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Turrets Syndrome?


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wither[ with-er ]


verb (used without object)

to shrivel; fade; decay:

The grapes had withered on the vine.

to lose the freshness of youth, as from age (often followed by away).

verb (used with object)

to make flaccid, shrunken, or dry, as from loss of moisture; cause to lose freshness, bloom, vigor, etc.:

The drought withered the buds.

to affect harmfully:

Reputations were withered by the scandal.

to abash, as by a scathing glance:

a look that withered him.





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I had a girlfriend who was a stripper and she made 300.00 cash at her night job, she basically just made horny guys hornier and then she would forget it and walk away with hundreds of dollars in cash, this was in the mid 90s so $300.00 as a part time night job was a quite a bit of money. I did not mind at all and I am sure she did not either and explained she was an Exotic Dancer not a stripper BTW.


The one zombie having convulsions seems to be a meth head and its possible the large woman zombie may remind people of their aunts, I call her "big bertha" as an affectionate name. Some people may have family that are cops and that may make them uncomfortable with the way they are portrayed.


Lots of games have subject manner that people will always be offended by, possibly who they personally identify with may be portrayed in bad taste in a game, its just human nature.


Its possible there are a lot of demons in hell that are truly offended with Doom series and that they are always being portrayed as the bad guys.

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Some who are suffering from it have actually spoken up and found it hilarious...


People don't get to be "not offended" on behalf of others.


Someone with a neurological disorder doesn't get to excuse insensitivity on behalf of others just because they, personally, aren't offended by it. You don't get to interject when someone is bothered by something and say "oh, I have X too, it's fine." You CAN stick up for people in tough situations by opposing insensitive behavior though. In this case in particular, why on earth would someone with Tourette's divulge their medical history to complain about this, ESPECIALLY given the other responses on this forum to things like this?


Still don't get it? next time someone cuts right in front of you in a line and you're getting upset by it, imagine someone at the far back of the line...or even better yet, already ahead of you, saying "Oh it's OK, I don't mind..."

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People don't get to be "not offended" on behalf of others.


You're correct sir! The strange thing is the only people who seem to have any real beef with the perk name are people who don't have the syndrome claiming it's offensive, speaking on behalf of ALL TOURETTES PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. The amount of ego involved to say that something offends an entire demographic is insane.


Someone with a neurological disorder doesn't get to excuse insensitivity on behalf of others just because they, personally, aren't offended by it. You don't get to interject when someone is bothered by something and say "oh, I have X too, it's fine."


Okay well by that logic you don't get to interject when people find something funny. Still don't get it? Imagine a comedian tells a produce joke and you laugh because it was a good joke. Then someone next to you in the crowd (who clearly has never planted a seed in his life) says "That's not funny, it's offensive to farmers and demeans the work that they do". Then they shoot the comedian for being a farmist piece of garbage and burn the whole theater down.

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Okay well by that logic you don't get to interject when people find something funny.

no, you're misrepresenting my point. You ARE able to interject that something IS offensive - but you don't get to tell people that something is "ok" and that something they find offensive isn't.

Still don't get it? Imagine a comedian tells a produce joke and you laugh because it was a good joke. Then someone next to you in the crowd (who clearly has never planted a seed in his life) says "That's not funny, it's offensive to farmers and demeans the work that they do".
See here's what I don't get, you absolutely butcher and misrepresent my point...and then perfectly illustrate it right after...This is exactly right. That person may well be offended and have every right to be offended. YOU don't get to use the half-a** excuse "oh, it was just a joke"


Then they shoot the comedian for being a farmist piece of garbage and burn the whole theater down.
uh-huh. sure.


You seem to assume that the people saying that the name is insensitive are offended FOR others. That we're trying to speak for people who can't speak for themselves. We aren't, I'm not. I'M offended by the insensitivity. It's making light of a neurological disorder. A neurological disorder that is oft misunderstood and mocked and mistreated due to blanket, harmful, or untrue stereotypes. Stereotypes perpetrated by situations like this skill name.


