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A19/A18 CreaturePacks - A community entity project


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OMG! Xyth, I've never seen that smurf in the pack, I hope you didn't remove it lol I wanna see it! :p BUT if you wanted to remove it, perhaps someone could make a cool replacement for it that would fit better - maybe some unfortunate guy wearing a smurf costume was bitten and turned into a zombie before the apocalypse. I mean, who are we to judge, right? People could be turned into zombies in all kinds of bizzare situations, wearing all kinds of bizzare suits and costumes! :classic_ninja:

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This mod was an attempt at a community project.  As such, vision and quality differs depending on the modder.  In A19 we have very few active contributors, and most are submissions from A18 that I have to rebuild as I dont have the .unityproject files.  I work fulltime so I dont have the luxury of excess time for creating indexes or figuring out what could be improved.  I probably have over 500 hours invested to date in just these packs.  I doubt I will spend much more time on them as the overall interest in them and interest in participating in a community project is minimal.  Perhaps it's because the zombie pack became more of a quantity over quality effort?  I lean towards quality over quantity and actually only contributed a couple of zombies to the pack.  I can remove or rebuild some of them based on feedback but I wont spend time guessing which those are.

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2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

So because someone has an issue with some of the zeds, but won't even begin to describe which ones, you want a whole index put together to make it easier? Wouldn't it just be easier for the people that are so offended to just provide screenshots of the ones in question? Or do like Reckis and simply ask how to remove them. It's not rocket science. Again, not having an attitude and politely asking something will get you much farther than saying

"This is kiddie stuff. Remove plz."

Absolutely not. What I intended to convey was having screenshots of everything included in a pack like this with such a wide variety, including a simple read me or commented out lines making editing the appropriate xml easy, would have saved Xyth a @%$*#!load of headaches but that is one of those hindsight suggestions. It didn't have much to do with what was said but was born out of the discussion.

I would even be willing to do what I could to help with what little time I have available. If that means I have to take all the screenshots then fine, I load the pack, load the zombies, take a shot and edit it for posting. Not that bad. From there it shouldn't be rocket science to find the appropriate entries in the xml. I am will to do that as well if that's what it takes. Seems to be a no brainer for really making the pack adjustable for everyone but hey, who am I?




And I wasn't jumping on him because he did something other than praise the mod, or because of some "hive mindset". I replied because he flat out ignored Xyth asking him for examples of the zeds he found so childish looking. All the while being snarky himself. Nothing more, nothing less.


And don't take this as me jumping on you, either. It's not personal or anything. Just as someone who also deals with people being ignorant about your mods and not providing requested info while having an attitude, I just call it as I see it. You come at me with attitude and entitlement, you'll get basically nothing. Nothing wrong with being polite. I don't even expect a thank you. Just don't be rude. Lol.

How can he correctly identify the zombies? A vague description like he gave or HEY, would have been easier if they had been indexed as I suggested. But as you said "So because someone has an issue with some of the zeds, but won't even begin to describe which ones, you want a whole index put together to make it easier?" That tone man, not great but you are free to treat people as you wish.

I would also like to tell you personally how much I freaking love your vehicle mod. I use it and pimp it every chance I get. Disagreeing with someone doesn't change how much I respect what you have put into your project.



I'm done here, i've said my piece. I don't want to hijack a thread devoted to making a great mod for this community. Sorry about that part.

Edited by CynicalGamer
spelling (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, CynicalGamer said:


Not disagreeing that an index, as an idea, is good. But you throw it around like it would take no time at all. And as Xyth just puts these together into one mod, and didn't make the majority of them, that's asking quite a bit. Now if you want to help out, then go for it. That's the point of a community project like this. I'm working on some Raiders myself I'm trying to get smoothed out enough to be worthy of being included.


And not to drag this on, but to just clarify, the malice of my original post wasn't at you, but the other guy. He could go into dm mode and spawn them in to see their names, take screenshots of them, anything. But to put no effort into it, then come in here complaining like he did is just not necessary. I'm not even saying I wouldn't agree that some look out of place. I've honestly not seen them all myself. It was just how he went about it. That's all. :)


And I am glad you enjoy the mods. Maybe if more people were willing to come in and says thanks and whatnot, people would be more inclined to do the extra work. But about 90% of comments in these mod threads are complaints or asking for more stuff. People are just never happy. Lol.

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Updated most packs:  Refreshed zombie soldier and doctor looks (added blood, reduced brightness), reduced bandit shotgun damage in half, fixed particle effect on mesh warnings on a few characters, added xml based random walktypes for zombies (effects pack) , reduced time to stay after death for zombies and humans to 10 seconds.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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After Roborltos zombies (im butchering his name badly, not intentionally mind you 😛 ) came through with some issues, i have decided to turn my attention to this pack! im actuly rather eager to try this out, gona be testing the robots and zombies pack to see what kind of mischief i can end up in. 


Altho i wish to clarify, this is a community project, many people adding different zombie ideas and strengths and so on to the packs yes? obviously leading to a wide verity of quality and quanitity, as you said in a earlier post. would you be looking for active criticism of your packs as i find them, or rather i simply try to play and enjoy? 

