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sphereii's DMT Mods


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I pushed out a new change for NPCs and their WanderSDX AI Task. 


PathingCube blocks have now been changed to a custom Sign block. You may place a few of these invisible signs around your base, entering in a numeric value in its Text box. Then, for hired NPCs, there's a new dialog option that allows you to Set Pathing Code. Enter in the matching number, and the NPC will scan the surrounding areas for PathingCubes, and only path to the code matching. The NPC stores its pathing code as a cvar.


This will allow you to set up multiple PathingCubes around your base, and have different NPCs patrol different routes, using different codes.


Special Codes: 

   NPCs with Codes set to 0 will path to all PathingCubes.

   NPCs with Codes set to -1 will not patrol but stand where they are.


By default, all NPCs spawn with a Code of 0. They should preserve their codes between game sessions, if changed.


Prefabs, when built, can now include PathingCubes as part of construction. You can enter in Codes and have them saved and distributed with your Prefabs, preserving the numbers. This will allow you to create new sleeper volumes with NPCs to auto-spawn and start patrolling in a prefab. 


When setting in the Sleepers, you may place a PathingCube in the block next to the sleeper, and set a code on it. When the sleeper wakes up, it does a short scan for PathingCubes to look for a code to use. If it finds one, it'll auto-set its PathingCode cvar to that code, and begin patrolling.



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hi sphere, seems the 19.1e requires a changes to compile. Unless Im my doing something stupid which is totally possible.
do u consider updating for the experimental or gonna wait for stable versions?

specially interested in: hide xp popup, random size, anti nerdpole

ps. a small suggestion for the future, what do u think of hiding the xp popups from parties as well? (u gained X shared experience blablabla)

Thank you!!!!

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Added new branch for Alpha 19.1: https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.ModsA19/tree/alpha19.1experimental



On 9/7/2020 at 3:00 PM, nickuk01 said:

With the headshots only part of your core mod which I like and use, does fire or electricity still harm the zombies?

I pushed an update to both the main brain and experimental branch, that makes a change for headshots.  I've limited it to player damage, so fire and traps should still work as expected. I'm not sure if that defeats the purpose of headshot-only, but thought I'd add it and see what the players think.

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16 hours ago, danielspoa said:

1 - I took the screenshot I promised. For whatever reason this doesn't show up 100% of the time https://imgur.com/a/RMHivYo
2 - the 19.1 version worked perfectly on its own
3 - on dedi server it gives me an error when loading an existing profile. Is there any way to install sphere now without resetting characters?

thank you :)

I'll look to see if I can find the shared exp


Unfortunately, the Sphere-Core is not save game safe, as it needs to make changes to the player's profile to allow for some features.

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On 9/20/2020 at 7:34 AM, AmethystLainey said:

Hey Sphereii, I know the Modlet isnt listed here but Im using your Peace of Mind but Im noticing yellow text with 19 Stable , Havent Teleported to any POI in question to see if it still works despite. BUt the Yellow Text mentions something about DMT

Do you remember what it is? It could just be warning about an unsupported tag in the ModInfo.xml, and can be ignored.

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Slightly off piste but as this is the place for DMT is there any possibility of having a no sleeper respawn option for alpha 19 as ones used in past upto alpha 18 rely on harmony code but cant find anything for current alpha build. Have 5 zombie dogs respawn regularly in hut next to my base which drives me crazy. If not anyone know of current mod which does this for alpha 19 pleaseeee? Just want to be able to clear a building and it  stays clear

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40 minutes ago, nickuk01 said:

Slightly off piste but as this is the place for DMT is there any possibility of having a no sleeper respawn option for alpha 19 as ones used in past upto alpha 18 rely on harmony code but cant find anything for current alpha build. Have 5 zombie dogs respawn regularly in hut next to my base which drives me crazy. If not anyone know of current mod which does this for alpha 19 pleaseeee? Just want to be able to clear a building and it  stays clear

From what I remember, it should be fairly straight forward fix. It should work. You may have to click on the "Attempt Harmony Auto Update" to convert it over to the new DMT format.

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20 hours ago, sphereii said:

You may have to click on the "Attempt Harmony Auto Update" to convert it over to the new DMT format.

Sorry I have no idea how to do that.. the mod in zip folder has harmony folder containing dll, pdb and cs files. Other than dropping it into mods folder within 7d2d how do you "update" as you mention?


I use 7d2d mod launcher. NB: does need update as hangs game otherwise. Launcher cannot compile that particular harmony patch in its present format (alpha 18.4)

Edited by nickuk01 (see edit history)
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New 0-SphereIICore update pushed ( . It is only compatible with 19.1, and not previous versions.


Generate code quality improvements were done

A bad null check fixed in music box logic

Slightly refactored other null checks to be cleaner

(hopefully) improved cave generation speed and performance

Changed CaveAir back to Air. Let me know if this causes any stability issues.

Added in cave biome spawning. Check our spawning.xml for new entries Cave and DeepDave ( used when y < 30 ).

Added in DeepCavePrefabs for deep-only prefab spawning.



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I have installed the SphereII using DMT 


In a new World it is working fine, but I get this error loading any saved game.


ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added: key: -1065, 55, 1112


I have to do something in the world (like erase something) or whats ?


Thank You


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