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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. If you need to mass craft gunpowder and need it quickly, then someone needs to perk into physician in the Intellect tree. Perk levels 2 and 3 gives you a 20% decrease in crafting time while Perk levels 4 and 5 gives you a 40% decrease in crafting time. Nerdy glasses adds an additional 10% reduction in crafting. If you get to level 4 of the perk along with glasses, gunpowder bundles take 15 minutes to craft. At that point, you get a bundle of gunpowder for the same time as doing it individually and get the resource reduction. I believe that is why they balanced it that way.
  2. Did you try to get the Tier 2 quests the same day you completed T1 quests? You have to wait a day for the quests to refresh in order to start getting the higher tier ones.
  3. AP and HP ammo cannot be loaded into the turrets, just the ball ammo (shells for Shotgun turrets)
  4. I will be honest, I am biased in that I don't really care and hope it doesn't change....but this is because I have introduced new foods in my mod and adding custom icons is one thing, custom models in game......no thanks 😏
  5. With 7 Days to Die, you can't remove mods and continue with a save game. You will get errors, especially with mods that add assets to the game or change the character file. So far, I have only loaded Izayo's shotgun and 556 mod (haven't done the 762 mod yet). Let me load up the 762 mod this evening (it's morning here for reference) when I get home from work and I can check it out. Also, a list of mods that you installed would be helpful. The error messages (from the last two screenshots) indicate it is looking for something, but it can't find it anymore. Did you remove a mod that added new items to the game and then removed it?
  6. Since it is a new game install, go into game launcher, tools, and clean out everything. Then have Steam validate the game files at least 2 times. Start it up and run it again
  7. A19 Gamestage <entitygroup name="feralHordeStageGS704"><entity name="zombieSkateboarderRadiated" prob="0.66"/><entity name="zombieSpiderFeral" prob="0.5"/><entity name="zombieBusinessMan"/><entity name="zombieOldTimerRadiated" prob="0.66"/><entity name="zombieJanitor"/><entity name="zombieMarlene"/><entity name="zombieYoFeral" prob="0.7"/><entity name="zombieNurseFeral" prob="0.7"/><entity name="zombieFatCopRadiated" prob="0.5"/><entity name="animalZombieDog"/><entity name="zombieBoeFeral" prob="0.7"/><entity name="zombieArleneFeral" prob="0.7"/><entity name="zombieSteve"/><entity name="zombieJanitorRadiated" prob="0.66"/><entity name="zombieFemaleFatRadiated" prob="0.6"/></entitygroup> A21 Gamestage <entitygroup name="feralHordeStageGS704"> zombieDemolition, .5 zombieDarleneFeral zombieBikerRadiated zombieJanitorRadiated zombieBiker zombieSpiderRadiated, .6 zombieSoldierFeral zombieMaleHazmat zombieFatCop animalZombieDog zombieArleneRadiated zombieArlene zombieMarleneRadiated zombieYoRadiated zombieFatCopFeral </entitygroup> It has been this way for awhile now, not sure which version you are comparing it to. Personally I like the new version (A21) as it is cleaner and easier to read / understand.
  8. I would recommend only doing your changes in the mod and keep Izayo's mod as a separate download. That way you don't have to redo your mod every time that Izayo updates the mod or makes fixes, the only times you have to update yours is when your mod has updates needed. In addition, this insures that when people download from Izayo's link, they have the latest and greatest mod, while yours might become one or more version behind.