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@xyth Finally saw some of your animals in my game, and seeing more of them as time goes on. The variety is nice :)


Also a quick question, more out of curiosity than anything . . . I have noticed that a lot of the Z's from this pack have a shiny/wet look to them, is this intended/normal?

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It's not intended.  Those are carry overs from A18 before the lighting in A19 changed which makes them shiny.  I don't have the files to edit those easily so I have to rip and rebuild each one to fix those.  I can either remove them or rebuild them as time permits.  

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It doesn't bother me, as I said I was just curious. Figured it was something like that and being someone who has only recently started dabbling in digital artforms (been doing it the old fashioned way for 30+ years) I had to ask the question.


I thought that maybe it had something to do with the lighting changes TFP made and just wanted confirmation from someone with more knowledge than I to see if my thinking was correct.

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A19 uses Linear rather than Gamma lighting.  Those shiny ones used a spec shader so it really noticeable.

Pushed a minor update to the CP humans and effects packs.  There was a TFP bug where buffs that set animator values do not always set before the animator is initialized.  This caused human characters to sometimes walk like zombies when not infected.  Implemented a workaround.

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16 minutes ago, CrainBramp said:

Just wanted to say thanks for your maintenance of the pack and all your work on this: you've been a rockstar. Although it hasn't become a popular mod, this has been in almost every stream and Let's Play I've done since it came out, and I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

I don't know how many people play with this mod, but I've been playing with this mod so much that my time could easily fill up several people's regular gaming sessions. I'm a living proof that this IS a popular mod.


I've been playing with this mod so much that I'm telling my followers "Stay here" in real life when I'm about to enter the store, to make sure the bug that could make them disappear near the trader doesn't get them...

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Trader bug?  You mean the intentional death AOE?  If thats a problem you can instead have them take a dirt nap for a while.   Basicly we could change the AOE to buff the bandits with the death infection and survivors with a knockdown.  If your using NPCs rather than humans, this should have an effect unless I coded it wrong.  


<!--  Prevent bandits class characters from getting near trader POIs    -->

        <buff name="buffTraderTrigger" hidden="true">
                <stack_type value="replace"/>
                <update_rate value="1"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="selfAOE" range="50" buff="buffInfection04" target_tags="bandit,survivor"/>
        <buff name="buffTraderRagdollNPC" hidden="true" icon="ui_game_symbol_medical"> <!-- Not used, but funny to watch  -->
            <stack_type value="ignore"/>
            <duration value="3"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="Ragdoll" duration="3" target_tags="bandit,survivor"/>

15 hours ago, CrainBramp said:

Just wanted to say thanks for your maintenance of the pack and all your work on this: you've been a rockstar. Although it hasn't become a popular mod, this has been in almost every stream and Let's Play I've done since it came out, and I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thanks for the kind words.  I know we have a few supporters and you have no idea how much that helps keep this going.  

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Hey @xyth, Love this mod by the way. I realized this morning that I haven't actually said that in this thread yet, 🤪


How would you feel about me putting together a screenshot gallery of the creatures contained in the pack(s)? Can't guarantee that this will be a quick process, but something like that added to the OP would probably go a long way towards more supporter's/users of the mod. This is great mod for people who would like to see more variety in the world with out adding a bunch of crazy @%$# like other mods that will go unnamed :)



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4 hours ago, xyth said:

Trader bug?  You mean the intentional death AOE?  If thats a problem you can instead have them take a dirt nap for a while.   Basicly we could change the AOE to buff the bandits with the death infection and survivors with a knockdown.  If your using NPCs rather than humans, this should have an effect unless I coded it wrong.  


<!--  Prevent bandits class characters from getting near trader POIs    -->

        <buff name="buffTraderTrigger" hidden="true">
                <stack_type value="replace"/>
                <update_rate value="1"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="selfAOE" range="50" buff="buffInfection04" target_tags="bandit,survivor"/>
        <buff name="buffTraderRagdollNPC" hidden="true" icon="ui_game_symbol_medical"> <!-- Not used, but funny to watch  -->
            <stack_type value="ignore"/>
            <duration value="3"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="Ragdoll" duration="3" target_tags="bandit,survivor"/>

Thanks for the kind words.  I know we have a few supporters and you have no idea how much that helps keep this going.  

Well, by the bug I meant the vanilla problem which prevents us from using our NPCs near the trader, but thanks for these lines of code I will try it out.


Just a question though: triggered_effect that gives the buff "buffInfection04", shouldn't it only have target_tags="bandit" instead of target_tags="bandit,survivor"? I don't want the trader to infect my friendly NPCs lol

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Its driven by tags.  The bandit class and survivor class will NRE if they enter the protected trader zone.  So both need to either be killed or knocked down, preventing them from approaching.  NPC characters have the tag "npc" and dont have either the bandit or survivor xml tag.  Since they use custom code, that NRE was fixed with new code.   This may be fixed in A20, we requested the fix and im optimistic it will be fixed.

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