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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. What mod are you using that modifies the health bar and which health bar are you talking about - the player health bar or displaying the zombie health bar?
  2. For future reference, a question like this would be better in the Mods/Discussion & Requests section rather than General Support which is geared towards vanilla gameplay.
  3. I couldn’t find it, might be hard coded in
  4. Try this file. You can modify the values but it does the changes I mentioned. I haven't played around with the values to see what they do and how you need to adjust them, but the code is there for anyone to experiment with https://github.com/BFT2020/A21ZombieBehaviour.git
  5. Or if you are lazy like me, you would just do 😏 <remove xpath="//decoration[contains(@blockname,'mine')]"/>
  6. Log file indicates a lot of load issues with the mods in question. Delete all mods, verify steam files at least 2 times or more, and go into game launcher and clear out all game data, then start again with vanilla to confirm everything is working fine. After that, load a few mods at a time and see what happens, looking for bad mod installs or conflicts. That is what I would do.
  7. Here, I will link you to the gateway drug we call xpath modding 😏
  8. You can make some basic modifications to the Zombie AI through the UtilityAI file in the xml config folder. For example. <action name="MeleeAttackBlock" weight="3"> <task class="AttackTargetBlock" action_index="0"/> <consideration class="PathBlocked"/> <consideration class="TargetType" type="Block"/> <consideration class="TargetDistance" flip_y="true" min="2" max="4"/> </action> That's the xml values for zombies attacking blocks. You can change things like the min and max numbers to increase how many blocks they will go through to get to you. In addition, there are additional values in entityclasses you can adjust From ZombieTemplateMale <property name="AIFeralSense" value="1.5"/> <property name="AINoiseSeekDist" value="8"/> <property name="AIPathCostScale" value=".15, .4"/> <!-- ApproachAndAttackTarget class=class,chaseTimeMax (go home) --> <!-- SetNearestEntityAsTarget class=class, hear dist, see dist (checked left to right)(0 dist uses entity default, neg no sense scale) --> <property name="AITask" value=" BreakBlock| DestroyArea| Territorial| ApproachDistraction| ApproachAndAttackTarget class=EntityPlayer,0,EntityBandit,0,EntityEnemyAnimal,0,EntityAnimal| ApproachSpot| Look| Wander| "/> <property name="AITarget" value=" SetAsTargetIfHurt class=EntityPlayer,EntityBandit,EntityEnemyAnimal| BlockingTargetTask| SetNearestCorpseAsTarget flags=edible| SetNearestEntityAsTarget class=EntityPlayer,0,0,EntityBandit,0,-10| "/> AIPathCostScale is how they determine if they should take a straight path to you or if they should just destroy blocks in a straight line to you. You can modify those values to change the zombie behavior. More complex changes would require changes to the source code that @The_Great_Sephiroth mentioned.
  9. No he wasn’t yes yes no To expand more on my brief response: There is always a server involved when you play 7 days to die - Single Player (your machine is both the server and the client), someone is hosting a multiplayer game (the host is both the server and a client while everyone else connecting to the host is just a client), or using a dedicated server (the server is just the server while everyone connecting to the dedi server is a client). Category 1 has to be installed on the server (your computer in SP, the host's computer, or the dedi). Installing on all computers will not hurt anything as the server computer will override everyone else with the xml edits. Category 2 has to be installed on all computers playing the game (server and clients) as the clients are using the local assets to place in game. Category 3 has to be installed on all computers (and EAC off as mentioned by Khaine) as you are now using modified source code to play the game. Clients use the source code on their computer to run the game at their end.
  10. Go to the mods section, specifically tutorials & guides, go to the Xpath modding explanation thread, and go to page 28. Spereii does an excellent job explaining the new entitygroups structure.
  11. For everyone's information, this is how your mods folder should look like with Izayo's and my mods Since I have both of Izayo's mods loaded, I installed both of my mods to update the UI. (Ignore the Temp folder, that is where I dump mod folders in when I don't want them to load up). Want to clear up some confusion since there was some in the shotgun thread. Tarf already explained it. Since Izayo's mod has new assets (models), both server and client machines need to have the mods installed. So the machine that is acting as the server and all of your friends (including yours if you are running an independent server) need to have the mod installed for everything to show up correct. No discord, not important enough to have one 😏
  12. For everyone's information, this is how your mods folder should look like with Izayo's and my mods Since I have both of Izayo's mods loaded, I installed both of my mods to update the UI. (Ignore the Temp folder, that is where I dump mod folders in when I don't want them to load up).
  13. No install the folder in the mods folder for one or both gun mods - depending on if you have one or both
  14. Updates the UI to fix the issue where multiple lines not showing https://github.com/BFT2020/IzayoUIUpdates.git NOTE: File includes both the shotgun and 556 weapon mods. Only install for the weapon mods you are using
  15. Updates the UI to fix the issue where multiple lines not showing https://github.com/BFT2020/IzayoUIUpdates.git NOTE: File includes both the shotgun and 556 weapon mods. Only install for the weapon mods you are using
  16. <!-- To add to an existing group, spread it over multiple lines --> <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesAll']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" > zombieFatHawaiian2, .3 zombieFatHawaiian3, .3 zombieFatHawaiian4, .3 zombieFatHawaiian5, .3 </csv>
  17. I will post a fix for the display issues when I get back from vacation, should be this weekend
  18. I think that is the old code, I sent Izayo new code that cleans it up which now should put all the same tier weapons in one line. It’s been a learning exercise with the new crafting, and as I learned from working on my mods, I shared with Izayo.
  19. Do you have the mods installed on the clients too? The mods need to be installed on both server and clients.
  20. If the block only has one destroy event line in it: <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='plantedMushroom3HarvestPlayer']/drop[@event='Destroy']/@prob">0.2</set> If the block has multiple destroy event lines in it: <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='plantedMushroom3HarvestPlayer']/drop[@event='Destroy' and @name='plantedMushroom1']/@prob">0.2</set>
  21. I forgot to mention I do have a fix for this situation. When I got a lot of crafting stations going and I know the activity map is going to increase calling in screamers, I tend to setup shotgun turrets. They do an excellent job of taking out screamers who are too nosy around my base.
  22. Last sentence: "Survival horror is different from typical game genres in that it is not defined strictly by specific mechanics but subject matter, tone, pacing, and design philosophy" Bold is my emphasis. The genre has evolved over time, with the more recent games out there starting to emphasis combat more. Sure 7 days to die is not a pure survival horror game, but as you pointed out earlier in your post, the developers have stated that it is a mashup of First Person shooter, survival horror, Tower defense and Role Playing. They never stated it was a pure survival horror game.
  23. I figured you did based on your other posts stating you were already testing your mod, but figured I would still answer it in case someone searches and finds this thread.
  24. I thought that Jamaicans call them dreadlocks, as part of their culture. Are we denying their culture now? 🤔
  25. Hmmm, the game needs some sort of user interface that displays how well the item does against say blocks vs entities.....then people can see how the axe does against zombies when compared to other melee items..... oh wait.....🤷‍♂️
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