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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. And if anyone wonders, TFP made an announcement about it https://7daystodie.com/mischief-maker-usage/#:~:text=The Mischief Maker Twitch Extension,extension and by Mischief Maker.
  2. Are you talking about mod creators who charge people to use their mods? If so, that isn’t new in the EULA and TFP are right to go after anyone that creates mods for 7D2D and charge others to use it.
  3. No biggie, I did add a note in the original post explaining when mods need to be installed on all machines. TBH - the custom POIs was a last minute idea I had while I was working on the mod (A20 version didn't have them) and everything prior to releasing it has been XML edits only. So while I did explain the custom POIs both in the post and readme file, I didn't explain the significance as to why I am pointing that out. Note, you might like the crafting mod I am working on right now based on some issues you have with the base game (from your comments I have read). Since my items mod removes the ability to repair items, I made adjustments in the crafting side to counter-balance that out (so it wasn't too severe of a penalty). So I added Q6 crafting, changed some of the recipes (including explosive arrows). I also been thinking about adding optional code a player can activate (by removing the comments section) to increase where they can get crafting magazines from.
  4. The trader mod can be either depending on if you want to use the Custom POIs. If you delete them, it is server side only. If you keep them, it is required on all machines. Nothing was done to the price of the water filter. However, you do get a flat 10% increase in Dukes for completing the missions. All of this is noted in the readme file that I included so people can read it first to see if this mod seems like something they want to try........... Note, this is not balanced for MP as I don't play (and don't intend to play) MP. The only balancing is done towards my SP games, and this is also balanced against the other mods I am working on towards updating for A21. If you find it difficult in vanilla, then these mods will not be for you. I am working on my crafting mod next since I figured out how to get the display properties to work properly with my changes. That introduces Q6 crafting along with some other changes to the schematics and perk book recipe unlocks.
  5. There is also a lootstage_bonus in the biomes.xml file, not sure if the mod is trying to affect that value. Couldn't download it this morning on a tablet 😏
  6. Hard to assist without seeing the code of your mod. Second error is because that item doesn’t exist, which could be caused by more than one issue.
  7. Trader mod can be either. If you want the traders to have a unique vending machine setup, they need to be installed on both server and client as it has custom POIs (modified blocks for traders). However, you can also just delete the POIs on it and the mod will still run fine
  8. Not valid, the and operator in this case is looking for an item that includes all three listed. Correct way to use And is to specify a specific node, like @name='MaxRange' and operation='base_add" In your case, you should use contains contains(@name,'meleeWpnKnuckles') - This will update any item that has that in the name. Example <remove xpath="//passive_effect[contains(@tags,'T0')]"/> This is in my progression file for crafting and would remove all code with the tags T0 in it. Easy way to remove ability to craft any T0 gear past Quality level 1.
  9. Check link https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Mod_Structure#ModInfo.xml
  10. Shameless self promotion coming up in 5 4 3 2 1 ..... 😏
  11. So against my better judgement, releasing any of the mods I am working on that I use to play 7D2D. Not really a theme, though they are the BFT2020 experience 😏 Note, all mods will have a readme file to download and one included in the zipped file. This lists the various changes (but maybe not all of them) that the mod will do. In addition, I put some helpful comments in each xml file so you can quickly find the section of my mod that makes the changes if you want to tweak it towards your preferences. These are all still a work in progress as I started it back in A20 and was making changes all the way to A21. Will be seeing how the changes to A21 affect them and if I need to make any adjustments. NOTE: If the mod mentions custom assets (POIs, models, icons, etc), then it needs to be installed on both server and client machines in MP games. Trader Mod https://github.com/BFT2020/A21Traders.git Removes quest rewards and some overall tweaks to the trader system. Has custom trader POIs that are not required - they have custom vending machines in order to have different settings - deleting the POI files will cause the vending machines to revert back to the vanilla trader groups. Crafting Mod - Future content https://github.com/BFT2020/A21MCGA.git Removes quality items from quest rewards, limits traders to Q2 or less (except for Solar Cells), and adds broken items as loot drops up to T4 POIs. T5 POIs have chance to drop Q6 gear. https://github.com/BFT2020/BFT2020_Q6Crafting.git Adds Q6 crafting to the game and removes perk book / schematics unlocks for most items (now in crafting trees) - exceptions - clothing, cigars, and crafting cloth from fibers are still perk book unlocks. Also adds the ability to craft solar cells and solar banks. Food and Drink Mod - Future content Vehicle Mod - Future content Items mod - Future content Quests / Challenges Mod - Future content Anything else I am forgetting 😏 https://github.com/BFT2020/A21NoTutorialQuests.git Removes the starting quests but still get the 4 free points. Also keeps the Find trader quest https://github.com/BFT2020/A21IzayoProgFix.git Quick little mod to assist Izayo with his awesome weapon mods - Fixes the issue with crafting display for 9mm, shotgun, and 556 weapon packs - Install one or more depending on which of Izayo's mods you have installed. Note I cannot guarantee that this works with save games - use at your own risk
