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YooHoo, zombies oh, where are you?


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Tasty brains, over here!


The outdoor spawn seems way too low to me. I got back to the trader and realized I needed about 2100 XP so that I could get daring adventurer before I turned in my quest. I ran around the trader looking for some zombies to kill, and could find none. It was close to closing time and the nearest building was a kilometer away. I ran around the trader several times firing my AK into the air hoping to get some attention. Nothing. Is the spawn rate going to be adjusted, or does anyone know what file I can change to make them a little more plentiful?

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Tasty brains, over here!


The outdoor spawn seems way too low to me. I got back to the trader and realized I needed about 2100 XP so that I could get daring adventurer before I turned in my quest. I ran around the trader looking for some zombies to kill, and could find none. It was close to closing time and the nearest building was a kilometer away. I ran around the trader several times firing my AK into the air hoping to get some attention. Nothing. Is the spawn rate going to be adjusted, or does anyone know what file I can change to make them a little more plentiful?


Personally I've seen more zombies wandering around than in A17. I've spent most of my current play through in the snow biome.

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Tasty brains, over here!


The outdoor spawn seems way too low to me. I got back to the trader and realized I needed about 2100 XP so that I could get daring adventurer before I turned in my quest. I ran around the trader looking for some zombies to kill, and could find none. It was close to closing time and the nearest building was a kilometer away. I ran around the trader several times firing my AK into the air hoping to get some attention. Nothing. Is the spawn rate going to be adjusted, or does anyone know what file I can change to make them a little more plentiful?


I never cared much about the random zombies I would run into outside of cities. I would like to see a higher spawn rate of zombies in cities/towns as small roaming hordes.


Or maybe give every roaming zombie a "screamer ability" that attracts more zombies to your location if you do not quickly dispatch it. Maybe this could reduce the strain on the system while increasing the number of zombies you run into.

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Personally I've seen more zombies wandering around than in A17. I've spent most of my current play through in the snow biome.


That's where my trader was. I did a buried supplies quest that was about 600 m away from him. The only zombies I ran into on the way there and back were the ones that spawned after you grab the supplies. I remember a lot of posts asking for more zombies outside, but I don't remember anyone asking for less zombies outside Ever since A17, it just feels like they want to force us into buildings. Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.

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The spawn rates have been adjusted, but so have been POI sleeper spawns. Depends how much "noise" you make i think. In general i find it good to not constantly look behind your shoulder or constantly fend off big groups of Zs. Although i did have a couple smaller and one big Wandering Horde before my 7th day.

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The spawn rates have been adjusted, but so have been POI sleeper spawns. Depends how much "noise" you make i think. In general i find it good to not constantly look behind your shoulder or constantly fend off big groups of Zs. Although i did have a couple smaller and one big Wandering Horde before my 7th day.


I am happy with the sleeper spawns myself, the current spawn rate for sleepers just makes sense compared to before where even a small square house would have 10-15 zombies. Now it seems to have a variance, as i've seen the same poi have more and less sleepers at times.

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Tasty brains, over here!


The outdoor spawn seems way too low to me.


It got nerfed. It's bad. The world is dead now. I am extremely disappointed with this change, especially since I recall precisely NO ONE asking for it.


The are changing the sub-title on the loading screen from 'The Survival Horde Crafting Game' to 'The Survival Small Group Crafting Game'

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I ran around the trader several times firing my AK into the air hoping to get some attention. Nothing. Is the spawn rate going to be adjusted, or does anyone know what file I can change to make them a little more plentiful?



This is a huge disappointment! I've done this too in the WASTELAND at NIGHT. You don't even have to worry about being quiet outside..there just isn't near enough zombies outdoors. Running around jump up and down shooting a gun up in the air - you know - just looking like a fool - I should have been lunch..but I barely have anything but maybe a couple feral'd zeds at night outside that I can catch the attention of.


They need to utilize the heat-system to spawn zombies as well. Maybe even 25% heat could trigger an increase in the base spawn count or something. Because, currently they are both A) too few and B) have a really poor detect range - shooting a weapon standing under a lamp light and jumping up and down should at least send a dozen zeds your way in a wasteland city.

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Personally I've seen more zombies wandering around than in A17. I've spent most of my current play through in the snow biome.


I have to agree. The same level if not more wandering around during the day and quite a bit more animals as well. Got killed by my first cougar yesterday.


"Oh neat an ore node! I'll just mark that on my map and..."


ROAR!!! and now I'm cat food.

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I admit I find these posts strange because I haven't touched spawn rates and I find wandering zombies all the time. Only thing I'd say is towns need a bigger wandering population than wilderness but at no point have I spent more than 15 seconds trying to find a zombie.


I'm playing Nav though, I'm starting to wonder if it's a RWG issue maybe? By the 3rd night living in an area it's rare to see less than 3 from my front door.

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I admit I find these posts strange because I haven't touched spawn rates and I find wandering zombies all the time. Only thing I'd say is towns need a bigger wandering population than wilderness but at no point have I spent more than 15 seconds trying to find a zombie.


I'm playing Nav though, I'm starting to wonder if it's a RWG issue maybe? By the 3rd night living in an area it's rare to see less than 3 from my front door.


Agreeing with you I am playing RWG and there are wandering singular zombies-o-plenty.

In town as well too. Why can't we just get a slider to adjust the amount of zombies in the game?

