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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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It probably keeps the original date. The best thing you can do is thumbs up the good reviews and thumbs down the bad ones so the good ones are "most helpful" which is the first thing you see by default.


Doing that now, I also noticed that reviews of friends that I know was voted as useful (all very positive) were no longer voted up. On the Store page I only seen 3 negative reviews with 19 positive so off the top of my head that's 85-ish% positive.


Steam reviews needs an overhaul but I'd prefer they don't use Open Critic which Epic now uses as its opt-in for devs where they don't use it if they don't see favourable reviews - always read between the lines in any review and make of it what you will.

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I haven't tried them yet but what about the slugs? Maybe they can add incendiary rounds too someday.

The problem is that slugs are single target, which is the opposite of what a shotty is usually used for, and switching ammo types for a specific zombie is too time consuming. The other problem is that slugs are insanely costly compared to normal ammo. I've never once crafted a shotgun slug because of how much they cost to make.


Just my 2 cents here, but Shotguns are in desperate need of a higher tier variant. This is after two games perking into them, let me explain:


7. I love shotguns


I would kill for a Semi-auto shotgun with a bigger clip and faster fire rate or a "Street sweeper" Drum barrel auto shotty.

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Yes but it doesn't really work that way. At some point the real struggle ARE the horde nights and as such you need a specialized weapon to face the horde. If I'm gonna resort to using my AK I might aswell just spec into FORT and thus machine guns. The odd dude in the wild is easily dispatched with a decent sledgehammer anyways. Let's also not forget the AK is better than the pump shotgun in pretty much every area : DPS (when you account for reload times), effective range, magazine size... We're talking a T2 being much better overall than a T3. And the T2 double barrel is just a terrible weapon overall.


I don't want all weapons to be equal in all situations, but when your 100% close quarter strength guy has both less survivability, less raw damage output, less effective range, less crowd control/area damage than his closest friend the tank machine-gunner, the discussion isn't really about making everything equal but balancing stuff out in the grand scheme of things.


Honestly the double barrel doesn't fit the game and should be replaced by the pump shotgun as a T2, and a brand new T3 shotgun should come into play. And give the shotguns some uniqueness, whether it is AOE damage with more damage/more spread, less movement penalty when reloading, anything really. In my book it only has drawbacks right now, expect for a lower skill floor.


TBH the double barrel should be the T1 shotgun, Like What even is the blunderbuss, I main shotguns in every build and have never even fired a blunderbuss.

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Congrats Fun Pimps on beating your 2 year old record!!! Now it's 35579... Nice!

Also, recent reviews are very positive, which is so nice to see. Great work guys!


Would it be wrong of me to encourage everyone right now to go play the game to get to 36K....?

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Would it be wrong of me to encourage everyone right now to go play the game to get to 36K....?


I have 50 mins left on my college lab remote server cybersec exploitation challenge, have 2 more exploits, patching, proof and report to finish then I will :D


Not wrong at all tehe. Already having drinks, may as well have another while starting a new world

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It annoys the hell out of me that there are 10 or so pissed off guys out there who camp at steam and thumbs up (making helpful) every bad review they can find. This makes the tiny amount of bad reviews there actually is parked on top of the first default review page you see. If you guys have some ♥♥♥♥s to give, you could go there and click thumbs up the positive reviews so we can drown out these 10 guys who are probably mad they got Banned and are marking every bad review helpful.


Steams system is stupid. No one review is more helpful than the next, and haters can skew the perception. Lets fight hate with love and give the positive reviews some love guys, thanks.


Don't react to the bullying. It just energizes their efforts.

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I have 50 mins left on my college lab remote server cybersec exploitation challenge, have 2 more exploits, patching, proof and report to finish then I will :D


Not wrong at all tehe. Already having drinks, may as well have another while starting a new world


I read the word "cybersec" wrong. So, so wrong...

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35,324 In-Game. I just don't want it spoiled by literally 10 butt hurt guys and steams dumb review system.


Congratulations on the new record!


I went through and read some of the bad reviews, and saw one that put in a bad review just because he/she couldn't play his/her A17.4 saved game in A18 and couldn't understand why.


I explained that a new alpha would most likely require a wipe, and explained that he/she could always go back to old alphas if needed. He/she was happy to know about this and said that he/she would go back to A17.4, finish what he/she was building there off, and then enjoy playing A18.


It may be a good idea to write in the Alpha 18 patch note and the Alpha 18 Stable is out! announcement that a new save is required. It's an obvious fact for long time players, but for those who only started recently, and don't even know about this forum, it may be a bit confusing.

