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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Maybe I missed it, but was there any mentioning about new POIs? I really like how many were added A16->A17 and that there was a lot to discover again, as well as the lower probability of encountering the same POIs all the time (with the exception of the junkyard spawn bug.. hehe).


Wondering if we get to discover new POIs in A18 soon :D

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I'm just mildly curious as to how they implement it as is, not that I would change it. Overall it feels about right for what one should expect from a scrapped together turret with AI within the lore of the game. In other words, I am not trying to get them to change the way it is now, nor should they. Sometimes it is a great shot, other times it is not, ok. If it were a perfect shot every time that would be OP, even if such a system is more likely than not, with good AI/targetting that is. The stretch is more in their ability to differentiate effectively between different players and zombies. But it is not an impossible stretch, just difficult, even now. Thing is current systems vary, still, but cumulatively have all come a far way from where they were when I first got into robotics decades ago. But playing a game against robots would be no fun if it were realistic, no human would stand a chance, thus any game with robot enemies in it has to introduce flaws and misses just to give the player any hope of fighting back at all. Point is they have a decent balance already, no need to f with it, I am merely curious as to how they implement it from a technical perspective.


The cure for most turret-type defenses is to keep laying down blocks ahead of you as you approach, so they never really get line of sight on you. Hay bales, in 7D2D, seem particularly well suited to this as you could pick them up once you're past them and re-use them.

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On the dungeon crawl POI discussion, I think that the loot stashes should be in a random location in the poi instead of always being on the roof. If it was random, let's say to the last few floors, it would still encourage full exploring of the poi, and for those who just poll up to the roof they would have to backtrack a few floors to earn it. Thoughts?

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I also agree with Kage that the loot is horrid in any of the towers. Thank goodness that I do those towers for the fun factor and not for reward so I do every one that I find in A17 starting around day 8 or so. In A18, sounds like there will be a bonus at the end with better loot. I hope the nerfing of the sleepers doesn’t take much of the fun out of doing them. Get a team of 3 or 4 people and they are very challenging & lots of fun. After bicycles, I think they are the best things in A17. Kudos to designers.

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The cure for most turret-type defenses is to keep laying down blocks ahead of you as you approach, so they never really get line of sight on you. Hay bales, in 7D2D, seem particularly well suited to this as you could pick them up once you're past them and re-use them.


Oh, so you've encountered them adversarily as a player in-game? Didn't think of that, I have not really faced turrets or had to out-maneuver them because they are not yet in POIs, just planned to be eventually, and I have never played a PvP game, nor tried to raid anyones stash in a PvE. Wait!.. there was this one time I pulled a stupid, one of those "for science" moments that spiraled into a much bigger deal than anticipated. So, the first time I saw the buttons in the turret control panel, making this also a noob moment, where you can turn on and off what the turret will fire at. I was tickled and confused that I was one of those targeting options, why the F would I want to shoot myself, I had glass for those moments. So I imagine at least part of the impulse that made me press it was as a spur of the moment dare that it prove its not kidding. It wasn't a joke, it spun around, looked straight at me, and I immediately found out what a point blank shotgun round looks like from the receiving end. Problem was... it was still on, covering the only real entrance to my base, and my last sleeping bag was elsewhere(from a journey). The electrical system was protected from outside tampering, so... yeah, that was fun. Anyway I did not think of using hay bales, ended up digging in elsewhere and taking out a link in it's power connection... after a few attempts to get around it that failed. That was ages ago though, and still my only encounter vs a turret as player. Will be quite interesting when they do implement them as parts of some POIs, PvPer's like you would likely have the best advice, my single experience wasn't exactly graceful. Otherwise I have dealt with them in most games I've played, is one of my milestone goals to get to that point.

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Important question that I have not seen the answer to - Can we use the beds as a permanent bedroll as long as it's within 25 blocks (or something to that effect) of our Landclaim block? I want a bed in my palace and don't feel like sleeping in a sleeping bag. As I travel around the map, a sleeping bag makes sense but my abode needs a real (virtual) bed that I call home. When I pick up the bedroll while travelling, it switches my spawn point back to my "Bed". Make sense?


Maybe A19 we can make some other beds besides bedrolls work and possible benefits to being near them, like recovery perk or heal faster.

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50xp seems suuuper bad... can you tell us the ratio of getting xp?

Are zombies still multiple of 100's? wouldn't a % thing make more sense?

Like 50xp (or whatever) +5% of the current level so that they are still relevant lategame? that'd be awesome.


No. That is the whole point of scaling xp, for it to take longer to level.

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yeah 50xp that's quite well I don't know not much you are better off scrapping them for paper aren't you? lol


Depends on your build, I sell all my paper and all shotties and shotty ammo that comes my way on my fort build. Saving 9mm for auto turrets one day though.

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Maybe A19 we can make some other beds besides bedrolls work and possible benefits to being near them, like recovery perk or heal faster.


I'm 80% certain that beds that you place already work as bedrolls... or at least have in a previous alpha...


- - - Updated - - -


No. That is the whole point of scaling xp, for it to take longer to level.


i get that... but 50 xp (only knowing A17 obviously) isnt even something i would click "read" for.

seeing how rare it is based on your experience, it would be worth more like... 5000xp.

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My wuestion is, if i party up with a GS 100 and im GS 1, what happens,? are the zombies I HIT weak and if HE shoots at them they are stronger? Or is it whoeveers game stage is the highest in the party thats what it is? cause it maeks no sense.


If im on a server im GS 1 and someones GS 600, What if we are not in a party and zombies are chasing us? will i have a boat load of ferals and infected chasing me cause im near the GS 600? or will it cheat off me and he'll have easy kills?


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or make sleeping bags one use items?? that whay you can use for PVP raids, POIS etc. and mak ethe flimsy mattress the "Tier 1" bed thats easily crafted?


You would get his game stage and add a bit to it. So probably be dealing with ferals and radiated. I don't even think GS goes that high.

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"New Demolisher zombie.Rigged with explosives he will plow through spike traps and explode when he reaches your walls. Shoot him in the flashing sweet spot to detonate him before he gets too close."


Ohh great we already have zombies that eat concrete walls as if they were made of cheese, Zombie underground homing torpedoes and now we are going to have Zombie suicide jockeys with explosive vests?


Walls are practically useless as it is already. Just go watch how many youtubers are all about cheesing the zombie AI nowadays. :jaded:


Why do we bother with any kind of a building system! :crushed:


We nerfed single zed damage and buffed group zed damage. The result is one guy can pound for a long time and not do much damage but a group is something to worry about.


THe design changed on the demolisher, so its not that now.

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