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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I do want to point out that all weapons do get a boost from Penetrator perk, as it adds additional armor penetration for any range weapon (and spears). So a point in Penetrator gives you a 10% increase in armor penetration for all guns (20% for spears). So AP ammo starts with a 50% armor penetration that you can increase with the Penetrator perk. Max would be 70%. Maxed out at Perk Level 3. Spears, if you were to max out Penetrator perk, would give you a 100% armor penetration. Maxed out at Perk Level 4
  2. When I saw the title, I was expecting @Rotor to be confessing to something he did illegal and/or unethical involving chickens. 😁
  3. So everyone knows <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT3Nailgun']/property/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items']/@value">resourceWood,resourceClayLump,resourceSnowBall,resourceScrapIron,resourceForgedIron,resourceForgedSteel,resourceConcreteMix,resourceCobblestones,ironDoorBlockVariantHelper,ironDoorDoubleBlockVariantHelper,vaultDoor01,vaultDoor01Double,ironHatchBlockVariantHelper,vaultHatch01,cellarDoorDoubleIron,cellarDoorDoubleSteel,shuttersIronBlockVariantHelper,shuttersSteelBlockVariantHelper,resourceYuccaFibers,resourceCloth,resourceScrapPolymers,resourceNail,resourceForgedMeteoriteGreen,resourceForgedMeteoriteRed,resourceForgedMeteoriteBlue</set> Original code was items/item/property[@name], needed to be items/item/property/property[@name]
  4. Probably because you were in Forest downtown and others haven't seen them spawn in yet Wolves can spawn in the downtown areas, even in the Forest
  5. Do ores show up in the preview map? I didn't think they would. If your issue is with the oil shale rocks on the surface, that is handled by the biomes xml file and that would be the deco_shale_vein prefab. If anything you loaded up changes that prefab, that would cause issues on your map <!-- *** Desert: Ore Sub Biome: oilDeposit --> <subbiome prob="0.402"> <layers> <layer depth="4" blockname="terrDesertGround"/> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrSandStone"> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrSandStone"> <resource blockname="terrOreOilDeposit" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrSandStone"/><layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </layers> <decorations> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_shale_vein" checkresource="-7" onslopes="true" prob=".00657" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource02" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus01" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus02" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus03" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus04" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus05" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock01" prob=".001" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock02" prob=".001" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock05" prob=".001" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntDesertRandomLootHelper" prob="0.00025"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.020" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedYucca3Harvest" prob="0.002" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedAloe3Harvest" rotatemax="3" prob="0.003"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDesertShrub" prob="0.05" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="driftwood" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="driftwood2" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="driftwood3" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntBirdnest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="decoCowSkull" prob="0.00025" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus06" prob="0.0009" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeBrownGrassDiagonal" prob=".00025"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="plantShrubDead" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed01" prob="0.0003" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakSml01" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> </decorations> </subbiome>
  6. Can you link your code as it got it so far and I can take a look at it?
  7. Did you go to the post that SylenThunder linked in her reply to you and follow the directions, like getting the logs and posting them?
  8. And here we go, How to say you don't farm, but claim to be an expert on what needs to be improved about it. LoTL maxed out gives you a minimum of 6 crops back per harvest, with a 50/50 chance of a 7th bonus crop. Seeds only take 5 crops to craft, and you have a 50/50 chance to get a seed back when you harvest.
  9. I never used SMX so I wouldn't be able to provide you with any assistance. Also haven't dwelled much into the XUI files either.
  10. Probably, but I never fooled around with heat map items (unless it was just to modify already existing values) to understand it more than just the top level we see in the xml files.
  11. I don't craft it, but if I am running low on ammo, I will buy HP. I typically save AP ammo for horde nights, and 9mm ball ammo for turrets. If I got quite a bit of HP ammo saved up, I will use it for POI / trader mission runs for the above reason.
  12. Most modders won’t touch someone else’s mod unless it has been abandoned and the mod creator has given them permission. It’s a respect thing.
  13. 99% certainty that your issue is that you only have the mod installed on the server. This adds new (old) assets to the game so all computers (server and clients) need to have it installed. Khaine specified that it is not server only mod on the front page.
  14. And nobody here can understand the problem either as you have not stated any information other than you got errors. Error messages? Also, did you install it on your computer also? This mod needs to be installed on all computers (servers and everyone connecting to the server).
  15. You can use this in the meantime
  16. It's a coding reason. The devs don't want to spend processing time to calculate if and where it rains in the world and then have rain catchers fill up.
  17. Kind of like in real life, where not all small trash cans are made out of metal, some are made out of plastics 😉
  18. Is that a bug report or a balance issue?
  19. If I got some time tonight, I may start up a game with no zombies and loot multiple containers - both book cases and crates / chests. I think pulling data from both types (All magazine loot group and specialized loot groups) should point us very clearly how the bonus is working in-game. As long as you don't read the magazines, you don't have to worry about your loot bonus resetting to zero after maxing it out.
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