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I admit I find these posts strange because I haven't touched spawn rates and I find wandering zombies all the time. Only thing I'd say is towns need a bigger wandering population than wilderness but at no point have I spent more than 15 seconds trying to find a zombie.


I'm playing Nav though, I'm starting to wonder if it's a RWG issue maybe? By the 3rd night living in an area it's rare to see less than 3 from my front door.


Well, I can say that Navezgane has always had a bit more zombies in general than RWG -it used to have specifically designated spawners that didn't rely on the outdoor POI spawner that we no longer have - so you'd still get dogs spawning around the hospital - cops spawning around a factory, etc I don't know if that's changed or not since last time I played it which was a LONG time ago at this point.


But, my biggest gripe isn't about the lack of zeds out in the middle of nowhere - I think that's about right..It's that afaik there's not a spawner that distinguishes towns from just an empty biome - so you get the same amount of zeds even when you're in a city - which is not enough. We used to have to 'clear towns' in order to even get in the POIs..now the towns are just flat empty aside from a couple strays (part of the biome spawner) and all the bulk of any zombies that we actually have to combat are sleeping in the houses. This means you can run around town looting the outside of it with hardly any threat..stripping down cars..looting mailboxes,,trash,, taking brass from the lights, etc..there is a LOT and i mean a LOT of loot you can get without even stepping foot inside of a POI - and there's no zombies to challenge you to take it..even when you're firing loud weapons like an Ak47 to kill the one or two that you do occasionally see.


Ideally, if you were to start firing weapons - it should attract a large group to investigate..which is why I said maybe they could trigger some more zombies to spawn using their heat system so that if you make a lot of noise, it at least has a risk. Say at somewhere around 10-25% intervals - you get a few zeds to investigate - up to 100% to where the actual screamer comes..Right now - stealth is only useful for going in the poi carnival dungeons..you can be as loud and foolish as you want to be outside and you'll still encounter the same few strays.

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I admit I find these posts strange because I haven't touched spawn rates and I find wandering zombies all the time. Only thing I'd say is towns need a bigger wandering population than wilderness but at no point have I spent more than 15 seconds trying to find a zombie.


I'm playing Nav though, I'm starting to wonder if it's a RWG issue maybe? By the 3rd night living in an area it's rare to see less than 3 from my front door.


This is also what I'm seeing. I've played a combination of RWG (pregen 2) and Nav.


This morning before work I jumped in while eating breakfast.


Day 2, near Traitor Joel's in the middle-western side of the pine forest area there. Went from my POI past Joel's and into the pawn shop to the east, cleared the pawn shop and headed back to my POI.


Zombie Kill count is 39; and at least half of that is "wilderness" zombies. Also while clearing the pawn shop I was interrupted three times by zombies outside the shop and had to interrupt my looting / clearing to go handle those zombies. (Well, technically I didn't *have* to...but zombie noises bug me...and I have a difficult time just letting them be. :\

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Its sad actually seeing LESS zombies than a17 , sure theres less in pois which is good but also less again outside! You can make as much noise as you like and attract no attention.

So far 18 has got a lot right, but having a zombie horde game without the horde is ludicrous! Even the biggest cities are empty, its almost become an isolation sim.

It seems odd that numbers reduce with every alpha now, we can only hope this will be addressed somewhere down the line.

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Yeh too bad no one predicted this... :)


But yeh, nothing to worry about outside, and the most telling issue was doing the apts and getting 0-1 zeds per (rarely 2).


Total snoozefest. MM definitely made it based in his newbie skill level, so it sucks for the rest of us.


Ah well.

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And this is the reason why I'm hesitant in upgrading to A18 down the road.


I'm glad to hear they reduced the ridiculousness of POI zombies (it still iritates me when I seen how they mysteriously hide in cabinets and fake ceilings lol), but hearing the majority claim the lack of zombies in the world, (a world where I'll assume is based off of our own), where there are 7 billion people, and yet devoid of the undead? Replaced with smaller numbers that are bullet sponges? Sorry, but that's a very weak way to address difficultly in a game.


I can accept there being a ratio based upon biomes, like the Desert being not as populated since it is a desert, but in towns/cities, that should be thriving with the undead. If we go with classic zombie (TWD) or even rage type zombies (WWZ), they all follow one golden rule, noise will attract them and they will travel in a herd like state to the source.


Don't get me wrong, it shouldn't be so high that you have to kill 100 just to get to the end of a street, but seeing them wandering in the distance just bring's an atmosphere that's amazing.


One of my favorite moments visually was last year, it was getting dark and fog began to roll through. As my friend and me ran through a forest biome in a rush to get back home, the various zombies were in hot pursuit. I stopped and spun around to see the gap, and I froze in complete admiration of how amazing it looked. The entire atmosphere was out of a true horror movie. Darkened forest, heavily engulfed in fog as silhouette's of the undead began to emerge from the thickness of the fog. No game will ever be perfect per say, but this moment in that game was damn near the definition of it, and I praise TFP's for that being possible.


So the many reports of lack of zombies in the open world is depressing. Unfortunately I am unable to play it right now, so you all have my complete jealousy lol, but I really do hope they decide to adjust this, or as many suggested before, find a way to add in a slider so the player can personalize the amount, but one that could adjust the bullet sponge either separately or simultaneously to compensate for the number increase.

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