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A19e Nitrogen - UNSTABLE


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@ HarveyUK and zyncosa


Adding the Ravenhearst 6 to Nitrogen .. can be done .. But it's not all that easy by just adding the RH 6 prefab list .. You have to :


Some technical details: (from page 1)



The POIs are selected from an included list, in a format such as this:


(Name, 7dtd zone, face-north-direction, y-offset, wide (x), high (y), deep (z), NitroGen zone

the zone defines where it will be placed (on mountain, on a farm, only in cities, in trailerparks)


Take a look at your resource folder and look at the prefab list there .. that will give you an ideal of what work is involved and then if you want CompoPack 42 also .. then he will have to update the links .. so they will talk to each other.


I also Look forward to it, but it might take a bit of time before we see it, Just some thoughts .. the Old Gamer … :02.47-tranquillity:


Have Fun and Enjoy the Holidays

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So, does this tool pregenerate all the maps regions too or just the parameters for chunks produce while exploring? Want to pregenerate all of a maps region files for a server to improve lag while people are exploring new areas to them. Is there a tool for doing that with alpha 18 quickly if not?

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I dont know if you wanted to include the Ravenhearst 6 POI list. I compiled this myself and placed everything where it should (or i wanted it) to go.


Here it is if anyone is interested. we modified some vanilla pois and thus i included vanilla pois with this with the renamed ones included to avoid doubles spawning




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I made a map using these parameters; https://imgur.com/swqobTB

and I used this as my config file; https://pastebin.com/rUKTaDMY


All I get when I launch the server is a repeated error.


ERR Error sending to console server:

InvalidOperationException: Cannot call Invoke or BeginInvoke on a control until the window handle is created


I'm assuming this has to do with the name of the map not being recognized. I copied the generated map into the Saves folder it created in my main directory right next to the Navezgane folder though.

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I made a map using these parameters; https://imgur.com/swqobTB

and I used this as my config file; https://pastebin.com/rUKTaDMY


All I get when I launch the server is a repeated error.


ERR Error sending to console server:

InvalidOperationException: Cannot call Invoke or BeginInvoke on a control until the window handle is created


I'm assuming this has to do with the name of the map not being recognized. I copied the generated map into the Saves folder it created in my main directory right next to the Navezgane folder though.


Copied.... you should generally move the generated world folder and it's contents from nitrogen output to games generated world so it is only in the game generated world. Idk if it will fix your error but

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I made a map using these parameters; https://imgur.com/swqobTB

and I used this as my config file; https://pastebin.com/rUKTaDMY


All I get when I launch the server is a repeated error.


ERR Error sending to console server:

InvalidOperationException: Cannot call Invoke or BeginInvoke on a control until the window handle is created


I'm assuming this has to do with the name of the map not being recognized. I copied the generated map into the Saves folder it created in my main directory right next to the Navezgane folder though.


Are you using RAT? That error is unimportant and will disappear after 20 - 30 seconds, it also doesn't do it every server start, it does it quite often on our servers and you can completely ignore it, it has nothing to do with the map.

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Anyone else getting this error on A18.3 b3 Experimental?

Red line in console stopping the load...

FileNotFoundException: No height data found for world 'TRUMP2020'


I copied the entire folder over to the server. I've done about 10 server with Nitrogen, so I've used it successfully.

ETA: I used NitroGen_WorldGenerator_v0474


UPDATED: Tried another map gen name with the same map and it worked OK. Sorry for a false flag.

Edited by BadKarma
Issue resolved (see edit history)
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I made a map using these parameters; https://imgur.com/swqobTB

and I used this as my config file; https://pastebin.com/rUKTaDMY


All I get when I launch the server is a repeated error.


ERR Error sending to console server:

InvalidOperationException: Cannot call Invoke or BeginInvoke on a control until the window handle is created


I'm assuming this has to do with the name of the map not being recognized. I copied the generated map into the Saves folder it created in my main directory right next to the Navezgane folder though.


