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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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Yeah, I like small stone be used as Junk turret ammo, they need not to be as effective as metal, but it is good to have stone throwing machine.


maybe a special mod for the Junker that allows it to hold different ammo. Glass , Rocks , Darts , Nails , Lead and Arrow heads.




And maybe some others like a Gatling mod, A fire barrel mod , High air compressor (Adds a charge ability that does through zombies)

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I was wondering where you were during this lol


Yeah, was a few weeks late, dangit. So they've probably already got something in development, which is cool. Look forward to seeing whatever it is, wheels, treads, 4 legs, 2 legs, drone, whatever. I'll dig it regardless, I do love the junk turrets as it is, so I'm not worried about it. Was just giving some input, timing is just off.

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Yeah, was a few weeks late, dangit. So they've probably already got something in development, which is cool. Look forward to seeing whatever it is, wheels, treads, 4 legs, 2 legs, drone, whatever. I'll dig it regardless, I do love the junk turrets as it is, so I'm not worried about it. Was just giving some input, timing is just off.


i may draw some ideas for a Robot up and ill see if i can show you some.




this is what i made. for just a Idea sorry thats its blurry.

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I've had an idea where instead of bethesda rpg style pickpocketing, it's more of an allowance to take items for free from the traders. Like every time their stock resets players with the perk get up to a couple thousand dukes worth of items to "buy" for free. It'd be a good way for the Agility class in particular to be able to provide resources. This thief-currency wouldn't be able to be stockpiled to encourage spending it when possible on needed resources and not thinking "but what if next reset they have...?"


We're making a light RPG, not a deep one. Think more FPS with light RPG elements. Adding thievery to a take what you want by force kind of game with no law doesn't make any sense. Sure it could add some value but we're not adding any features that aren't on the roadmap. We are focused on polishing the game and going gold.

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We're making a light RPG, not a deep one. Think more FPS with light RPG elements. Adding thievery to a take what you want by force kind of game with no law doesn't make any sense. Sure it could add some value but we're not adding any features that aren't on the roadmap. We are focused on polishing the game and going gold.


Well After gold. are you going to keep adding or Move on?

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Oh yeah, agree. Just giving you some input/perspective on it more than anything, since you're amidst deciding and designing the junkbot it felt appropriate. I'd assume some level of realism, that fits with lore, is desirable, but def not necessary. I'm a hard sci-fi guy, and this just happens to be within my professional career path. Again just some input and ideas for you.


Sure I will enjoy whatever anatomy you come up with. Excited to see what it will be, flying, walking, driving, as long as it's a robot I'll be psyched regardless.


We've decided on flying drone already (had the first meeting yesterday) due to pathing issues with bipeds.

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I wasn't telling you how or what to do, again just a real world perspective, thought you'd appreciate the input is all. Kinda like the videos you posted a few weeks ago showing real robots as back up to your idea of a junkbot making sense in the game for those who doubted it. I'm not one of those "it has to make total sense" people. I still love most spaceships and robots in Star Wars even though very very few of them would ever stand a chance of actually existing or being even remotely functional irl.


And I love this game, you balance realism and fun really well. I'd say realism does matter, just not in every aspect of the game. A bike has more storage than a jeep, etc. Thought it might help you figure out how many slots to put in the junkbot, and so on. But ok, if the input isn't helpful at all then I'll just stop and wait to see what ends up in the game. Again I'm bound to like whatever it is anyway.


We take realism into account when we can, but we never let it be and edge blocker for cool ideas. Thanks for the input. Its most likely going to be a flying drone that has inventory space, a taser arm, a healing arm, and some mod slots. Mostly a little helper like r2d2 and not a giant sentry bot that can crush your enemies at all. Having something that can heal you and maybe stun the nearest zed with a cooldown will still be a great help in the midst of combat.

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Am I understanding this right: power armors are coming to the game?


I am working on designs for it, but we might not even bother with it. The general idea is some late game super cool hard to get stuff, but I'm not sure we even need it. Overhauling UMA is a higher priority and that isn't even really on the roadmap yet, but it needs to happen.

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PS *edit* this is not targeted towards the drones discussion, but a general feedback for basicially everything that has been happening since A12.


Look... I've not always been nice to you guys (and you returned the favour) but maybe you should care about realism. Well... not realism but believability.

We all get why WE can carry that much concrete. But the world around us should abide to logic. Otherwise you muddy the waters. Just because there are SOME things that are a necessary break of reality (like the inventory) does not mean that you can simply make people fly for no reason... lets introduce magic into this arizona apocalypse...