  12. Sure is motivation though to learn to drive and fly the gyrocopter properly 😏
  13. I should make you two create this mod, after getting me to sit there and think it through 😏 Take some of that theoretical energy you both been burning through and turn it into practical energy
  14. Yes Using the medicine cabinet as an example, each time you loot it, there are 3 loot groups and it is set to count ="all" so chance to grab an item from each group. Guaranteed to get an item from the common medical group which has a low (0.2) chance of picking honey. There is a low chance (0.2) of picking from the uncommon medical group, which has a veryLow (0.05) chance of getting the herbal antibiotics There is a veryLow (0.05) chance of picking from the rare medical group, which has a veryLow (0.05) chance of getting the blue/white pill. These chances are the same with a player on Day 1 vs a player on Day 100. Note, 0.05 doesn't mean 5% chance based on how probability is calculated in the game. In the rare group, there are 4 items with the antibiotic the only one with a probability chance listed. That means the other 3 have a probability of 1 each so the total for that group is 3.05. That means the probability of the antibiotic is 0.05/3.05 or 1.6% chance. The rare group itself only has a 5% chance of being picked from. And in case someone is wondering, you only have a 3.2% chance of getting honey based on the number of items inside the common medical group
  15. I will post my trader mod tonight, I think it is good enough at this stage for general release. It probably is possible, but I don't want to go down that rabbit trail at this point: The game is still in development, which includes the UI I haven't start looking into what this would require in terms of coding and UI changes I have a lot of work to do on my mods just to get them working in A21 😏 I will be including a readme file for the mod along with comments in the xml files to help people figure out what each section does.
  16. meganoth is correct. Count = 1 means you have a chance of getting either feathers or eggs. Count = 2 would be two picks, which can be 2 groups of feathers, 2 groups of eggs, or one of each. Count all would mean that each loot group would have a chance of procc'ing. For an example of count="all", check the Hardened Chests in the loot file. The T4 chest would pull an item from 9 different loot groups.
  17. Would it be more tied to Action2 which is the actual drinking mechanism while the effect group runs the code / checks of the various conditions? Wonder if you change the code in Action2 to create item like the bundles do and tie it to the water blocks if that is even possible....
  18. Yes, in the case of Izayo's mod, both the server and each client would need to have the mod installed. Any mod that adds assets have to be loaded on all machines. This would also apply to any mod that modifies the core gaming code. Any mod that only affects xml file / coding would only need to be installed on the server machine (in SP, your machine is considered the server).
  19. Interesting approach. Right now, this is what you can expect when comparing the T1 chest to the T5 hardened chest: Ammo - T1 gets 1 pick (small ammo group), T5 gets 5 picks from large ammo group Weapon / Armor - T1 gets 1 pick, T5 gets 2 picks Medical - T1 picks between First Aid bandages, kits, or food, T5 picks only from Kits Mods -T1 has a pick from either mods or early Books / Schematics, while T5 gets a guaranteed pick Books / Schematics - T1 has a pick from either mods or early Books / Schematics, while T5 gets a guaranteed pick scaled on player level Bonus Items group - T1 has no bonus groups, while T5 has two bonus groups - one is a bundle Cash and Prizes (Prizes being silver, gold, or diamonds) -Only the T5 in this example has this pick Also, don't T5's normally have more of the crate / bags / safes lootable containers as compared to a T1? I been enjoying the new crafting system, personally. Even taking it further by adding in the unlocks for the mods into the various crafting branches along with removing the unlocks from Perk books and rolling them into those.
  20. If you had infinite perk points, then this would be a steal at early game as you would be able to unlock your inventory on Day 1.
  21. That's basically what I did with my trader mod. Removed quest rewards (for all tiers and tier completion), boosted the price of items with quality, and increase time for restocking. I also reduced the open time of the traders. I did a flat boost to dukes since I removed the rewards (10%) but nothing too OP. I went the route that the quests are really jobs that the traders are asking you to do so paying you for completing the job, not giving away free merchandise.
  22. Medical supplies are not in all lootable objects in the game. Herbal antibiotics are in the uncommon medical group while the blue/white pill is in the rare medical group. So you won't find them in trash piles or boxes, but typically anything medically themed. Also traders have a 50% chance of stocking them, which is why I will always buy one at early game if I see it in stock if I don't have one to use. And as others have mentioned, tree stumps are a great source of honey. Typically by the time I reach my first trader, I have gotten a few since I harvest every stump on my way there.
  23. Survivor is not easy mode, sorry bro, but not going to let you troll me. Unless you removed all POIs and all loot containers from the game, water can be found if you play smart.
  24. I play on survivor level and have no issues finding water.
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