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This is not just about about shader limits, the Microsplat you are using dictates what that block can be and only a few blocks (so far only Gravel) can ignore it. There is no xml override to use, any other block placed just takes whatever the splat dictated for that position. Just give us the option to tell a block to override the splat and modders will take it from there. This is severely limiting for anyone wanting even a slightly different world. I am not sure why you are so unwilling to see that your new awesome system destroyed a lot of modding design-space and creative potential..




I know y'all aren't ready to hear modding issue, but it seems to me that when you are ready, it would have been a lot easier to fix/change early on.

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You DO realize that spamming steam reviews with multiple positive reviews from one user is just as appalling and pathetic as the ones who do it for negative ones right?


How old are you? May want to look up the term brigading. That sort of thing can backfire big time.


Got to agree on this one. Especially the backfire part. Once you start manipulating data you lose face and trust.

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So sit idle and let a few jackasses hurt our business? Less money = less guys kicking ass = lower quality final product.




If I was so inclined, I could now say "the developers are begging for positive reviews, the game is that bad! All they care about is money, not making a good game!"


...really gotta watch what you say homie. :)


So yes, sit idly by and let the awesomeness of your product do the work for you.


36k playing. Nuff said.

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TBH the double barrel should be the T1 shotgun, Like What even is the blunderbuss, I main shotguns in every build and have never even fired a blunderbuss.


The blunderbuss is actually kinda amazing.


Strength and blunderbuss is pretty much my go to now for every game I play.

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Some players are clearly very attached to the 3 or 4 dirt blocks. /shrug




First, you cannot tell me that the workbench is a gate at the time you would be crafting a T5 item.


Are you saying that the iron crossbow that you crafted was gated by a book? If so, that's a bug.


I think he probably meant compound crossbow

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Yes but it doesn't really work that way. At some point the real struggle ARE the horde nights and as such you need a specialized weapon to face the horde. If I'm gonna resort to using my AK I might aswell just spec into FORT and thus machine guns. The odd dude in the wild is easily dispatched with a decent sledgehammer anyways.


Don't get me wrong I think anything can be improved but if you get to a point when you have enough ammo to run a machinegun all the time then you can get a Grandpa's elixir and reset your skill points.


I think all they need is to add a T3 shotgun to help make it on par with the M-60 and leave everything alone and that will help it compete for a horde night weapon. Give it a huge crippling bonus or incendiary round or something.


Shotguns do have a little bit more CC than an AK right now however, which is why I think I like it so much to run around with it. It's easy to shoot a groups legs out and stop them. Really nice for a pack of dogs, 1 shot can get a bunch of them. Saves ammo.

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The blunderbuss is the gimmick item that you only use one or twice for the sake of using it, like the night vision goggles. :p


I mean, I get that, But it's also legitimately the T1 shotgun in game, Which makes early shotgunning just... Bad until you get a double barrel which is still... Just bad. Manageable with perks until you get the Pump, but I feel like that's not what a t2 weapon should be. your t2's should be your bread and butter, you want to hang onto them until you find or manage to get the parts for a t3 to replace it Not barely manageable if you focus on maxing the perks for it.


I've never once crafted a shotgun slug because of how much they cost to make.

I should also note I have Used slugs That i have found and they are AWESOME from a damage perspective and do exactly what you want as an "AP" Shotgun round, I just feel that the UI for ammo switching is too clunky to swap in a situationally and slugs are too costly to craft enough to use exclusively. I'd honestly rather slugs be cheaper and less powerful so I can actually justify using them when I could make 2-4 of another type of round instead.

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The blunderbuss is actually kinda amazing.


Strength and blunderbuss is pretty much my go to now for every game I play.


I'm not gonna say you are lying I just have trouble wrapping my head around that. are you saying you prefer the blunderbuss to later shotguns or just that you like it as a T1. I guess I can see the latter I just can't see Regularly using a gun that blows it's load on 1 shot even if it hit like a freight train. Reloading in a bad situation is death, Especially early on. I'd rather have a pistol or SMG (both of which I personally find are much easier to acquire far earlier than a pump shotgun) Where I can kill more than one (or two because of AOE on the buss) Zombies with a clip before I gotta reload. It's actually the same problem I have with the double barrel but it still gets 2 shots and reloads twice as fast.


I guess my problem with the shotgun progression Is that it really feels like there is a lack thereof. the Double barrel Feels only marginally better than the Blunderbuss and then the pump Sits in line with most of the t2 weapons instead of the t3's it's supposed to match.

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I don't know if I hate that or people who leave negative reviews for games they've spend thousands of hours on more. I mean with that amount of time they've already gotten their money's worth and obviously enjoyed it enough to spend a lot of time on it, so why leave a bad review?


Almost as pointless imo as the negative reviews that go something like, "I was downloading this game but my Internet crashed. Downvote." Like... why? And yes, I've seen my fair share of those.

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