  9. Random stats are typically like this (note this is based on the current copy of config files I have on hand which are Alpha 21 stable) <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.04,.04" tags="perkElectrocutioner"/> <!-- random EntityDmg --> One thing you can try is this code: <remove xpath="//passive_effect[@value='-.04,.04']" /> That will remove any lines with that exact value in it. Doing a quick check, that captured a lot of the random stats. There will be others, but you add more lines and change the value (like -.02,.02)
  10. My mods are more designed to work together, so just using the trader aspect of it is not the same experience I have when I play the game. Note, everything I state about how the game plays from this point on is based on A20 gameplay as I am still translating my mods over to A21 and been a bit slow about it (working on the crafting one right now which is probably the most time consuming of all the updates - not sure why I chose that one to do next). Since I removed the ability to repair gear, crafting and buying items from the trader becomes more important. Even with the mod that I added that reduces degradation with firearms use, a gun will break before you finish a bloodmoon horde if used extensively during the BM horde (specifically at later stage BM horde nights). So if a trader has a nice pump shotgun for sale, I will purchase it if I got enough Dukes on hand so I don't have to craft another one right away. Or I spend Dukes on crafting materials so that I can craft that piece of gear I want if I am short on them. My mod was never intended for the trader haters camp; but for those seeking to still keep traders relevant to the game, but not as OP as they can be in vanilla This is exactly my intent with my mod and appreciate the feedback on it. It also requires a mindset change, or accepting that the traders are not as powerful as they are in vanilla. There is probably going to be tweaks needed down the road, especially once I start playing A21 more with all my mods installed. I am also looking into changing the rewards offered. Some thoughts I have is seeing if I can tie them to loot stage instead of a guaranteed level that they are right now. And then balance out the T1 quests so higher level players can not just spam those out to get high tier gear if they are higher level. Try to make the higher loot gear tied to the higher risk POI quests. This would be a separate trader mod than the one I got right now. Again though, the intent of this mod would be to slow down progression through trader rewards.
  11. Another thing is that the traders sell appliances that are not like the loot container ones. So you can buy it and place it. Since it is a player placed block, it doesn't get assigned a loot group so won't ever change into the open state once you loot it. <!-- *** Deco_Blocks --> <trader_item_group name="decorativeBlocks" count="1"> <item group="decorativeBlinds"/> <item name="airConditioner" count="2,3"/> <item name="appliancesVariantHelper" count="2,3"/> <item name="cntCashRegister"/> <item name="cntCoolerVariantHelper"/> <item name="cntFileCabinetBlockVariantHelper"/> <item name="sinkKitchen" count="2,4"/> <item name="pictureVariantHelper" count="2,3"/> <item name="cntWaterCoolerFull"/> <item name="pipeLargeBlockVariantHelper" count="20,30"/> <item name="pipeSmallBlockVariantHelper" count="20,30"/> <item name="treeAzalea" count="8,15"/> <item name="barStoolVariantHelper" count="4,8"/> </trader_item_group> <block name="appliancesVariantHelper"> <property name="Extends" value="cntStoveModernVer1Closed" param1="Place,EconomicValue"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="cntStoveModernVer1Closed"/> <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="all_blocks"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="blockVariantHelperGroupDesc"/> <property name="SelectAlternates" value="true"/> <property name="PlaceAltBlockValue" value="cntStoveModernVer1Closed_Player,cntStoveOldVer1Closed_Player,cntMicrowaveOvenVer1Closed_Player,cntMicrowaveOvenVer2Closed_Player,cntToaster,cntCoffeeMaker,cntRetroFridgeVer1Closed_Player,cntFridgeStainlessSteel_Player,cntWasherClosed_Player,cntDryerClosed_Player,cntgasRangeWhite,cntgasRangeGrey,cntgasRangeBlack,cntwallOvenFullWhite_Player,cntwallOvenFullGrey_Player,cntwallOvenFullBlack_Player,cntDishwasherFullWhite_Player,cntDishwasherFullYellow_Player,cntDishwasherFullGreen_Player,cntDishwasherFullBlack_Player,hoodRangeWhite,hoodRangeYellow,hoodRangeGreen,hoodRangeGrey,hoodRangeBlack,hoodRangeWhiteOffset,hoodRangeYellowOffset,hoodRangeGreenOffset,hoodRangeGreyOffset,hoodRangeBlackOffset,decoComputerDeskTopPC,decoComputerMonitorKeyboardMousePC,decoComputerMonitorKeyboardMouse,decoComputerMonitorKeyboardMouse2,decoComputerMonitor,decoLaptop,wallClock"/> <property name="SortOrder1" value="U200"/> <property name="SortOrder2" value="0000"/> <property name="FilterTags" value="MC_playerBlocks,SC_playerHelpers"/> </block>
  12. I will see if I recall anyone adding traps with buffs, but at the top of my head, I can't think of any
  13. You might be talking about me and my style of gameplay. My trader mod that I actually posted in the mods section does that as one of its changes. It removed all trader awards to only Dukes and made a small boost to Dukes earned since you don't get the items anymore.