There. Now I've told you WHY it's insensitive. It makes light of something unfortunate. It invites people to chuckle at and make a joke of something that people struggle to deal with. It doesn't directly affect me. But it absolutely INDIRECTLY affects me, and an unbelievably vast number of other people. Making light of this is symptomatic of a culture that demeans and jokes about differences and the struggles of others. When later on, someone mocks and jokes about something that you, personally, might struggle horribly with, know that defending the behavior when it was aimed at others might directly lead to others leaving you all on your own when it's your personal struggle.


Is it huge infraction? some catastrophically insensitive thing that will hurt a group of people for years to come? Not in the slightest...but it's still insensitive, and in this particular case UNBELIEVABLY EASY to rectify....so...why not rename it? Why not rename it because if nothing else, this post shows that there certainly are people that DO find it insensitive. Unless the naming of the perk and choosing not to name it shows exactly what the powers-that-be in this game think of people who are bothered by something in the game - which is the case they've shown time and again, with the stripper zombie, with the "rude" trader, etc.


So we keep chiming in. Because whether they change it or not, people who are bothered by it can at least come to the forums and see that not everyone brushes it off, and that some people will call it out when they see it.

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no, you're misrepresenting my point. You ARE able to interject that something IS offensive - but you don't get to tell people that something is "ok" and that something they find offensive isn't.


Uhh... Okay? That's a pretty blatant double standard. You can make the claim that something is offensive but you're not allowed to disagree with that? Not even people with Tourettes who have explicitly voiced that they liked the pun? How is this a fair argument at this point?


See here's what I don't get, you absolutely butcher and misrepresent my point...and then perfectly illustrate it right after...This is exactly right. That person may well be offended and have every right to be offended. YOU don't get to use the half-a** excuse "oh, it was just a joke" uh-huh. sure.


Actually yes we do get to use that "excuse", there is a huge difference between intentionally trying to verbally abuse people and trying to get a laugh. When people get offended over jokes they seem to forget that there wasn't any harm intended, the only harm coming from the joke is in their own head. They're working themselves up and finding an invisible cat in a dark room in a pocket dimension that doesn't exist. Especially in this case. The only link between the disease and the perk name is that their syllables happen to be similar in pronunciation. That's it. No harm, no spite, no bitterness. It's just a pun. A really clever one at that.


You seem to assume that the people saying that the name is insensitive are offended FOR others. That we're trying to speak for people who can't speak for themselves. We aren't, I'm not. I'M offended by the insensitivity. It's making light of a neurological disorder. A neurological disorder that is oft misunderstood and mocked and mistreated due to blanket, harmful, or untrue stereotypes. Stereotypes perpetrated by situations like this skill name.


...How? How on god's green earth is this perk name contributing to systemic oppression of sufferers of Tourette's? More importantly, why is making light of something bad? You know I'd like to think that people who suffer from things would rather have a chuckle about themselves then wallow in misery over their condition. Oh wait, that's actually the case! Several people with the syndrome have commented now saying that they liked it! Personally if I were in their position I wouldn't be able to sleep, but I guess they have much bigger problems in life than a video game with a single pun.


There. Now I've told you WHY it's insensitive. It makes light of something unfortunate. It invites people to chuckle at and make a joke of something that people struggle to deal with. It doesn't directly affect me. But it absolutely INDIRECTLY affects me, and an unbelievably vast number of other people. Making light of this is symptomatic of a culture that demeans and jokes about differences and the struggles of others. When later on, someone mocks and jokes about something that you, personally, might struggle horribly with, know that defending the behavior when it was aimed at others might directly lead to others leaving you all on your own when it's your personal struggle.


Again, why is making light of it a bad thing? And hell yes we live in a society, we like humor and comedy. And it turns out the best way to get a good laugh is to make light of something dark. It makes the dark thing not so scary anymore, comedy is a comfort to us. I'm kind of short myself and I'm a bit conscious of it, but I still laugh at 5'11" vs 6'0" jokes. Again most people would rather laugh about their misfortune than wallow in it. Wanna see an example of people who can't laugh at themselves and get offended over everything at their expense? Look up a subreddit called "braincels", you're in for a treat.


