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Base Building


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I've always been a big fan of building my own base in this game, even right from the start, so I tried to do that in Alpha 18.1 B4 and I have to say it actually went pretty according to plan overall. I played on nomad with default settings except for 90 minute days and by horde night I was level 14 with a gamestage of 31 as I spent half of the first week looting and killing/exploring and the rest farming and building. All in all I lost a decent amount of wooden spikes, used a fair bit of pistol ammo, and lost one random block but was otherwise relatively untouched so I'll definitely survive with this base for a couple more horde nights. Now I'm curious to see what other people have built, how their designs have worked out for them so far, and your opinions on base building in general as far as Alpha 18 is concerned.



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Theres one thing I dont get about a18 building.

Arent we getting xp for upgrading but not for building? Doesnt that mean that upgrading an entire wood base to cobblestone gives a ton of xp and building the same base of cobblestone gives 0 xp? Doesnt make sense IMO.

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Theres one thing I dont get about a18 building.

Arent we getting xp for upgrading but not for building? Doesnt that mean that upgrading an entire wood base to cobblestone gives a ton of xp and building the same base of cobblestone gives 0 xp? Doesnt make sense IMO.


It makes sense in that it is probably not coded in a way that placing blocks can give xp. Only using some type of tool.


But that is not exclusive to a18, we never could get xp from that.

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My group is using the same base we've used since A9 and it's always worked fine. The only difference is that our spikes are in one-deep pits now. Back until A17, we had a house surrounded by an inner and outer walls, and we farmed between the two. Now with the way zombies chew through blocks, we just fill in the bottom floor completely and then farm on the roof.


(this is pre-turrets/blade traps, and the flagstone ramp is the one we put in place before we get the outer wall built. once we do that, we tear down the inner-wall ramp and place one outside.)



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My group is using the same base we've used since A9 and it's always worked fine. The only difference is that our spikes are in one-deep pits now. Back until A17, we had a house surrounded by an inner and outer walls, and we farmed between the two. Now with the way zombies chew through blocks, we just fill in the bottom floor completely and then farm on the roof.


(this is pre-turrets/blade traps, and the flagstone ramp is the one we put in place before we get the outer wall built. once we do that, we tear down the inner-wall ramp and place one outside.)




Love it.

OP one too

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This is my A18 horde base design:




I'm having great fun with it as it balances passive and active defense. I can melee from relative safety or go ranged to deal with more pressing threats. The positioning of the electric fence makes zeds group up for easy headshots or molotov tosses. It needs a few mid-horde repairs to keep the blades spinning, but otherwise is very low maintenance. Horde nights are very exciting and fast paced as I race against the base to kill as quickly as possible.


My only real wish would be for the return of log spikes or a more durable trap option because CONSTANTLY replacing barbed wire fencing/spike traps is just annoying AF.

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It needs a few mid-horde repairs to keep the blades spinning, but otherwise is very low maintenance. Horde nights are very exciting and fast paced as I race against the base to kill as quickly as possible.


How does the design hold you up against the demolishers? I can imagine that the blade traps and relays will be destroyed immediately if such a zombie explodes nearby.

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How does the design hold you up against the demolishers? I can imagine that the blade traps and relays will be destroyed immediately if such a zombie explodes nearby.


To be perfectly honest, I haven't seen one yet. Not sure why. Gamestage is 153, FWIW.


The plan is to hit the demo as it approaches before it gets too close...I have a nice AK, so I'm hoping that will do the job. Worst case, I have to kill it while it's on my electro fence. Teh whole foot of the base is solid blocks, so even if it messes up the ramp a little the general design should hold. I can also upgrade the foot to steel for more blast resistance if it becomes an issue.


If a Demo gets all the way up to the blades I reckon I'm pretty screwed.

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To be perfectly honest, I haven't seen one yet. Not sure why. Gamestage is 153, FWIW.


The plan is to hit the demo as it approaches before it gets too close...I have a nice AK, so I'm hoping that will do the job. Worst case, I have to kill it while it's on my electro fence. Teh whole foot of the base is solid blocks, so even if it messes up the ramp a little the general design should hold. I can also upgrade the foot to steel for more blast resistance if it becomes an issue.


If a Demo gets all the way up to the blades I reckon I'm pretty screwed.


Well, if it gets too bad you just reverse the pitch of the blade traps and the entire base flies off to safety, right?

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My group is using the same base we've used since A9 and it's always worked fine. The only difference is that our spikes are in one-deep pits now. Back until A17, we had a house surrounded by an inner and outer walls, and we farmed between the two. Now with the way zombies chew through blocks, we just fill in the bottom floor completely and then farm on the roof.


(this is pre-turrets/blade traps, and the flagstone ramp is the one we put in place before we get the outer wall built. once we do that, we tear down the inner-wall ramp and place one outside.)




I like that design too, started doing it in A16 to utilize electric fences. Strong inner base with perimeter walkways. If i ever get down to actually play A18, i'd possibly do a simular design (again).

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This is my A18 horde base design:




I'm having great fun with it as it balances passive and active defense. I can melee from relative safety or go ranged to deal with more pressing threats. The positioning of the electric fence makes zeds group up for easy headshots or molotov tosses. It needs a few mid-horde repairs to keep the blades spinning, but otherwise is very low maintenance. Horde nights are very exciting and fast paced as I race against the base to kill as quickly as possible.


My only real wish would be for the return of log spikes or a more durable trap option because CONSTANTLY replacing barbed wire fencing/spike traps is just annoying AF.


That's a really cool looking base.

