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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I am going to miss those. I have taken a ton of screenshots with the title I am Moses MF 😁
  2. I don't believe that at all. This is how I think it rolled out: Roland - "Hey the forums are pretty quiet and calm, we need some new controversy" TFP Staffer #1 - "Let's remove empty jars and cans, and see if we can rile them up some." Roland = "Perfect, but we need to come up with a justification. What are we going to implement to replace empty jars?" TFP Staffer #2 - "Lets introduce a new mechanic, make the survivors process and drink their own urine." TFP Staffer #1 -"That's a great idea, but lets put a pin in that one. We release that after 2-3 Alphas so we messed up everyone after learning a new mechanism. Any other ideas?" TFP Staffer #3 -"Dew collectors. Then once we change to the urine idea, we can still use them as props." TFP Staff #1 - "Great, get to work on the dew collectors. Roland - let everyone know about those, but keep the urine thing to yourself." Roland - "Got it, doing it now" obviously I am bored at work right now
  3. Boiled waters and teas if I found the recipes for them (from A20 playing). Campfires are easy to craft and since A20 doesn't require a cooking pot, I can satisfy my thirst by just pausing my looting / exploring and boil some water. A21 is going to be interesting. I never made a specific trip just to go get water for drinking. I would carry the jars on me and fill them if I came across a water source. I have done a quick run to a close water source nearby my base at night if I realized I needed the murky water to make some glue early game, but only if it was very close and that was the only component I was missing to craft something.
  4. This was probably my favorite answer so far to the Dew Collectors debate. Sometimes people get so focused at what is being removed that they forget what is still there. We also need to remember that while jars are being removed and dew collectors added, that additional changes are being made that will change how these new changes will affect the game - like now being able to drink from a water source nearby and changes to loot drop chances.
  5. True, but I would also consider the value of doing it on my own. I know that the Devs have created one for A21 so it is coming down the road. Would it be worth the effort for me to mod it into my current mod just to try out? And to be perfectly honest, I want to try to see how hard it would be to survive using A20 water drops already in the game. Can I survive if I remove empty jars from the game and only get by with traders, vending machines, and what I can loot out in the world? We know other changes related to water are coming (based on the comments already), but what would happen if I just add the no jars today with how I am playing the game today? 😁
  6. No, we focus on one change only and completely ignore all other aspects of the game 😉 I think someone mention bottlegate or jargate a few pages back 😁 I am on Day 16th with no harvest perks and have yet to use the pickaxes to harvest anything (just to break off the faucets in the POIs to melt down). I know I can mine (and have done so in the past with some very elaborate mining), but in my more recent playthroughs I am trying to see how far I can go with just salvaging and buried supply quests (for clay in the forge). When I get through my currently playthrough, I am going to mod those out (along with jars) to see what it will be like. I won't have the dew collectors obviously, but I can always start giving myself the equivalent through CM to see how this goes. I think I will be okay. First it's lot less paper in bookcases, then they are removing jars. Now I find out that empty cans are gone too. It's a lot to take in, but I can be tough when A21 drops. 😁
  7. Actually a little sad to hear those are gone. I try to see how long I can go without having to create mines for materials based on either gathering materials through looting /scalvaging or just taking 1-2 layers off of the top (like the ore nodes on top or rocks, or digging two layers down in the ground). Those cans were a nice source of scrap iron for me. Though I can easily mod them back in if I want to.
  8. BFT2020

    Server Tools

    Looks like there might be one. Two posts up from your post. I am at work right now so I can not check it out, but seeing how they have one to report out bugs, it is only logical that you can sign up for it and get live support through there from other uses and the authors themselves.
  9. Optimization is one thing, but Subquake specifically expanded on the crafting aspect of the game. One method of doing that is adding additional workstations to the process. The fact that Subquake modded in intermediate recipes to make more components that go in the final assembly shows how much they wanted to expand on the process. Doesn't hurt to ask, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I was you. The fact that a lot of work was put in expanding on the crafting system in UL means that simplifying things just for optimization might not be on the list of changes they want for this mod.
  10. Same as lucky looter, it’s only by character. Based on the dev’s and Roland’s comments, those are staying in the game.
  11. I actually like this change. In the modded game I am playing, I removed all liquid except murky water from loot containers so you always have to plan ahead. You can't just go with no food and water and expect to find edible food / drinkable water as you clear out a POI.
  12. BFT2020

    Ammo storages mod

    I lied. Will only take one day https://github.com/BFT2020/Z_BFT2020_AmmoStorageRecipes Load this along with the original mod and you can now either purchase it from the traders or make your own. You already have the recipe known, but requires the workbench to craft.
  13. As Khaine mentioned, you can't just edit the main file. Khaine's DF mod is an overhaul mod which changes a lot of the xml code, including the baseline xml game code. So once his mod is loaded in, any changes you made to the baseline XML files is lost. The proper thing to do is to determine how Khaine wrote his xml file for spawning and use that as your new baseline. Then generate a modlet that will load after Khaine's mod that targets his code. Best advice I can give is to run a game with the DF mod in it, then take the output config file for Spawning.xml. That will show you exactly how the game has implemented Khaine's code and provide insight to you on how to make the changes yourself. And the reason a modlet was suggested instead of simply changing the files in the DF data folder is that updates to DF will not include those changes. Creating a modlet to start with will allow those changes to apply after Khaine makes updates to his mod (unless he makes some structure changes which would require updating the modlet too). But you were warned by Khaine already that increasing those spawn rates can impact your FPS., especially in cities. You might be okay increasing the spawn rates outside of large cities, but it can quickly turn to a slideshow once you enter a city and the new spawn rates take effect.
  14. BFT2020