USE ,, Import from (( Resources )) .. Not the " Existing Output Folder" … (nothing is in output folder Until you generate a map, unless you have put game info in that folder.)

In other words you are building a world with no info and that is causing the error.

Edited by gpcstargate (see edit history)
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I dont know if you wanted to include the Ravenhearst 6 POI list. I compiled this myself and placed everything where it should (or i wanted it) to go.


Here it is if anyone is interested. we modified some vanilla pois and thus i included vanilla pois with this with the renamed ones included to avoid doubles spawning




I hope Khaine follows the same example (hehe). :clap2::encouragement::chuncky:

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Hey all.


Has anyone had an issue with nitrogen generated maps where they spawn in and are surrounded by a wall of rock / texture and as you move closer to it it vanishes to reveal what the world should be under neath it?


Also can happen is that you can see buildings, tree's, objects in the near distance that appear to be floating in the air but as you get closer the world renders in around them and it looks correct.


This is only happening with Nitrogen maps, standard gen maps are not giving me this issue. (maps are run on a dedicated server)


If anyone has any insight to this it would be greatly appreciated.



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I want to add a POI to my prefablist for citycenter


wanted some explaination about these values




I know what they are ( face north, y-offset, x,y,z ) for but how do I determine which values to put in for these?

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I want to add a POI to my prefablist for citycenter


wanted some explaination about these values




I know what they are ( face north, y-offset, x,y,z ) for but how do I determine which values to put in for these?


The first value is the POI's orientation ("face north"), meaning you can put in values ranging from 0-3 at your leisure. The POI will or should spawn with its "front" in that direction (north, east, south, west). At this point, I can't tell you which number is for which direction, though, as I can't recall it at the moment. I read somewhere in this thread that Damocles made some changes to that mechanism, though. I don't know if that matters.


"y-offset" means the POI's height. You could, theoretically, also insert values at your leisure here, ranging from negative values to positive ones, but each POI should look / looks best when at its set default height. This means a POI was created (by an FP employee / a modder) with a certain default height in mind. And boy, finding out that correct default height can be a pain in the lower back.

When I create my lists or update them (https://github.com/NickPhaedra/7-Days-to-Die-NitroGen-Prefab-Lists/tree/Prefablists), I always cross-check each and every POI in the editor against its correct height or what seems to be the correct height to me (together with other values). The height value itself is in theory given in the POI's respective XML file, but this can be totally wrong when spawning it in NitroGen (although lately, most of the time the values actually check out to be alright when I cross-check them).


The x, y and z values describe the POI's dimensions in space (how "big" it will be when it spawns). I'd use the default values here (meaning the ones given in the POI's respective XML file; you can also check the default dimensions by loading the POI into the editor -> x,y,z values).


Hope this answered your question. Merry Christmas, and Cheers :)

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Is there a trick to get nitrogen to re-create a dtm.raw based on a previous heightmap via import_hm.png but without creating new poi positions?


I got a map layout I like in terms of poi's, roads etc, it's a custom map with a mask, one large island with small islands but for some reason it decided to "try" and make roads out to each island even though there is a large ocean with a mask not permitting it to place anything in the water. The result is a series of spaced out tiny perfectly round dots going out over the water to the islands, no roads, just little land bumps / dots.

I converted the dtm.raw to a png to edit them out but of course now I can't get the same one re-made. Nitrogen will not make a new dtm.raw unless it is allowed to create a new poi layout which is not what I want. If you turn off POI's then nitrogen just creates an example heightmap, no dtm.raw.



Edited by Reytag (see edit history)
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Just thought I'd share a bit more about the map above, this is our new map for our Ravenhearst play through, this is maybe iteration number 35 or so, lol.. It is a combination of random terrain gen in a 3d program, merging multiple land masses together, blending, filters, manual heightmap manipulation in paint.net, extra random noise filters, rain erosion application, another 3d program for direct manipulation of terrain via brushes...




