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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Did you happen by chance to look in the console to see what happened? I haven't done shift +F6 myself, but I think if something was to spawn in, you should get a game message.
  2. Or something in your design is making the zombies think they don't have a path. I saw an issue with a base design back in A19 that I had where one blood moon it worked fine, but after putting blade traps along the block staircase to cut their legs off as they jumped, they never tried to go that route in the next blood moon (they were treating it like I didn't leave a path to me). Another time they went into destroy mode because I forgot to leave a block down in front of the ladder so they didn't have a direct path to me (since zombies can't jump onto ladders). Once I put a block down when I realized what I did, they reset themselves and started pathing to me again.
  3. If you clicked on the Before you Report link, it will go through the instructions on what to do. To get into the various bug sub forums, you need to click on Bug Pool at the top under Browse/Activity/Support/Discord/Guilded which will take you where you need to go. The path looks like Home>A20 Bug Database > Bug Pool > Before you post a report In addition, you can also click on the categories to the right if you know which specific one you want to go to I forgot to mention, you would want to click on Bug Pool to submit the original bug report. The other categories are what the QA people do as they move it through the system and what state the bug report is at
  4. Good news! There is help out there https://hoarders.com/support-groups-help-for-families/
  5. That's not how it works, that how none of this works. A 50% chance is just that, a 50% chance, just like getting tails when you flip a coin. Each time you harvest or flip a coin, you have a 50% chance of getting a seed back or landing on tails. 50 harvests, or 50 coin flips, does not mean 25 seeds back every time and 25 tails every time as your probability resets to a flat 50% (not weighted towards any side). You can flip a coin 10 times and get heads 10 times. It doesn't mean that you have a 100% chance of getting heads (or 0% chance of getting tails). It just means that your results on such a small sample size heavily leaned towards heads instead of tails. Over a larger sample size, the ratio of heads / tails will start to get closer to 1/1 (unless the coin is deformed in such a way that it is not an even probability anymore..or you are using a trick coin). That is how statistics and probability works. In addition, we tend to forget things. We remember when we got 20 seeds back, but forget the time we got 30 seeds back (or vice versa). Or we only remember extremes - we remember when we only to 10 seeds back out of 50, but forget the previous four attempts we got 27 or 30 seeds back each time. They are not lying when they say you have a 50% chance of getting a seed back, it is baked into the actual code (p=0.5). Since I know you can get more than 50% seeds back (have seen it in game), your comment UP TO 50% is not correct. That either means you haven't had the luck to get more than 50% yet or forgotten the times you got more than 50%. At most you might have an error in the RNG that leans heavily to one side, but I don't think anyone yet has done a large sample size to verify or validate the probability chances.
  6. What happens if you rollback 7D2D to 20.1? If you reinstall the backed up save, does it do the exact same thing? Also, any mods? Don't think this might be causing your issue, but should rule it out first.
  7. Personally, I don't recall a developer in one of the Alpha20 streams stating that they were bringing coffee maker crafting into the game. If they did, we would have that feature already since they were talking about all the features that were being released in the game. Are you not confusing a developer with someone in the chat asking that question? And @Sjustus548 is correct on the reason they were only available via the CM. They (at least in Alpha 19, not sure in the current version) could be used to mess up people's fun via mass crafting.
  8. That's not your entire log, missing a lot of information at the beginning that could assist in troubleshooting
  9. Really need your logs, check the post in this forum that states Read First
  10. I am waiting for the request of a button to disable the PC survivor......
  11. @doughphunghus suggestion is also a good one, it just depends on how you want to approach the problem. His is a trial and error approach to eliminate the troubleshooting mods. Mine is more surgical as I like to see what errors I am getting and try to go directly to those mods to see what the issue is. Neither approach will lead you down the wrong path, just depends on how comfortable you are at with troubleshooting the issue. We haven't heard back from you so curious on if you had a chance to look deeper into your issues. One thing that gets me are the error messages you are getting with Error Null's zombie harvest mod. Without going further into it, I noticed that it loads that modlet first before it loads up the other mods that adds new zombie types to the game. This one might be a simple fix of changing the modlet name so it loads last, like perhaps change it to Z_enZombieHarvest-main. This would guarantee that it loads up after all of the other mods that adds new zombie types to the game.
