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Yall gona try to launch A18 during Borderlands 3?


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I bet it won't be long until a utility is available that will be able to merge your game library from whatever source. Probably already exists....


Good Guy CDPR has got you.


Gog Galaxy already does this.




Once you connect GOG GALAXY 2.0 with other platforms, it will import all your games into one library. You will see your friends activities and online status across connected platforms. All new library and friends features apply to your GOG.COM games and enhance your experience. And it’s designed to protect your privacy – your data belongs to you and will never be shared with third parties. We see it as an all-in-one solution for the present-day gamer.

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I am happy you got into it...


I can remember the lightning at night and being afraid to walk in certain areas of the zone and trying to be very careful not to walk into a group of mutants. Also entering building and being very careful where I step was also tense and scary at night playing with headphones on. The gun battles with the bandits was also very exiting and lasted a long time due to the AI having good tactics and you have to be very tactical yourself in your approach when entering a large battle, using cover and picking the right gun for the battle. When you get the sniper rifle in the game you will really appreciate the power of it and you will be using it a lot and of course the wear on weapons is a bummer in the game but it is realistic. The game is not that great graphically but it captures the realistic feel of what it would be like if you were dumb enough to actually wander around the real Chernobyl.


I remember my first encounter with S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl (first game from the series). The game was not stable on my system back then, long loading screens, poor performance. But holy crap this game treated me well. The soundtrack was increadible, gameplay seemed very hermetic, weather effects and the spectacle of lights and shadows was stunning at that time. Storyline was addressed to ADULT AUDIENCE, I was just a teenager back then. I was really scared and psyched up while exploring any underground complex, counted every bullet/med pack. Ive installed Call of Chernobyl mod for Call of Prypiat with other mods and addons, this is great so far.



Look at the current market... colourful Fortnut wanna be clones dedicated for young audience :tickled_pink:.Im waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 and already finished Metro and Metro:Last Night.


7DTD is a perfect game for spending long hours with mates and some jump scare moments can be found too. 7DTD seems unique on its own that why I play it too.

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Good Guy CDPR has got you.


Gog Galaxy already does this.




Well, almost. Galaxy 2.0 isn't available to everyone yet, and AFAIK, it doesn't have access to a couple libraries (including Steam), unless some of them are installed.

Don't get me wrong, I hope that Galaxy 2.0 delivers. I'm just not going to hold my breath, because I have a feeling that despite community pressure, some of the AAA companies like Ubi and EA won't sign on to this idea, and neither will Steam. They'll want you to use THEIR launcher, covered in THEIR ads and full of THEIR data collection method under THEIR terms.


That said, I'd gladly get BL3, but none of my friends are getting it, and I think the franchise is terribly boring solo. So, until I have peeps to play with, I'll pass on BL3. Which frees me up to play A18, whenever that drops :p

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I remember my first encounter with S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl (first game from the series). The game was not stable on my system back then, long loading screens, poor performance. But holy crap this game treated me well. The soundtrack was increadible, gameplay seemed very hermetic, weather effects and the spectacle of lights and shadows was stunning at that time. Storyline was addressed to ADULT AUDIENCE, I was just a teenager back then. I was really scared and psyched up while exploring any underground complex, counted every bullet/med pack. Ive installed Call of Chernobyl mod for Call of Prypiat with other mods and addons, this is great so far.



Look at the current market... colourful Fortnut wanna be clones dedicated for young audience :tickled_pink:.Im waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 and already finished Metro and Metro:Last Night.


7DTD is a perfect game for spending long hours with mates and some jump scare moments can be found too. 7DTD seems unique on its own that why I play it too.

I played Metro 2033 and it was good but still not quite S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I have yet to go with Last Light because my PCs not up to the task and getting a new PC is behind an unholy amount of credit card debt.


I play 7 Days primarily for its base building and the creative tools you have to make any kind of structure be it above or below and the possibilities of that are endless.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 sounds great to me but again I will not have the PC to play anytime soon. I could have sworn it was cancelled but I'm glad it wasn't.


I love the video thank you for the link. I could only imagine what 7 Days to Die would be like in the X-Ray engine, but it would be something worth any AAA game price it could ask for. It seems like 7 Days A17 is almost too pretty for its play style of survival horror compared to the X-ray engine. The Voxel engine in 7 Days is what makes difference, the completely destructible and build-able world could never hold the darker, grittier, atmospheric look of any S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game but after watching the video I wish it could be possible. It would surely be worth paying any price for and the devs would be Game-Gods if they could pull it off, Borderlands 3 would be a joke compared to it.

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I never understood why some ppl like Borderlands so much. I played it for an hour and had enough of it. Just mindless clicking and shooting without any challenge. Although I don't keep high hopes for A18 ( like i did for A17 ) I will much rather play A18 instead of mindless Borderlands... I don't even know how can you compare the two since its completely different genre.

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I never understood why some ppl like Borderlands so much. I played it for an hour and had enough of it. Just mindless clicking and shooting without any challenge. Although I don't keep high hopes for A18 ( like i did for A17 ) I will much rather play A18 instead of mindless Borderlands... I don't even know how can you compare the two since its completely different genre.


And you cant love awesome games of different genres?


7d2d is the best survival+crafting game out there, and I love it. Borderlands is maybe in my top10 games of all times (and I may have played about 300 in the last 24 years).


Both games bring different things to the table.

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I never understood why some ppl like Borderlands so much. I played it for an hour and had enough of it. Just mindless clicking and shooting without any challenge. Although I don't keep high hopes for A18 ( like i did for A17 ) I will much rather play A18 instead of mindless Borderlands... I don't even know how can you compare the two since its completely different genre.


An hour isn't really enough to get into the story and discover the challenges - BL2 can get off to a slow start, especially if you are not familiar with the game. When I first played BL2, I spent an hour or so and quit, and did not come back to it for a long time. Now I'm finishing a 200 hour play through, and decided to do another play through as a different class.


But ya know, some of us like chocolate ice cream, others die for strawberry. I'm more of a rocky road person myself, never really cared for chocolate.

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I never understood why some ppl like Borderlands so much. I played it for an hour and had enough of it. Just mindless clicking and shooting without any challenge. Although I don't keep high hopes for A18 ( like i did for A17 ) I will much rather play A18 instead of mindless Borderlands... I don't even know how can you compare the two since its completely different genre.


One hour? Yeah well didn´t even see a real boss then. Terramorphus, the OP Levels for example. Pyro Pete solo? One hell of a challenging fight. There is people with hundreds of hours who never beat him solo.


There is no match for the challenge found in Borderlands here in 7D2D. All easy stuff here compared to BL.


Also this is about eventually launching a new alpha during the release of a popular game and not a comparison.

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I'm more of a rocky road person myself, never really cared for chocolate.


I read through pages of posts arguing for and against what zombies are without getting triggered but this crosses the line.


What do you think rocky road is and how the hell can you be a rocky road person if you don’t like chocolate?


Without chocolate you are simply eating a bag of marshmallows and nuts.....

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i read through pages of posts arguing for and against what zombies are without getting triggered but this crosses the line.


What do you think rocky road is and how the hell can you be a rocky road person if you don’t like chocolate?


Without chocolate you are simply eating a bag of marshmallows and nuts.....


i loooove rocky road, put another dime in the juke box baby!

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