Is it huge infraction? some catastrophically insensitive thing that will hurt a group of people for years to come? Not in the slightest...but it's still insensitive, and in this particular case UNBELIEVABLY EASY to rectify....so...why not rename it? Why not rename it because if nothing else, this post shows that there certainly are people that DO find it insensitive. Unless the naming of the perk and choosing not to name it shows exactly what the powers-that-be in this game think of people who are bothered by something in the game - which is the case they've shown time and again, with the stripper zombie, with the "rude" trader, etc.


So we keep chiming in. Because whether they change it or not, people who are bothered by it can at least come to the forums and see that not everyone brushes it off, and that some people will call it out when they see it.


I mean, if the TFP clearly don't care about PC culture and don't care that "it's insensitive", why are you here? Most people despise PC culture because it sucks the fun out of everything, and trust me when I say that this mindset of "eveything is offensive" is not liked in 7DTD. Let alone society. We live in a society.



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We live in a society.




Yup. Can I also point out that the whole "and we need to point it out!" stance is a bit ridiculous? Turns life into a giant game of "I spy: oppression edition." "I spy something that oppresses...hmm....Lefties!"

And let's be honest: Who -actually- liked playing I Spy? I sure as heck didn't.

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.... Stereotypes perpetrated by situations like this skill name.


There. Now I've told you WHY it's insensitive. It makes light of something unfortunate. It invites people to chuckle at and make a joke of something that people struggle to deal with. It doesn't directly affect me.


There has to be a middle ground somewhere. If we go to the extremes of not offending anyone the slightest even by proxy, all jokes would have to be abolished about sex, ethnicities, death, ailments, .... Seriously, at the end nothing is left to joke about.


Most of the time people directly affected by the topic of a joke like them when it is presented in a light and not demeaning manner, if it hits the "right way". The south park episode and the reaction of the tourret society shows that you can make jokes that are acceptable and you can make jokes that are not.


I've got a question though: Which stereotype is perpetrated by this skill name? As far as I can see the name was selected simply because tourret sounds like turret and that seems quite obvious. I don't see any other similarity between them.

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The middle ground is making an effort. Listening to people who are, or MIGHT BE hurt, directly or indirectly, by something, and re-evaluating and changing behavior based on that. Does PC culture affect people in ways they wish it didn't? sure. But look at those jokes about sex, ethnicity, ailments...how many of them perpetrate negative or unhealthy views about those things? or contribute to the intolerance of other practices. How many people in healthy Polyamorous relationships are hurt by the sterotypes that jokes about "cheating significant others" perpetrate? How many sex jokes praise are built around the assumption that men who sleep with everyone they can are to be admired, but women who do the same are to be shunned? How many people are hurt by ethnic jokes reinforcing some ridiculous stereotype that doesn't CAUSE, but CONTRIBUTES to how a population is viewed?


Yeah, PC culture makes life a little bit rougher on the privileged, but it's pushback against society's culture of repression of anything "different." As someone who is different from the norm in SOME way, that resonates with me.

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The middle ground is making an effort. Listening to people who are, or MIGHT BE hurt, directly or indirectly, by something, and re-evaluating and changing behavior based on that.


There's a difference between "trying to appeal to as many as possible" and "trying to avoid offending as few as possible", I think we're squarely in the realm of TFP "trying to appeal to as many as possible" which is EXACTLY what they SHOULD be doing.

TFP have done nothing wrong. Please move along.

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The middle ground is making an effort. Listening to people who are, or MIGHT BE hurt, directly or indirectly, by something, and re-evaluating and changing behavior based on that. Does PC culture affect people in ways they wish it didn't? sure. But look at those jokes about sex, ethnicity, ailments...how many of them perpetrate negative or unhealthy views about those things? or contribute to the intolerance of other practices. How many people in healthy Polyamorous relationships are hurt by the sterotypes that jokes about "cheating significant others" perpetrate? How many sex jokes praise are built around the assumption that men who sleep with everyone they can are to be admired, but women who do the same are to be shunned? How many people are hurt by ethnic jokes reinforcing some ridiculous stereotype that doesn't CAUSE, but CONTRIBUTES to how a population is viewed?


