


Im not sure you ever did any hunting in the game or which version you playing..

but if you play a sitting duck and try to be stealth and take out zombies, that rabbit or wtv you hunting is looong gone my friend!!


i have tried many times, and when you get close enough to see the green marking on top of your screen, if you sit there for 3-5sec it is gone!

it walks away..

there is no pray that just sits there for you to go and take your time shooting zombies and clearing the way and then aim at it..


i think you should go ahead and try it out.


and i am also playing the game on insane mode, and nonetheless most of the time there was always more than 1 zombie near by.


AND also depends Where you hunting! forest area, wastelands, snow...


The solution isnt sitting and playing stealth and cross your fingers


the solution is to actually ADD an X or any other marking so you find your game..

It just takes patience, I hunt the same way Meganoth does.  The reason the prey is moving away is because of your noise, or the Z's noise, what works good is if you approach the prey pushing it towards a Z, then once it hits the detect range, (it detecting the Z, not the other way around, it'll run back towards you.)


That's another reason I clear the area of grass, trees and rocks around where my base is, you can see the rabbits/chickens/snakes/crawlers so much easier.


And insane mode, well that's your choice bud, personally I play games to have fun and de-stress not to go, well, insane, well no more then I already am.  :D


Even a primitive bow with its arc you need to figure in, and you too can kill chickens and rabbits, and yes Z's too.  Early game you don't even need the bonus to stealth damage only the "chunkier" Z's won't go down with 1 hit from a stone arrow, and deer you just gotta hit the head.  


You know what we need Mega?  Target butts.  No, not that kind of butt you Snowdog you,   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archery_butt


That way you can practice the arc, ofc, sometimes the arrows wobble off course but that's rng for you. 

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1 hour ago, Darthjake said:

It just takes patience, I hunt the same way Meganoth does.  The reason the prey is moving away is because of your noise, or the Z's noise, what works good is if you approach the prey pushing it towards a Z, then once it hits the detect range, (it detecting the Z, not the other way around, it'll run back towards you.)


That's another reason I clear the area of grass, trees and rocks around where my base is, you can see the rabbits/chickens/snakes/crawlers so much easier.


And insane mode, well that's your choice bud, personally I play games to have fun and de-stress not to go, well, insane, well no more then I already am.  :D


Even a primitive bow with its arc you need to figure in, and you too can kill chickens and rabbits, and yes Z's too.  Early game you don't even need the bonus to stealth damage only the "chunkier" Z's won't go down with 1 hit from a stone arrow, and deer you just gotta hit the head.  


You know what we need Mega?  Target butts.  No, not that kind of butt you Snowdog you,   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archery_butt


That way you can practice the arc, ofc, sometimes the arrows wobble off course but that's rng for you. 


you see! you said  it all!.. everyone plays the way they like and on the difficulty they wish..

and when you go hunting you dont do it in your own backyard and hope some deer/chicken/rabbit comes through..


the point of this topic is not HOW You HUNT! it's AFTER you kill your pray/retrieving it !

I am sure they can mark it, just like having the perk for finding prays when they alive in green.

Maybe make the last lvl of Animal Tracker in such way that you can also track the kill?


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56 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

the point of this topic is not HOW You HUNT! it's AFTER you kill your pray/retrieving it !

Relax, take a deep breath. Remind yourself you're talking about a tiny pointless part of a tiny pointless game.. we may love the game, but it's still just a game.


The discussion revolves around "how" because that directly effects the "after". The after seems to consist of "run to the corpse, skin it" for most of us, there isn't much to discuss there.


You seem adamant to push your idea through; that's fine. Me, I'd rather not have such markers at all since cluttering my UI with icons all over is just annoying. For example, I still don't really like the dig quest markers and such. All of that icon spam is a much bigger issue for me than losing a chicken every now and then.

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When I hunt, I make sure I am aware of my surroundings and where the prey is based on landmarks (large rocks, trees, roads, etc.)  When I take out the prey (rabbits, chickens, boars, deer, etc), I know where the general vicinity is.  Even if I have to dispatch nosy zombies in the area, I am able to find the animal based on the landmarks I used.  Using landmarks in the wild is as old as time itself.

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