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Feedback on the Candies


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experimental hasn't released yet, but I can already give you some feedback on the candies and their balance:
The fall damage negation is awesome. Make it 30 sec so it is for one jump only (don't get why you don't implement parachutes... but nvm that)
Atom junkies, Healthbar, Skullcrushers  ... are really nice! I do think 10 min would be nicer but as long as they stay at the 200 dukes mark they should be fine.
Loot junkies, I can not say how gamestage and so on is in A19, but paying 200 for 35 gamestage... is a bit much. Either make it a +100 for 1 minute (for the final room) or increase the time to 20 minutes so it holds up for the entire POI. Because otherwise they are too good to use "oh I don't want to use them for this low level stuff and have it run out on the final room".
Hackers are fine.
Jail Breakers are... meh. If you haven't changed lockpicking or rebalanced it, they are more or less useless, since you can craft endless lockpicks. If oyu can't craft lockpicks anymore or they are more expensive or craftable very lategame... its fine, but would like to see an increase in time to 10-20minutes.
Nerd Tats are super creative! I really like that the INT group isn't forgotten about... but I would like it to increase to 5 meters and limit it to 6-8 targets! This way you can use it in a hordenight if you have to! Because 1.2 meters is like... half a zombie armslength. That doesnt help much!
Rock Busters: nice and simple, good duration, fair increase.
Sugar Butts: Eh... fine with me. 200 is good value and even though I never need more than 2 min for my shopping... for that new guy who needs longer its a nice duration, could be shorter tho.

PS: do staminafoods stack? Or how does that work? And do you think a bit of extra HP for good food would break the system or why does it only give stamina? (then it would be close to that awesome wellness system you had once)

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They're definitely something to look forward to trying out.  We can speculate over them being OP or whatnot, but at face value, I don't think they will be (barring some sort of bug occurring when a candy + combination of other conditions is met).


Madmole noted in the A19 thread that by day 30 he had 2-3 of any one candy stocked up, so they don't sound like they'll be super duper common...but we shall see.

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4 minutes ago, Kazgrel said:

They're definitely something to look forward to trying out.  We can speculate over them being OP or whatnot, but at face value, I don't think they will be (barring some sort of bug occurring when a candy + combination of other conditions is met).


Madmole noted in the A19 thread that by day 30 he had 2-3 of any one candy stocked up, so they don't sound like they'll be super duper common...but we shall see.

Notating every vending machine and their restock frequency will be a new mini game...😅

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4 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

Notating every vending machine and their restock frequency will be a new mini game...😅

I consider that a good thing, since it takes something that I dare speculate gets ignored a lot (vending machines) and gives them value 🙂


I'm just waiting for the day when bandits are added and those nasty NPCs bait players in with a van that has "Free Candy" painted on the side 😛


Edit:  Wasn't aware of a particular word filter

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Just now, Kazgrel said:

I consider that a good thing, since it takes something that I dare speculate gets ignored a lot (vending machines) and gives them value 🙂


I'm just waiting for the day when bandits are added and the @%$*#!s bait players in with a van that has "Free Candy" painted on the side 😛

Did you see the concept art in the dev streams?  The light/medium/heavy bandit variants looked sick! 😀

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Just now, Laz Man said:

Did you see the concept art in the dev streams?  The light/medium/heavy bandit variants looked sick! 😀

Yup, watched all of the streams thus far.  Looks promising!  Kinda hope for those armor skins to be available to players, but we'll see.


As to the topic on hand, hopefully more candies get added in the future if the general feedback regarding them is positive.  I suspect the feedback will be good, but I can't speak for everyone.

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7 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

Atom junkies, Healthbar, Skullcrushers  ... are really nice! I do think 10 min would be nicer but as long as they stay at the 200 dukes mark they should be fine.

You can eat up to three candies to stack their effects and time duration.

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2 hours ago, Damocles said:

That whole candy thing sounds a lot additional tedious inventory management to me, carrying all those special ability items around in case they might be needed.

This is the reason I don't use the current drinks either. Sometimes an asparine early game... But I sell or drop 99%. I need the inventory space already for rare loot! 

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2 hours ago, Damocles said:

That whole candy thing sounds a lot additional tedious inventory management to me, carrying all those special ability items around in case they might be needed.

In a way, they are like temporary perk points which is cool.  Let's u dip your toes in a certain skill area without the skill point investment.  Opens up more build options as now there is a gray area the player can float in which may allow them to spend skill points in other areas.

25 minutes ago, iejen said:

This is the reason I don't use the current drinks either. Sometimes an asparine early game... But I sell or drop 99%. I need the inventory space already for rare loot! 

Those eye candies tho will help you get better rare loot sooner.


Now you have to decide on quantity vs quality (eye candy).  The candy variable shakes up the time management game.

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Candy.... no no no no no. Please guys.. I love this game as an immersive zombie survival game. I don't want some silly candy power ups that undermine standard perks that you work hard to achieve such as lock picking or mining. I hate the idea, its terrible.. please remove.... sorry love the game... hate the candies

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57 minutes ago, RestInPieces said:

Don't want to come off as overly negative, but I hate temporary buffs from consumables with a passion, especially in a game such as this, with the current UI.

I think nobody was asking for it... but I've learned to just accept that they don't listen to ppl who say they dislike something, so I try to at least make the best of it and tell them how to make them less bad ^^
And I am glad that they removed foodpoisoning... so who am I to hate them for something small... :D

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14 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

but I've learned to just accept that they don't listen to ppl who say they dislike something, so I try to at least make the best of it and tell them how to make them less bad 

I guess that's the realistic approach 😛

If they absolutely HAVE to put them into the game, I agree that they should have a greater duration and furthermore a stricter limiting mechanic (e.g. long-term overdose) that would make them more of a strategic choice, rather than having to carry a bunch of them around and constantly swap them with your hotbar tools.

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On 6/22/2020 at 6:40 AM, Laz Man said:

Notating every vending machine and their restock frequency will be a new mini game...😅

That´s already a habit, no need to notate tough they restock every day. Dog food. As i always get the recipe for the learning elixir in the first few days (thanks to buried supplies quests), i always check for dogfood everywhere. I once even moved to another area because i had 5 buildings with vending machines (on of them the hospital with 5 of them) within a few blocks.


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