  12. Those spawn in all the time at night for me; however, they don't automatically go for me unless I am making noise to give away my position. There are nights where I am just sitting up on the second floor listening to the animals / zombies move around, but never detect me as I am staying hidden. Early game, at night, it is all about finding a dark hidden location up on top where the zombies can't wander up to see what is going on. It is only after I get some basic gear and a good defensive position before I start making noise at night.
  13. psssttttt........ red banner, top of page..... click on it......come on, I know you want to......click on it.....
  14. This is an example (top down view) of one of my kill corridor bases (late game after upgrading). Note that the Z;s have 4 ways to approach the base, but all sides are defended and setup to force the zombies down a path (grey squares are concrete or steel blocks). My base is underground, but this is what the zombies see when they approach. SMG turrets on top of the bunkers pointed outwards (to try and trigger demos from afar) with Shotgun turrets inside to shoot zombies in the back. I would defend it from either the roof of the middle building or inside of the middle building when the turrets run out of ammo. The only thing missing is a kill counter for each of my trap to see how well they are doing 😁 The Zs outnumber you (I play with the maximum zombies), they know where you are at (Z GPS), and they won't stop until you kill them completely. So yeah, going to do everything I can to force them into a smaller area where I can concentrate my resources. So by this logic: I saved up my ammo during the week I use that ammo in turrets I crafted They kill a lot of zombies for me I am exploiting the game??? 🤔 🤷‍♂️
  15. You will need to edit the following command in the entityclasses.xml file: <entity_class name="EntityLootContainerRegular"> <property name="HideInSpawnMenu" value="true"/> ......... <property name="TimeStayAfterDeath" value="1200"/> </entity_class>
  16. FYI During map generation, the seed determines the biomes and POIs During game generation, the game name generates the lootable containers. So if you generate a map called TestRun1234, it will always look the same in terms of biomes and POIs. However, game name TR1234 and TR5678 will have slight differences in terms of loot containers. Just by changing one character (for example TestRun1 and TestRun 2), you will see differences if you spawn in at the exact same location. I noticed a difference in cars and trash piles when I spawn in on the same map at the same location, but used a slightly different game name for each one.
  17. What needs to be fixed? You just listed symptoms that your computer is seeing, but no logs and computer specifications to determine what is causing the issue. The issue with RWG not releasing memory is already known by the developers. Everything else you listed could easily be a hardware / driver issue on your part.
  18. Exploit how? A kill corridor can just be obstacles in the way of zombies to force them into your gun sights. My more elaborate ones incorporate auto turrets shooting them the back, dart traps at the side shooting them, and a combination of electrical and barb wire to slow them down
  19. New file uploaded, checked and verified that it changes to the correct prefab with all the melee mods.
  20. I also see a couple of mod load errors: Not sure if the failed loading of Alcemy-main created issues elsewhere, and Config looks like a folder structure issue. Any mods in this folder should be pulled out like the others TFP Behemoth should also be removed as enZombies overhauls the entitygroups file and Error Null doesn't list it as one of the compatible mods for their mod.
  21. I would also add that having a basic understanding of the mods you are installing helps in the long run. Dealing with multiple errors because you just throw every mod into the folder not determining if they been tested to work with the current version or conflicts with other mods out there can become a long drawn out activity of frustration and asking why your game is not working correctly. I use the launcher to create copies of the main 7D2D game, but I do the manual install of the mods.
  22. They might not be adding them as it could be a balance issue right now; though with the 50% chance of getting a seed back, might not be as much as an issue now.
  23. In my mod, I brought back Q6 crafting like others have (though I placed it in a Quality Engineering Perk in the Int tree so you have to spend points in there to be able to do it). At the same time, I really nerfed drops of equipment Q3 or higher (I think right now I have probability set at 0.05). Still working on Trader quest rewards, but they only sell A6 weapons now at vastly inflated prices.
  24. It's great on horde nights, especially if you funnel the zombies into a kill corridor.....
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