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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. because not computer / setup is the same? I don't do that on my computers.
  2. With zero information provided (i.e. logs), I am going to guess it is related to a mod in regards to the item counts for items that normally don't. As for the search field, have you cleared it prior to trying to access your inventory? I have seen that happen before where I type in something to search but didn't clear out my search information. The game doesn't know if you are done searching for items / recipes so you need to clear out the search field. You really shouldn't be searching for recipes in the middle of a battle. There is a favorites tab that you can setup for things like bandages, arrows, blocks, spike traps, etc so you can quickly find them to craft them up.
  3. You need to have a basic understanding of coding in order to do xpath. The thread itself is not badly written, you just have to be at a specific level first. I started creating my own mod about a few months ago and the link I provided was an excellent source of information to get me started. Editing the games xml files themselves is not the best way of doing mods as they get updated by steam all the time (and at hotfixes). This is an example of something I have written up to modify the items variables after the game loads up the original items.xml file and my items.xml file <config> <!-- *************************************************************************************************************** --> <!-- This section covers changes to weapons --> <!-- Changes to Rifles, including T0 changes --> <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT1HuntingRifle']/property[@name='Tags']/@value">,T1Rifle,T1Crafting</append> <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle']/property[@name='Tags']/@value">,T2Rifle,T2Crafting,revolver</append> <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT3SniperRifle']/property[@name='Tags']/@value">,T3Rifle,T3Crafting</append> <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT0PipeRifle']/property[@name='Tags']/@value">,PipeRifle,noMods</append> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT0PipeRifle']/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name,'ModSlots')]/@tier">0</set> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT0PipeRifle']/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name,'ModSlots')]/@value">0</set> <remove xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT0PipeRifle']/property[@name='RepairTools']"/> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT0PipeRifle']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">ammo762mmBulletBall</set> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle']/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name,'EntityDamage') and contains(@operation,'base_add')]/@value">-11</set> <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">ammo44MagnumBulletBall,ammo44MagnumBulletHP,ammo44MagnumBulletAP</set> <setattribute xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT0PipeRifle']/property[@name='DegradationBreaksAfter']" name="value">true</setattribute> This snippet of code (along with code changes to the recipes and progression files) allowed me to limit aspects of the pipe rifles, change the ammo type of the lever action rifle, and introduce Q6 crafting ability through a gated approach. Guppycur also has a discord channel where those who mod or start to mod can go for assistance and ask questions.
  4. Should be <remove xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupAirDropT5Bundles']/item[@group='groupQuestSteelShapes']"/>
  5. Knives I will use all of the other melee weapons, but I just like the way you have to fight with knives to be effective.
  6. Except for T0 equipment. Those equipment don't have any variability in stats when comparing same quality equipment (so a Q2 stone axe you find today will have the same stats as a Q2 stone axe you find tomorrow). So for those equipment, higher Quality equipment is always a plus in terms of performance.
  7. Yes, it's called making a modlet using xpath. Then every time you load up the game, your modlet modifies the values in the files to what you want. The game won't modify anything in the mods folder. People in the forums can help you figure it out, but the link below is a good starting point on getting yourself up to speed on using xpath.
  8. Rank 1: Risking your neck every day has its advantages. Get an additional choice for quest rewards and 5% more dukes. Rank 2: The traders know you can get the job done, plunderer. Get two additional choices for quest rewards and 10% more dukes. Rank 3: You've made a name for yourself as a mercenary for hire. Get three additional choices for quest rewards and 15% more dukes. Rank 4: You are the daring adventurer and get the best rewards for your services. You can now choose two quest rewards and get 20% more dukes. If you are wanting an additional pick, you have to max it out (so 2 picks instead of 1 pick). What meganoth pointed out to you is that ranks 1,2, and 3 increase your choices. So at Perk 0, you have 2 choices, Perk 1 you have 3 choices. Perk 2 you have 4 choices. Perk 3 gives you the maximum choices of 5. At Perk 4, you get 2 picks from 5 choices.
  9. That is going to be normal <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.15,.15" tags="perkArchery"/> <!-- random EntityDmg --> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkArchery"/> <!-- tier bonus --> The first one is a random modifier for all iron crossbows (except ones from CM as they are average damage always) - ranging from -0.15 to 0.15 base damage modifier. The second one is modifier based on Quality level (0.2 bonus for Q2, 0.3 Bonus for Q3). So a Q2 crossbow can be anywhere between 0.05 (-0.15+0.2) to 0.35 (0.15+0.2) entity damage over base while a Q3 can be anywhere 0.15 to 0.45 entity damage over base. Numbers were off a bit, it looks like the random entity is applied first and then the quality is added, so it is not straight addition of multiplication modifiers. If you apply -0.14 to base iron bolt then 0.3 for Q3, you get 65.9. See how the ranges overlap each other a bit? So based on your numbers, it looks like your Q2 has a 24% increase to entity damage while the Q3 only has a 12% increase. Based on that, your Q3 crossbow rolled very low on random damage.
  10. FYI faatal has a fix ready to go for the next version (20.1) that he hopes addresses it. We are just waiting for them to get other fixes in and tested before it gets released (ETA is unknown to us general public people)
  11. I think you forgot your negative here.... Or are you trolling? Expect it to get patched in mid 2022 but don't make any bets on it as it will not happen 😉
  12. Does that also disable interacting with containers in the world? I always have my HUD on so I don't know personally, but I thought I read someone stating that pressing F7 affects other things also.
