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Bladestorm Games

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  1. UPDATE - Mod Version: V1.2 [A21] Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BhBVEf5be59okXEARRJPMvlU5N-vcyrs/view?usp=share_link [NEW ADDITION] • Added 19 New Relics. Relics database updated (Scroll to position 42 to view new Relics) Updated Relics Database: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XExrSGnxfNruyp4g-m94XNMpz9cizOvz3POP0beaHpg/edit?usp=sharing • Added a new body armor item that always has 6 Mod Slots. • Added Economic Value to Relics so that they can be sold to trader. [ADJUSTMENT] • Relic: Mecha Command now grants +1 Robotic Limit (Any level). This makes the relic usable before level 50. [VERSION NOTES] • The Relics "Combatant's Reach" and "Heavy Weight" has compatability issues with mods that add new melee weapons, as the effect takes place in items.xml altering individual weapons, adjusting values depending if the player has the relic equipped. • The Relic "Self-Damnation" may have issues with mods that introduce new debuffs and/or alter the names of the core game's debuffs. [BUG LIST] Barracade and Fragile Fragment causing self kill when hitting trap / vending machine [DEV NOTE] • Thanks for visiting my mod and I hope this update provides fun and new builds. • With the release of new Relics, there is likely to be bugs, please notify me of them and I will try to fix them.
  2. Some time this coming Friday I will be releasing the Major update to this mod. Teaser #4: Feather Fate • A convenience Relic that helps with movement speed.
  3. Teaser #3: Van Swift's Sickle • A combat focused Relic that has increased effect for Knifes and Blades.
  4. Teaser #2: The Butcher• A Relic where you can get scaling effects/stats the more invested into The Huntsman perk.
  5. Sorry for the delay everyone, just really busy with all kinds of projects going on right now. I have a large addition being worked on for the Relics mod, and it should be released SOON™ The Rings mod has a small addition being worked on. While you guys wait, I will be posting some teasers for the Relics update. (Likely 1 teaser per 2 to 3 days up until the update is released, which will include an updated database of the new relics.) Teaser #1: Unchained • A Relic where you can get scaling effects/stats the more invested into a Attribute or Perk. • This Relic grants some decent general-combat related Stats based on Attributes you've invested into.
  6. Little update on this mod, I plan to have a large sized update to the Relics mod in mid to late September.
  7. Little update on this mod, I plan to have a medium sized update to the Rings mod in mid to late September. EDIT #1: Sorry for the delay everyone, just really busy with all kinds of projects going on right now. The Rings mod has a small addition being worked on. (For those interested in the Relics mod I have a large addition being worked, and it should be released SOON™. Be sure to check out the Relics mod forum post for teasers of new Relics)
  8. Next update ill add a Sell Value to the Rings and Relics (Update for those mods may take a bit as I am a bit too busy with other projects and other stuff)
  9. Relic Mecha Command doesnt effect Drone limit, I'll look into seeing if its compatible, but when I was making the Relic, I remember not having access to a solution.
  10. If the entity/enemy is spawned, it should track them. I think you can place a Land Claim Block to prevent respawning of enemies: https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Land_Claim_Block
  11. Thanks for your feedback, and thoughts, and prayers. I feel most Rings provide a lot of power and justify having to make the decision on whether you want non-ring modifiers on a slot. As for more mod slots on hand items, I'll likely add 2 craftable or lootable equipment items: 1) Glove with 5 slots. 2) Glove with 6 slots. Ring of Agony has been updated to be -[15/25/35] Health, the update to the mod hasnt been released yet. I'll look into adding some kind of a buff for Ring of Storage. Likely I'll leave it as it is, and just make a new Ring type that has storage and some other stat(s). On my development list for the Rings mod, I have a section for something like this, but never finished it, because many ideas have moved/changed/scrapped. I have reworked that section and I have 2 ideas of what I'd like to do with weapon specialization rings, some ideas are brought over to my Relics mod, which the next update will have a lot new relics. It may be possible to fire multiple projectiles with 1 ammo. I will do an experiment. But when I was doing Archery playthrough with + Additional Projectile rings, I didnt have an issue with ammo, it may be the difficulty settings you have, or something else? (through loot, vendors, and The Huntsman perk, I got A LOT of ammo) Ring of Twin Terror is just an option for someone to be able to shoot more projectiles with Bow / Crossbow, but loose a bit of damage (+1 proj for -15% to -25% damage is really worth it especially with more +% Damage sources) Ring of Splinter Rain has 3 variants and each one has its purpose. Going back to point 6, I have some notes in my development list for Archery Rings (ones that dont have + Projectiles). Regarding the Ring Forge / Merging Rings, unfortunately some rings have variants which is a duplicate ring item but with changed stats. If I wanted to make Ring of Swift Agony (requires Ring of Stride + Ring of Agony) there would have to be 18 (6 x 3) of the same recipe. Because there are 6 entries for Ring of Stride and 3 entries for Ring of Agony. I had to do it this way because when first making the mod I found out you cant easily have roll ranges, so I had to make a new item entry for each value of a roll range. I have an idea on how to roll a stat between values using cvar, but the issue would be getting that value from item_modifier.xml to buffs.xml. My solution to this would be to make rings be scrapable and you get a Shard of X (So if you scrap any of the Ring of Strides, you'd get Shard of Stride). In my development list I have a section for this system, but havent worked on it: 1) I dont want rings to be too powerful yet. They are intended for core game, if the rings seem to OP, someone can go to the core game's difficulty and increase it from the menu options. I dont want to balance the rings while factoring in other difficulty mods. 2) I want my more creative ideas to go into my Relics mod, so some ideas I had for some Rings have moved over. I want the Rings mod to be more simple ideas, I still have a good number of rings I'd like to add that fall under simplicity. 3) I am running out of ring icons that fit the theme of a ring. This is kind of a silly reason, but it matter to me to have some consistency (I dont want to grab icons from multiple games / sources if they dont match similar art styles).
  12. Hello, I've run into an issue where when I try to use "and" operator, I seem to get errors. The goal is to change a few item's passive_effect in 1 section of code, so instead of doing something like this: <append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnKnucklesT0LeatherKnuckles']"> <effect_group name="inc_range"> <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_add" value="1" /> <passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_add" value="1" /> </effect_group> </append> <append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnKnucklesT1IronKnuckles']"> <effect_group name="inc_range"> <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_add" value="1" /> <passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_add" value="1" /> </effect_group> </append> <append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnKnucklesT3SteelKnuckles']"> <effect_group name="inc_range"> <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_add" value="1" /> <passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_add" value="1" /> </effect_group> </append> I am trying to do something like this: <append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnKnucklesT0LeatherKnuckles' and @name='meleeWpnKnucklesT1IronKnuckles' and @name='meleeWpnKnucklesT3SteelKnuckles']"> <effect_group name="inc_range"> <passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_add" value="1" /> <passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_add" value="1" /> </effect_group> </append> Is that not a valid option? Or am I structuring it wrong? Thanks!
  13. In the main post I have a section "Bugs/Issues List". DoT (Damage over Time) effects seem have a bug where they dont give EXP on kill. (I've noticed that on new playthroughs I do get EXP from DoT kills, until a certain point into the play-time)
  14. When playing for fun, I like running both. (When I do run these mods, I have a self imposed rule "No Guns". Currently doing a playthrough with a Fists build) Rings is where my simple ideas go into. Relics is where my more complex/interesting ideas go into.
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