Dude I can't even take you seriously anymore, the "middle ground" to you is just to agree with you and do what you say. We have already heard your opinion out but you're now angry that we have failed to agree with you even when considering your perspective. We have basically unanimously concluded that it is ridiculous to take the pun seriously, and this social court has adjured. And you can't accept that. That's PC culture in a nutshell.


PC culture is a universal cancer, in taints everything it touches. And unsurprisingly people don't like that. Also apparently joking about thing perpetuates negative stereotypes about them? ...No? I'm a broken record now, NO ONE IS HARMING ANYONE WITH A DUMB PUN. NO ONE IS CONTRIBUTING TO ANYTHING WITH A DUMB PUN. THE ONLY PURPOSE OF THE PUN IS TO BE A JOKE. Okay?


Yeah, PC culture makes life a little bit rougher on the privileged, but it's pushback against society's culture of repression of anything "different." As someone who is different from the norm in SOME way, that resonates with me.


What are you on my dude? I said "we live in a society" as a joke, I didn't think you sincerely thought that way lmao

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Part of my enjoyment of a game like this is imagining a world where most people are gone and society along with it. I don’t waste much time thinking about what offends other people, especially when I don’t even like most people. They cause problems in oh so many ways.


People suck. I can prove my theory, and I'll even show my work on a piece of scratch paper with a pencil if needed.


Comet/Runaway Meteor 2020 - The only candidates that will solve all the problems.

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PC culture is a universal cancer, in taints everything it touches.





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or here...












I used to work in a mill years ago and the gentlemen who worked in the machine shop used to "pick on" this one guy of limited IQ almost without mercy. From hiding his lunch to filling his jacket sleeves with shaving cream to screwing his belt to a picnic table (he was still wearing it).


I was pretty horrified at how they treated this guy. Really. After talking to him, and getting over my own misconceptions I realized something...this guy FAR preferred his status as the "village idiot" compared to what had happened at other places he worked. At the mill, he had a bunch of "older brothers" who picked on him....but he was still family. They didn't shun him...they talked to him...he WAS part of the crew.


This would never fly today of course. He'd be subjected to some sort of remedial BS or turned into some lawyer's cash-cow. In case there's any confusion, I'm not suggesting that we all go out and pick on the slow guy. I'm just saying that we all have a bad habit of insulating rather than integrating. For more information, please watch Gran Torino.




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Me not being offended is just as valid as someone who IS offended, so why do people expect the offended parties to be catered to? Hell I'm double offended because I find THAT offensive... So do I win?


Equal rights for all, I say.


If you really want to protest, do it with your wallet.


...but to be fair, it's a funny name, but a dumb application. What's the connection other than rhyming? Junk words, junk scrap? I dunno...

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I've Tourette's, too. I can't laugh about that joke, I don't think it's funny, but it really doesn't trigger me. There definitely are jokes you shouldn't do, and some will offend me (for example it's not funny to show off bad habits and then explain it with Tourette's that you don't have. Tourette's is not a free pass to do stupid things and get away with it).

But this is not one of them. So if some guys think it's funny, let them laugh. It doesn't make fun about tics, it's just a pun.

I really don't need to feel hurt because of every joke related to Tourette's. In the end, the most important ability when you live with Tourette's is to step back a bit and laugh about yourself. Life is really not easy sometimes. But if you can't laugh about yourself, you will have an even harder time.

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Hey Morloc, the top one for me, unquestionably. Does the top bar photo cater to people with disabilities? I would like to be able to use my handicapped placard because I only have one foot and sometimes it can get painful to walk and all.


I am so glad I don't see any jokes about being an amputee, Captain "One-Leg" Willie they call me around here, don't even get me started on those guys.


Actually I have been fortunate and they are working on making me a new prosthesis complete a new plastic foot and with brand new liners, I have been using the same prosthesis for 10 years so I guess its time for a new one.


You know its funny when you think you have it soooo bad and then you see someone who has it worse than you and it can be humbling, I mean I could be paralyzed and unable to walk at all, so I am fortunate to be able to walk with my prosthesis.

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