What I am saying is:

please do consider "reality". Often times you can make enjoyable mechanics out of realism. There is a boundry to crushing realism for the sake of gameplay. After a while you, as the player, are completely ripped out of the immersion.

Just because you could do a big boombox opponent in Dark Souls that makes pop-culture references, does not mean that you should. It could be a fun encounter, but you are ripped out of the immersion of this dark and tense environment.


Or what if in Fallout, all cars would still be functioning even though it has been 300 years? "Well we wanted players to have a fast travel vehicle ready everywhere so we just said that the nukes radiation actually power all the cars now and keep them working"

It feels wrong. Just because you can break immersion for the sake of gameplay... doesnt mean you always should. There is a fine line... and I feel like you guys cross it way to willy-nilly.


I'm not sure if this is targeted at a flying drone, which is 100% real. I can buy one on amazon. That said our entire container system is obviously super flexible for the sake of playability, so an inventory slot can hold a car or helicopter, that is what it is.


I don't recall the reality police protesting about grandpa's elixers, beer, recog or fortbite so this historically isn't targeted at the new candy either.


I get what you are saying, and that is when balance and playtesting come into the picture. We are the fun pimps, not the realistic pimps, or sim pimps, etc.


Fallout doesn't give you a vehicle because they don't want you to uncover the map in under a minute and engineering vehicles is a lot of scope. There are helicopters that do that later game, and super high tech power armor, prydwyn ships, etc so vehicles would be low on the tech totem pole. Also you have to deal with being nearly invulnerable in a vehicle and they have broken rubbish everywhere that isn't destroyable that would make the driving experience worse than ours.


They deliberately made the Skyrim horses slow AF so you couldn't uncover the map too fast. They were more of a ES staple than a "realistic horse" which would be able to run way faster and longer without gassing out. At the end of the day its all about the user experience the devs want to have, and never realism. Realism is bent or broken as needed to make the game fun and mold the experience to how the devs want it to be.

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Overhauling UMA is a higher priority and that isn't even really on the roadmap yet, but it needs to happen.

Does this mean we will have better looking players? I'm hoping they'll look similar to the traders since the character already looks out of place with all of the HD models.

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...so that means I can finally have my dual wielded rainbow assault goat i've been asking for since A8???



I always thought that the .44 magnum should be a dual wielded (akimbo) weapon. It's in a really weird spot right now as a viable weapon on it's own. No ADS, just shoot from the hip style.


We can both dream.

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sense alot of stuff is getting updated (in terms of looks)


will other stuff like guns , Armor and other stuff get a New look?


What I post is what you get. I don't want to make some ridiculous blanket statement like yes. Its sort of a case by case basis, but a ton of stuff has or is getting redone, but some things won't.

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Does this mean we will have better looking players? I'm hoping they'll look similar to the traders since the character already looks out of place with all of the HD models.


Everything is going to look better with the right shader and linear color space. The art hopefully gets redone on players but its a lower priority than other stuff because you only see them in MP or in your avatar window.

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...so that means I can finally have my dual wielded rainbow assault goat i've been asking for since A8???



that's almost as Scary as the Zombie camel with Steel armor and A mounted 50.cal with frag rounds that had a Tesla Coil that Zapped everything at 1000000 volts. Almost

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that's almost as Scary as the Zombie camel with Steel armor and A mounted 50.cal with frag rounds that had a Tesla Coil that Zapped everything at 1000000 volts. Almost

well I pictured that and I have to say I pull my hat there dear Sir, you definetely beat me! :-)


This is so far from participating in a constructive manner and still so hilarious...and this is just the thing that keeps me coming into this forum and chatting around, maybe sometimes giving ideas that may be or may not be considered, sometimes reporting bugs...well at least preventing me from just playing and enjoying the game at this "half-cooked-but-still-extremely-entertaining" state.

I really appreciate you and all the others here who keep this forum alive and mostly constructive and entertaining at the same time...THX!!!

...and yes...I had a few beer already :-)

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...and yes...I had a few beer already :-)




when im talking to people. im on much more then that... where am i anyway?



but thx you that was very nice of you to say. i am thankful that everyone is on the forums. im always excited to see whats to come to the game and the forums....... damn my life is sad, im just here to talk and see what people are up to. and im just sitting on my arse and thinking (how cool would it be if a Zombie had wings and swooped down like a eagle and had a Eco Blast.) OH well

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