  14. So lets go back to the very beginning and follow these steps to see if we can A) Get a vanilla game to load, and then B) start adding mods in small groups to try and narrow down the issue 1) Remove / Delete all mods in the mod folders 2) Verify all files through Steam at least 2 times 3) Start the game launcher and go into the Data tab, clear out all previous data (profiles, saved games, worlds, etc). Lets get a clean start. 4) Run the game without any mods 5) If no issues from 4, start adding mods in small groups and see how everything loads up. Also, as an aside, I noticed you are using Izayo's 556 and shotgun weapon packs. There is a link in each of those threads to update the crafting display that I released to support Izayo that you can download and install. Should be in one of my posts in those threads.
  15. FYI, you can also create a modlet that will prevent them from going to the empty state after looting.
  16. Is there any item in there with the just the name food? That is why you are getting an error. If you are trying to do a change to all food items with the same stack size, you need to use contains so something like <set xpath="//item[contains(@name,'food') and not(contains(@name,'magazine'))]/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">50</set> So this will go through the items file and update the stack of all food items to 50, but not any of the magazines that have food in the name.
  17. Try using the new csv commands, specifically the example of adding to tags
  18. Why would TFP add Esperanto as an officially supported language when it is not even in the top 33 languages worldwide? Maybe if one of the developers is adamant about the language and they give them the go ahead to put some time into translating everything into Esperanto...... Language Total Number of Speakers English 1,452,000,000 Mandarin Chinese 1,118,000,000 Hindi 602,200,000 Spanish 548,300,000 French 274,100,000 Standard Arabic 274,000,000 Bengali 272,700,000 Russian 258,200,000 Portuguese 257,700,000 Urdu 231,300,000 Indonesian 199,000,000 German 134,600,000 Japanese 125,400,000 Nigerian Pidgin 120,700,000 Marathi 99,100,000 Telugu 95,700,000 Turkish 88,100,000 Tamil 86,400,000 Yue Chinese 85,600,000 Vietnamese 85,300,000 Tagalog 82,300,000 Wu Chinese 81,800,000 Korean 81,700,000 Iranian Persian (Farsi) 77,400,000 Hausa 77,100,000 Egyptian Spoken Arabic 74,800,000 Swahili 71,400,00 Javanese 68,300,000 Italian 67,900,000 Western Punjabi 66,400,000 Kannada 64,000,000 Gujarati 62,000,000 Thai 60,700,000
  19. Have you installed it also on your computer (the clients)? It has assets so this mod needs to be loaded on all computers to work.
  20. This was the old version (pre A21) <ModInfo> <Name value="BFT2020_AllInOneMod" /> <Description value="MyMod" /> <Author value="BFT2020" /> <Version value="0.1" /> </ModInfo> So they added DisplayName and Website. They also removed having to put in between ModInfo and /ModInfo. Note A20 ModInfo files will work in A21, but won't around A22.
  21. Check how they do with either the electric fences or spike traps, I believe those apply buffs (electric shock, bleeding).
  22. Yeah, sounds like it. This would be tied to this property for the entities if I remember correctly <property name="MoveSpeedPanic" value="0.55"/>
  23. The save files size for this game make it difficult to be saved on the cloud. If they are able to reduce the size of the saved files, this might be an option in the future; but unavailable for now.
  24. How did you change the slider values? Experience required per level is set by the progression xml file so as long as you are not changing that, it shouldn't change the level of progression <level max_level="300" exp_to_level="10000" experience_multiplier="1.05" skill_points_per_level="1" clamp_exp_cost_at_level="60"> <!-- Note: max_level is referenced in buffNearDeathTraumaXXX and entityclasses --> <!-- XP to complete the current level will cap out at 2^32/2. (lvl 252 in A18) --> </level>
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