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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Again why is everyone taking the black and white on this? I said if we made the terrain static, and had voxel buildings we'd have saved tons of time and had 60 fps on potatoes and 500 zeds on screen. Yeah lets cling to mining instead of take the game where it needed to go.


I like this idea as an option. It would kind of make it into two different games, one with mining, one with super hordes.......make it as an option and everyone wins. You could charge twice as much for the game then IMO.

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lol...the only people who are concerned about the speed of the development process are certain customers (who, btw, have a version of the game to play while they wait) TFP isn't concerned or worried about their pace and are happy to get it done when its done.


There are also a lot of customers who are just fine with the development timeline.


This is a proposed solution for a problem that doesn't exist


Glad to know money is not an issue and they are happy with the way things are going. Would rather have that and a game that gets done when its done rather than like some devs that have to push out games every year and the reputation is hindered in the process because of quantity over quality.


All that aside, IMO, a place to continue to donate to the development of games, staff, or to just donate might be a good idea even though they don't need it.

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I think u might be on to something, Khabib vs Ferguson and McGregor vs Porier on same card. One more decent fight on there and it would be a good card.


Im looking forward to Masvidal vs Diaz. Masvidal is a beast but Diaz is just so scrappy.


Yeah and backup in case someone doesn't show up or misses weight.


Masvidal and Diaz are entertaining but highly overrated IMO. Its not boxing its UFC. Masvidal had zero success at 155 and was known for coasting and not finishing guys. Maybe he's improved now, but Rustam Khabilov beat him and he wasn't ever ranked, despite a 6 fight win streak. Any well rounded guy would smash them, like Vicente Luque the guy who removed Perry's nose OMG that guy is so nasty. Perry hit him with some bombs and he just kept coming forward. If that guy weren't Brazilian he'd be champ already. UFC sucks they only promote popular guys. Khabib deserved a title shot 4 years ago and he finally made it because you can't just keep wrecking guys and not be ranked.


Till was pushed too fast, so Masvidal beating Till isn't anything (he's going to get destroyed at middleweight by Kelvin G) and then he got that one in a million knee on Askren, so Masvidal needs to prove his salt to me yet :)

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I think you are confused as to what I was saying.


I'm saying if we just made the terrain static and still had fully buildable destroyable voxel houses/pois it would have saved us 3-4 years of headaches. 2 minimum, and the game would be more successful because it would look great, run great, and do 95% of the things you can do now in 1/3 the development time, then think about what we could add without the time wasted on water and voxel terrain. IMO we would have had a better game. How does 500 zombies on screen sound compared to mining, at 200 fps?


But you just might lose your nick name. ;)

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MM. I've found that the diagonally shaped wood and metal catwalks with arm fences can't be easitly crossed on foot because they are somehow too narrow for both Us and the AI to pass through. When I try to walk on them normally I end up on top of the protection fences of the catwalk. Zds too.


You can go to the big Shamway Factory and see what I'm talking about. I personally can't think on anyway to fix them unless they are all remade double or 1,5 blocks wide. When NPCs are in this will be a problem.

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It's unfortunate that there are no decent fighters in this world left. Pit some of the strongest, most resilient people today against warriors of old, and modern day humans - even the toughest of the tough - wouldn't stand a chance.


LOL sorry you have it backwards. There is so much technique now that has been passed down from generations, and all the world styles knowledge available to all, even guys from 5 years ago are nothing in todays meat grinder. Like now you can learn kung fu, ju-jitsu, boxing, wrestling etc all under one roof and have all those tools at your disposal. Plus we're so much bigger and stronger from nutrition and weight training. A badass 1000 years ago was 5'4" and 120 lol. People were tiny from lack of food and didn't even live to be 40 in most cases.

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Have the issues with the rocket launcher been fixed in A18? (Occasionally, rockets fired from the rocket launcher will just pass through the world, rendering them harmless and a waste of a rocket, or they will pass through entities/blocks and strike something beyond them. For instance, a rocket could pass through an entire POI and impact the ground on the other side.) About one in every 30 or so rockets glitches out in either of these two ways.

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I think you are confused as to what I was saying.


I'm saying if we just made the terrain static and still had fully buildable destroyable voxel houses/pois it would have saved us 3-4 years of headaches. 2 minimum, and the game would be more successful because it would look great, run great, and do 95% of the things you can do now in 1/3 the development time, then think about what we could add without the time wasted on water and voxel terrain. IMO we would have had a better game. How does 500 zombies on screen sound compared to mining, at 200 fps?


I am not confused. My level of what I am willing to compromise in my thoughts about voxels in this game is equivalent to your level of compromise when it comes to LBD.


If you actually pull off static terrain == 500 zombies on screen that look and behave at least at the level they are at now, at 200 fps no less, and not dump 2 additional years into it (or the equivalent person-hours I should say) I will eat my beard and yours.