You could replace the barbed wire with water. It has infinite durability and slows down zombies dramatically. I used a similar base design (without the cool hanging blade traps) and it could handle A16 hordes just fine. In A18 I just cheese the zombies in 2 positions on my base and destroy the with sledge hammer.

I really like the hanging defense part. Might try it with other defenses too.

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That's a really cool looking base.

You could replace the barbed wire with water. It has infinite durability and slows down zombies dramatically. I used a similar base design (without the cool hanging blade traps) and it could handle A16 hordes just fine. In A18 I just cheese the zombies in 2 positions on my base and destroy the with sledge hammer.

I really like the hanging defense part. Might try it with other defenses too.


I didn't think of using water! That's a great tip, thanks!


The great thing about the hanging blades combined with the ramp placement is that the zeds essentially run into the blades head first. That means they all die fast, regardless of toughness, saving durability on the blades.


The only real issue this design has is dogs and spiders tend to clip through the leg-level plate giving cheap and annoying sprains.

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This is my A18 horde base design:




I'm having great fun with it as it balances passive and active defense. I can melee from relative safety or go ranged to deal with more pressing threats. The positioning of the electric fence makes zeds group up for easy headshots or molotov tosses. It needs a few mid-horde repairs to keep the blades spinning, but otherwise is very low maintenance. Horde nights are very exciting and fast paced as I race against the base to kill as quickly as possible.


My only real wish would be for the return of log spikes or a more durable trap option because CONSTANTLY replacing barbed wire fencing/spike traps is just annoying AF.


Its neat and nice blade base but trust me a few bombers is enough to break in unless you are playing in easy mode on..

Now iron spikes and turrets in far distance placement is a must for making bombers die without nearing your base.

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Its neat and nice blade base but trust me a few bombers is enough to break in unless you are playing in easy mode on..

Now iron spikes and turrets in far distance placement is a must for making bombers die without nearing your base.


Playing on default settings with no loot respawn. Demos will be my skill check, if they ever show up. If I can't kill them before they get too close then I deserve to die. Of course, I could modify the design, but I'm having too much fun with it ATM.


@Hollowprime: Water is weird. I got rid of all the barbed fences and filled in with water but it would only accept one or two buckets per trench. They are all filled now, but only...ankle high? Is that enough to produce the slow effect? Is there some way to get more water in?


I guess I'll find out right now...day 84 horde incoming.

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Playing on default settings with no loot respawn. Demos will be my skill check, if they ever show up. If I can't kill them before they get too close then I deserve to die. Of course, I could modify the design, but I'm having too much fun with it ATM.


@Hollowprime: Water is weird. I got rid of all the barbed fences and filled in with water but it would only accept one or two buckets per trench. They are all filled now, but only...ankle high? Is that enough to produce the slow effect? Is there some way to get more water in?


I guess I'll find out right now...day 84 horde incoming.


Use wood frames, stack say 2 high then aim the bucket at the top frame to empty.

It's pretty janky and takes a while etc but you will eventually get more depth.

Move frames as required etc for even depth.

Expect frustration tho.

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Eh...looks like I'll be starting a new game. I think my gamestage is bugged. It occurred to me that 153 for day 84 is pretty low...then the horde I just had confirmed it. It was easy to the point of boredom. Plenty of rads but only 2-3 cops, 2-3 soldiers, no wights, nothing else interesting.


Unless there's some way to fix gamestage looks like I'll be building this thing again from scratch.

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Increasing your difficulty level should increase the game stage. If you are on adventurer, your Gs May be completely normal for day 84. GS is also, or was also, lowered by deaths.


Also, keep in mind that MM said TFP designed A18 to have peaks and valleys in difficulty. In essence, you’d feel like a god and then get punched in the mouth. I can’t say whether this is accurate but if you keep playing that save you can find out.

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Eh...looks like I'll be starting a new game. I think my gamestage is bugged. It occurred to me that 153 for day 84 is pretty low...then the horde I just had confirmed it. It was easy to the point of boredom. Plenty of rads but only 2-3 cops, 2-3 soldiers, no wights, nothing else interesting.


Unless there's some way to fix gamestage looks like I'll be building this thing again from scratch.


Yes at least "warrior" above are mean to play this game sort of fun and challenge, normally survivalist is my way to go.

You will notice in day 14 onward theres is bombers and RAD Zed as well, even sometime my bridge tower base will failed when there is almost all kinds special Z is doing their job coming in.


One last things, you playing solo or bunch of friends? Cause the more players inside horde day the more Zeds will ruin your base faster.

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Yes at least "warrior" above are mean to play this game sort of fun and challenge, normally survivalist is my way to go.

You will notice in day 14 onward theres is bombers and RAD Zed as well, even sometime my bridge tower base will failed when there is almost all kinds special Z is doing their job coming in.


One last things, you playing solo or bunch of friends? Cause the more players inside horde day the more Zeds will ruin your base faster.


Solo. I hate people.

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Playing on default settings with no loot respawn. Demos will be my skill check, if they ever show up. If I can't kill them before they get too close then I deserve to die. Of course, I could modify the design, but I'm having too much fun with it ATM.


@Hollowprime: Water is weird. I got rid of all the barbed fences and filled in with water but it would only accept one or two buckets per trench. They are all filled now, but only...ankle high? Is that enough to produce the slow effect? Is there some way to get more water in?


I guess I'll find out right now...day 84 horde incoming.


We demand a video!!!!! 😎👍 sounds exciting!!!


- - - Updated - - -






Starter base, not to expensive, can be done first week.


That's alot of reinforced concrete for the 1st week. I'm assuming 90 or 120 min days?

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