  13. And if I am reading it right, only awarded for Tier 3 and Tier 4 quests. Ammo as a quest reward is weird: Normal (ball) ammo is T1Prob which means offered on Quest loot levels 0 - 3 and no probability (prob = 0) at 4 or higher HP and AP ammo is T2Prob which means offered on Quest loot levels 3 - 4 and not before and not after T3 prob is offered quest loot level 5 and higher only, and this includes ammo like exploding arrows/bolts and rocket frags So if you are hoping to obtain AP/HP ammo without having to craft it, you either have to run T3/T4 quests to see if you get it as a reward or buy it from the traders - AP only as they don't stock HP ammo. We know that they are overhauling the loot system / traders and I bet a lot of this is because of changes made throughout the development stages so things were put in and taken out - over time it gets confusing which is why they are going through it now closer to launch.
  14. Probably because the advanced ammo is only really found in buried loot treasure, which ironically enough, doesn't look like it is tied to any loot container in the game (unless I missed it somewhere).
  15. T5 rewards unlock the T3 equipment as rewards (weapons and tools specifically). However, if you have already come across T3 weapons while looting or purchased from the trader, I can see why the rewards are not worth it to some people. However, we see evidence of potential higher quest levels (6 & 7) in the xml files, and schwanz9000 is working on changes to the loot tables (along with quest rewards) so we can expect to see changes in the future. schwanz has his work cut out for him as it will requiring balancing both the loot and the quests so that one doesn't become too OP or make another one not as worthy. Hopefully they will have a target goal for both looting and quests and the play-testers will give valuable feedback to balance it out. However, as with any decision that has to be made for the game, there will be people happy with the changes and there will be people upset with the changes.
  16. For me, the T5's quests have never been about the end rewards (or even the end area with all the crates to open up). It was always about the sheer amount of raw materials I was able to cart away after doing one quest. I would typically plan on a 2 day adventure - load up my 4x4 with ammo, food, and medical supplies to last the two days - then travel there and start the quest. Go from the start all the way to the end clearing out all sleepers and finding the satchel (if required). Usually based on how I play, that typically would be finished up close to night time on the first day. Then I would spend the entire night breaking down and looting everything. By morning, I am hauling stuff down to the first floor and either loading up my vehicle storage or secured crates near the entrance if I expected to have to make a second trip. Go back to the trader and sell everything I didn't want to keep (and get my reward for finishing the quest). Then spend the rest of Day 2 sorting the materials I hauled away with and making use of them.
  17. The first time that happened ot me I wished you could smack it with a baseball bat 😁
  18. As Star69 mentioned, we need your log files to try and pinpoint the issue, but some ideas I have (guesses really since we don't have your logfiles): Potential mod conflict (using A18 or A19 mods) - anything that affects the loot.xml file will not load properly if A19 or earlier on an A20 game. When that occurs, you cannot interact with loot containers anymore. The other issues might also be tied to mod conflicts.
  19. Agreed on finding the solution to the bug in the first place, my hope was a temporary workaround for the bug that we are seeing in game until the developers can hotfix the bug itself. I was hoping that the correct information was in the drones file rather than the player file to make it less of an impact on a player. I recently had my player file corrupted (not reported as a bug as I was testing my mod and I think I caused the issue in the first place) so having to restore level, perks, and books / schematics I already attained was not fun (and I was only level 5 or 6 at that time).
  20. See you are fine. If TFP were to make significant nerfs, you can just point back to my post and say "It wasn't me everyone, it was that crackpot BFT2020!" I got my big boy pants on so I will be fine 😁
  21. I believe the auto and shotgun turret now don't set off demolishers. The portable ones still do, but not the ones that require electricity. I have seen some test videos on Alpha 20 where it didn't seem like they were getting set off (and the good ones had more than one demolisher as a test).
  22. I better put my flame resistance clothes on first, but..... Looking at your data matrix, I would think that the Tier 2 might need a nerf. 53 containers that you can possibly get a book or schematic seems excessive. Except for the POI modified loot bonuses based on Tier (which only affects the scale of the book lootgroups), the containers in the Tier 2 will have the same probability chance of spawning something other than paper compared to the Tier 5 containers. If I was king for a day, I would have the T2 contain the least amount, while the T5 have the most lootable containers. However, I would only tweak the T5 a little bit and bring down the others accordingly. But I also personally have yet to get that far in a playthrough to loot many bookstores and haven't yet done a T5.
  23. Suggestion but hopefully someone with more experience might chime in: When there is an issue with electrical devices, sometimes the advice is to remove all electrical devices and store inside a container. Then go into the game files and delete power.dat (or something like that, I am at work right now). With the drones, they have their own data file (again, I see it in my log files but I can't get the exact name since I am at work) that saves that information separately from other data. An idea I have is maybe if you delete that file, it will remove all drone instances in the world and then you can, as admin, give drones back. Anyway, I am pinging 4 people I can think of top of my head that might have a better suggestion or to add onto mine. @SylenThunder @unholyjoe @Star69 @Jugginator
  24. I been only helping for the past few months, but I think you are being generous above that 1 in 4 posters adds their logfile before someone mentions it is needed to assist in troubleshooting. Right now, I consider it a win if the person doesn't respond back to me that I should do something I wouldn't tell my mother to do after I post the link and request they follow the instructions. 🤔
  25. Should have a slash in front (before items). You also should have /property[@class="Action0'] between item[@name] and property[@name='Magazine_items' Also, are you trying to replace the ammo with 50 cal or add it as an option? If replacing, remove the comma If adding, you should use append instead of set. Another point, the spaces in your item could cause issues (50 Caliber Ammo). Best thing to do is to id the ammo as ammo50Caliber (order not critical but eliminate the spaces in the ID). This is how I would do it <set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT3SniperRifle']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items']/@value">ammo50Cal</set>
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