The depressions in the land will be filled with water afterwards, they are higher elevation lakes that are not auto-colored.

I usually then also create our map biomes based on elevation and then apply random noise and other filters to blend biomes together so you don't get hard lines. I might seperate them out more this time since RH seems to have a lot of biome specific content.


For POI's I create a custom mask for the map, then use Nitrogen to place most POI's, usually takes about 20+ generations to find a decent seed, several POI's then still need to be hand placed or removed.

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I'm not 100% sure but just copy the prefabs.xml from your current one and replace it with the new generated one coz the prefabs.xml has all the POIs + their Positions in them.


Btw any chance your sharing the map when its done wanted to do a few SP runs for ravenharst since its out for A18 now and I really like your map ;)



Also after you generate a new one maybe you should also take your old splat3.png and manually remove the roads or whatever you have in the water connecting the islands coz if you have the same POIs you want the same roads except the ones in the water right? Dont forget to run it through your Splatfixer tool aswell.


Edit2: Not 100% sure it will work though coz during the generation nitogen plays with the terrain to place the pois and that might become an issue you have to test it out

Edited by GneX (see edit history)
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I'm not 100% sure but just copy the prefabs.xml from your current one and replace it with the new generated one coz the prefabs.xml has all the POIs + their Positions in them.


Btw any chance your sharing the map when its done wanted to do a few SP runs for ravenharst since its out for A18 now and I really like your map ;)



Also after you generate a new one maybe you should also take your old splat3.png and manually remove the roads or whatever you have in the water connecting the islands coz if you have the same POIs you want the same roads except the ones in the water right? Dont forget to run it through your Splatfixer tool aswell.


Edit2: Not 100% sure it will work though coz during the generation nitogen plays with the terrain to place the pois and that might become an issue you have to test it out


Hi there, the issue is that the dtm.raw contains the elevation changes to the land that were made to support the dotted roads out to the islands.

I need to figure out how to edit the raw file directly or get Nitrogen to simply re-create one without the need to add anything to it, basically just take the import_hm.png and turn it into a dtm.raw, no other changes.

The splat3.png just contains road info, not the terrain changes to support the roads underneath.

I could probably offer the map, will just need to package it up and share it somehow, I haven't done that until now because my internet is, well, slow would be an understatement.


P.S. I think you were editing your text as I was writing this, lol, I'll just post what i wrote anyway.

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Here is the last complete custom one we played on, was a lot of work but everyone really enjoyed the totally different landscape with a large city in the center of the crater in a charred forest biome.


Mixed biomes made it really interesting and never boring with nice smooth biome transitions.


I did however take several (not all) of the HDHQ biome modlets and modified them quite a lot to taste to get a truly unique look (unfortunately the pic doesn't do it justice)


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Mhh so you technically just need a way to convert PNG back to .raw right?


I mean there are converters for that online & programs but idk if its that simple


I tried online ones, they didn't work, and I don't have photoshop, meh, will just work around it, the little island dots aren't that large and there are only a few, just wish that Nitrogen respected the mask completely.

As you can see from the mask, nothing should be put in the water.


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Here is the last complete custom one we played on, was a lot of work but everyone really enjoyed the totally different landscape with a large city in the center of the crater in a charred forest biome.


Mixed biomes made it really interesting and never boring with nice smooth biome transitions.


I did however take several (not all) of the HDHQ biome modlets and modified them quite a lot to taste to get a truly unique look (unfortunately the pic doesn't do it justice)



Looks indeed amazing!


And yeah i noticed that Nitrogen doesnt take the mask too seriously sometimes


Custom Biome that im working on how do you think it looks so far?



I'm tempted to make a handmade map but I have no clue about doing custom heightmaps and stuff ... ;)

Edited by GneX (see edit history)
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