    Ammo storages mod

    Unfortunately no. The mod creator just created the blocks, did not add them to the trader list or make up recipes to create it. Give me a couple of days and I will work on a modlet to add it to the trader list and create a recipe for it.
  15. No, what I am talking about is this https://www.partitionwizard.com/partitionmagic/window-10-standby-memory.html
  16. The next time you play the game without restarting your system, check the memory allocation. I recall having a similar issue in a previous computer of mine where memory was not being unallocated to a game so it had a lot less free memory when I tried to play a different game. Restarting the computer always fixed the issue for me which is how I found out the issue eventually.
  17. It's possible I added error via the test methodology. The first run was after I flew into the city area and just started spawning zombies. For the next batches, I would enter the command killAll after making the settings changes to start over. So the second run was with all zombie spawns (the ones I did and the game generated) removed. The game save was higher level than a new save (Day 62) so I probably had ferals, radiated, and the specials roaming around the area that might have put a drag on the processor / GPU as I was moving about. I will try it again to see if I get different results after I get a stable version of my mod done (making changes and fixing the errors I introduced).
  18. I just tested on my setup and this is what I noticed: Consistent with all setups Location - Wasteland city AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8 Core CPU 32 GB Ram Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super Baseline All settings at Ultra and everything on Around 50-60 FPS normally (few zombies around) spawn in 25 zombies - dropped to 40-50 FPS spawn in 50 zombies - dropped to 30 FPS Turned off Occ Around 60-70 FPS normally (few zombies around) spawn in 25 zombies - dropped to 50-60 FPS spawn in 50 zombies - dropped to 40-50 FPS Changed overall setting from Ultra to High, then reduced all options that stated a high performance impact Around 60-70 FPS normally (few zombies around) spawn in 25 zombies - around 60 FPS spawn in 50 zombies - around 50 FPS I eventually spawned in around 100 zombies to get it to drop to around 30 FPS Overall, I haven't seen a significant performance issue at my baseline settings while I was in the city, though the work that the team is doing to optimize it will be beneficial. However, I try to avoid getting into situations where I have more than 25 zombies bearing down on me at once. Edit: Forgot to mention, I have my resolution set at 1920X1080 (1080p)
  19. I was tempted to tell him that the Joke mod for this game has walking skeletons in it.
  20. Yes, it does look like it was changed from Alpha 19 to Alpha 20 (I have old Alpha 19 files on a different computer and was just now able to look at them - thinking back, I don't think I ever used HP rounds, just regular and AP rounds). They were treated like hollow point ammo (like you stated) in A19 vanilla and actually double any armoured zombies physical damage resistance value to the target before applying. I also had the DF files on the same computer, but it looks like Khaine was able to answer your question already (and since he is the creator of the mod, has a better understanding of what he did in his mod compared to me looking at the data files).
  21. I am not sure this is exactly what happens with the different ammo types in the game (from my experience). Using 7.62mm as an example: Ball ammo (or regular ammo) does 47 damage against all targets. Armored targets obviously absorb some of the damage (same as your armor absorbing some damage) HiPower ammo (not hollow point) does 52 damage against all targets (1.5 less if using this ammo in a machine gun). It suffers from the same effects of armor as ball ammo AP ammo does 57 damage against all targets (3 less if using this ammo in a machine gun). It also reduces the target armor by a percentage so more damage is transferred over to the target. At least this is from the 20.5 files for vanilla. AP ammo does not decrease in damage against unarmored targets, at least from the code I can read it doesn't. Unless they have a penalty in the base code I am not seeing, you are not being penalized for using AP ammo against unarmored targets - you are just not getting the armor reduction perk of using it.
  22. The crafting changes for me, that is what I am looking forward the most. Also the new POIs the team is working on.
  23. Fortunately for me, it doesn’t take much effort to show that I have assisted a lot of people in the past, in these forums. I just don’t choose to call someone’s effort and work inept. Construction criticism and feedback are fine, your first sentence telling others there work is inept isn’t. Drop the first two sentences in your post and that would have been fine, there was no need for those, especially the first sentence.
  24. For me, I prefer the opposite: appreciation for people who took the effort to assist others and not come into the forums and be a jerk to them.
  25. If you got 1.5k hours into the game, you should already have an understanding how stamina works in the game. So you got 2 options: Option 1 - understand that at early game, you can’t do a lot of things at once. Conserve your stamina, never let it completely deplete, and always have a path backwards to go to disengage from the fight and recover stamina. Option 2 - mod the game to reduce the stamina usage. It’s not hard to do. As for the dogs, there are signs before you come across them so always be alert. The developers don’t want the game to be easy at the beginning, they want it hard. If you hear the growl at the early game, turn around and run away (See option 1). Fighting the dogs in the open or in a POI at early game is an easy way to get wrecked or kill. Outsmart them if you want to fight them
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