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Are AI bandits coming with 18 for sure ?


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Seriously? Any reason why? Are they hard to code in or something?

Yes. The AI for them is going to be extremely complex. This isn't like other games where your enemy has a simple AI and is only needing to path around a set stage. Not only the the AI behavior going to be more varied and complex, but you also have to design it to be aware of it's surroundings in a constantly changing voxel world.

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Haven't noticed any speed up in release times in the last few years..


Me neither, but it's the stated reason.


...what's ironic is that this is the time where I'd normally be playing the crap out of mods, but despite this alpha having the most mod support out of any previous alpha, the base version sucks so much even mods are "meh".


I blame the level gated skill/perk system, which is quite frankly a bitch to mod out. I blame the dungeon crawls, the lower biome spawns/wandering hordes, and the new ai which makes building a chore rather than fun, and I blame gamestages, which only ensure that you're repeating the previous week's behavior since nothing gets done "faster" than the week before, just slightly different.


But a lot of the a18 changes will help. I'm confident.

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Yes. The AI for them is going to be extremely complex. This isn't like other games where your enemy has a simple AI and is only needing to path around a set stage. Not only the the AI behavior going to be more varied and complex, but you also have to design it to be aware of it's surroundings in a constantly changing voxel world.

Interesting. Thanks. I hope they get added because they'll add a fun new dynamic.

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Me neither, but it's the stated reason.


...what's ironic is that this is the time where I'd normally be playing the crap out of mods, but despite this alpha having the most mod support out of any previous alpha, the base version sucks so much even mods are "meh".


I blame the level gated skill/perk system, which is quite frankly a bitch to mod out. I blame the dungeon crawls, the lower biome spawns/wandering hordes, and the new ai which makes building a chore rather than fun, and I blame gamestages, which only ensure that you're repeating the previous week's behavior since nothing gets done "faster" than the week before, just slightly different.


But a lot of the a18 changes will help. I'm confident.


I dont see how A18 will improve some of those things you listed, such as lower biome/ wandering horde spawns and gamestages. :(

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Haven't noticed any speed up in release times in the last few years..


In a way there is a speed up. Until and including A17 each alpha took longer than the previous one (with a few exceptions). A18 seems to be a few months shorter than A17, against that trend


Some of the mods have bandits in them if im not mistaken, can just do those


These bandits are left overs from experiments by TFP to add bandits (probably augmented with a few improvements by modders). If TFP thought them not good enough for vanilla 2 years ago they probably still think that today.

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The bandits were pretty good in War of the Walkers A16. They were definitely a bigger threat than the zombies. I probably died more by their hands than the zombies in the early game. Bandits with guns are dead eyes. Although, there was this one time when I went into a store and a bandit with a rocket launcher saw me and shot a shelf right by him and blew himself up. It was awesome.

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Yes. The AI for them is going to be extremely complex. This isn't like other games where your enemy has a simple AI and is only needing to path around a set stage. Not only the the AI behavior going to be more varied and complex, but you also have to design it to be aware of it's surroundings in a constantly changing voxel world.


Maybe I don't understand the desired performance. Why can't they just be like really rare mobs that have a larger aggro distance and carry guns?


I've seen these implemented already in mods, and they worked pretty well.


One server basically did away with zombies entirely in A16, created a dozen or so classes of bandits, and gave each of them special weaponry/assets/run speed/loot tables. It was a very refreshing take on survival when a lot of the entities you go up against have ranged weaponry, create gun shot noises and shouting that attracts other bandits, and are very lethal.


You could even tie them to the prefabs somewhat (bandit camp for one).

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