That is a different game. That's something like WWZ meets the Mist. I don't want either of those, nor a hybrid of the two.


I don't believe you guys wasted too much time on water. If there was extensive work on it, we never got to see the attempts... just a couple.

You have ideas on how to solve that problem, and they sound reasonable. Someone will be able to code it. Let faatal focus on it for just one month with no other distractions... I guarantee he'll come up with something reasonable if not completely awesome. Your work on it was when your team was small.

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I agree, telemetry is the best way to get a real estimate. But to get a real number, one have

to just do it and see what happens.

And who knows, perhaps it would be a good thing to attract new customers instead of relying on

oldtimers buying the game over and over again. After all, alpha means one can experiment a bit.

And for A18, i wish for a merry xmas.


It might be a post gold patch. If it allowed for 200 zombies on screen and the same FPS and memory???? I think a lot of people would opt in to give up mining for that. There would still be mining, just not digg anywhere kinda mining.

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Yeah and backup in case someone doesn't show up or misses weight.


Masvidal and Diaz are entertaining but highly overrated IMO. Its not boxing its UFC. Masvidal had zero success at 155 and was known for coasting and not finishing guys. Maybe he's improved now, but Rustam Khabilov beat him and he wasn't ever ranked, despite a 6 fight win streak. Any well rounded guy would smash them, like Vicente Luque the guy who removed Perry's nose OMG that guy is so nasty. Perry hit him with some bombs and he just kept coming forward. If that guy weren't Brazilian he'd be champ already. UFC sucks they only promote popular guys. Khabib deserved a title shot 4 years ago and he finally made it because you can't just keep wrecking guys and not be ranked.


Till was pushed too fast, so Masvidal beating Till isn't anything (he's going to get destroyed at middleweight by Kelvin G) and then he got that one in a million knee on Askren, so Masvidal needs to prove his salt to me yet :)


I hope u are wrong and Till murders Fatstalum. No respect for Fatstalum at all.


To be fair the knee by Masvidal wasnt luck, it was planned all along, rehearsed over and over and executed perfectly.


While I agree Khabib is the best lightweight out there, his 28 or 29 wins consists of about 25 cans. His resume wasnt THAT good 4 years ago.

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LOL sorry you have it backwards. There is so much technique now that has been passed down from generations, and all the world styles knowledge available to all, even guys from 5 years ago are nothing in todays meat grinder. Like now you can learn kung fu, ju-jitsu, boxing, wrestling etc all under one roof and have all those tools at your disposal. Plus we're so much bigger and stronger from nutrition and weight training. A badass 1000 years ago was 5'4" and 120 lol. People were tiny from lack of food and didn't even live to be 40 in most cases.


That is very true. But like you said once upon a time (which I completely agree with), people are too sensitive these days. The newer generations especially (millennials, Gen Z, etc.)... Smh.


(Note: I am technically a late millennial myself, but I don't count myself as one, mentally. I'm just too darn bitter over my generation. Lol)

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I'm sure you guys are doing fine with sales and employees, do you think an extra bit of income from something like a patreon page would help to get things done faster/better?


I'm sure there would be alot of people that would continue to donate each month to help out TFP on this game and future ones.


We're good, that feels like begging to me or something, no thanks.

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Again why is everyone taking the black and white on this? I said if we made the terrain static, and had voxel buildings we'd have saved tons of time and had 60 fps on potatoes and 500 zeds on screen. Yeah lets cling to mining instead of take the game where it needed to go.


You couldn't level the terrain to suit your base, you have to make your base conform to the terrain. Without perfectly flat terrain there will be clipping/gap issues.


No more basement workshops, no more hidden bases. That'll send the pvp crowd nuts.


You often espouse the opinion that everyone plays to their own style but you would be denying a significant number of players their preferred style and for what? To save a few fps? Embrace the fact that this game will run badly on a potato, optimise by all means, but don't remove a beloved mechanic just because you can't play a voxel game on your grandfathers speccy 48k. The option to turn off digging would be a lovely addition for those who want or need it but as a vanilla feature you're likely to face more backlash than praise.


As has often been said, this is a sandbox. Where's the fun in sandbox you cannot dig in? Both metaphorically and literally.


(By the Queen's beard, I frikkin' hate typing on phones)

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I'm sure you're quickly getting tired of the conversation, but I disagree. You basically initially created Minecraft with Zombies, and latched onto the success of Minecraft at a perfect time by using voxels, because people were at the time, looking for additional voxel games.


If you had gone static your game could have easily fell by the wayside against giants like L4D and whatnot. The world may never know. =)


- - - Updated - - -




Well hurry up and catch up to us. =)


(kidding, I get it)

Yep its getting tired.

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