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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Solar banks are only sold at traders, only way to ger one. With Better Barter maxed out, you can start seeing them in secret stash earlier that you would without it. I did something different. Before I had solar panels, I had a generator bank hooked up only to battery banks. It was my charging station.
  2. Mechanical engineer here bud. 😉 Also doesn’t hurt that a current project I am working on right now deals with pumping liquids and specifying a system for it. 😁
  3. My character has never complained once about having to stand all the time.
  4. Don't forget centipoise, center of pressure, centrifugal pump, specific heat capacity, etc. What you stated above I didn't think at all when cp was first mentioned.
  5. Not really. They have their roadmap. Everyone else has a different opinion on everything that they should be doing. Trying to please everyone means nobody will be pleased. The goal is to get the roadmap done while also allowing the ability to mod the game the way you want to (within reason of course). So those extra weapons everyone wants, they can generate a mod to do it. Want different perks than what TFP decides to go with, mod it in. They do listen to feedback and suggestions, but in the end, they are going to do what they think is best for the game and best things to concentrate on. Things that others can add later through mods, they will let the modders do it and concentrate on the base game.
  6. Correct. While it is possible to do so, it does reduce the costs of the current system - so increase benefits, less cost. That is something I am worried about if I change the perks around the various trees to consolidate the firearms into one tree and the melee weapons in a different tree. For me this was just a quick exercise to see if it was as easy as I thought it would be, I wouldn't play it this way as I could be OP very quickly (which is why I backed up the original file so I can replace it after I experiment around). The nice thing is I can do the complete opposite too. I can now make rank 2 unlock at level 5 and so on. Or maybe make the first 2 levels stay the same and increase the cost for the final levels. To be honest, I never had an issue with the current perk system. For me, this was a fun quick activity to see what I can do.
  7. So instead of just talking about it, I made some quick changes to the progression file and made all 3 perks for Living off the Land unlock at level 1. Changed the file and started a new game. Finished the starter quests and got my free 4 points. I was able to unlock all 3 at Level 1. The description still states they are unlocked at levels 1, 3, and 5; but as soon as I placed my first point in the first perk, the second perk was unlocked (same thing for the final perk). I bet I can also change the description if I wanted to (when they unlock) but the objective of this quick trial was to see what would happen when I took a couple of minutes and changed two values.
  8. It is possible (at least from the brief look I did in the xml file). I was thinking about doing a simple mod (or simply change the xml file) to change the perks around (I looked at making all the weapon perks under Perception and all the melee perks under strength - though I moved Sex Rex to Fortitude and such). There is a lot of changes having to be made and one thing I noticed was the settings on when things unlock. You can make all the perks unlock at lower levels if you want to. I am confident it can be done as some other mods out there already introduced their own perks and even tied them into existing ones. You can simple change the level the perk unlocks (for example, change all of the Living off the land to the first tier so all of them unlock at the beginning - no need to spec into fortitude at all). Living off the Land has 3 perk levels (one at 1, one at 3, and the last one unlocks at 5). Simply change the 3 and 5 to 1 and see what happens. Though I am more of a computer hack than a computer genius so doing so may break your game 😉
  9. Read the sticky in the Support section and follow the instructions. Nobody can help you without the details asked for in it
  10. Or do like I do, make a dump chest at the trader before you go in. Then when I exit the trader, I reload and leave things behind I don't absolutely need right at that moment. The next time I am at the trader, I check to see if I got space to take the items I left behind.
  11. I only play SP and I never felt that I couldn't use the spear with the machine gun if I wanted to.
  12. That is why I always put out a turret at the top of my mine. Even then, I typically have to pop up every now and then to help out the turrets before they beat my hatch down completely.
  13. Why do people want to kill kids so much in zombie games?
  14. Sometimes just asking questions get the juices flowing. 😁
  15. I fluctuate but my latest settings have been: 60 minute days, Survivalist, Day zombies run, everything else Nightmare speed, loot and air drops disabled. Everything else is set at default. I forgot to mention BM settings - 64 zombies, every 5 days
  16. I agree with Kyonshi - Not sure the value of having different quality level nail guns. I typically don't repair the nail gun (unless I have no choice). I will use it until it is broken, then either use another one I found during looting or crafted myself. Then I sell the broken one to the traders. A max durability nail gun is the same as a broken one in the trader's eyes so I just save on repair kits since I seem to have several of them laying around. Would it be a bother to just repair it? Not really as glue and iron is plentiful, but I like the aspect of selling Rekt a broken nail gun while I have one in better shape back at my base 😁
  17. You haven't been looking hard enough They create a new post for each Alpha and discuss upcoming changes / additions. About NPCs, they are still on the drawing boards. AI changes to zombies were made (back in A18 I think but I may be off) in preparation of bandits being introduced into the game.
  18. My latest base designs have been horizontal paths so AP ammo is very beneficial.
  19. My first support column is for my ladder to get in and out. After that, I place a support column 5 blocks away (4 spaces in-between - I think, I will have to check what I did in my last playthrough)). These are all 90 degrees. Personally, I upgrade all my support columns to the first wood block. I do that in case I accidently hit the blocks while mining so I don't cause a collapse myself.
  20. Did you open the console and type in dm? I believe you have to do that in additional to enabling cheat mode via the UI at the start.
  21. Can’t help you if you don’t provide more information. You also may want to start a separate thread since your issue may be something different. I got a 2080 and not seeing that extreme of a fps drop. I usually hold steady around 50 - 60 fps. Also, game hasn’t been release yet and the devs are doing a lot of optimization now; but you probably didn’t know that since you just joined and probably not following the devs posts.
  22. why don’t you tell me your map seed and mape size? I will rwg it and see if there is no desert. I bet there is one. The only time I have seen maps with no desert biomes were NitroGen ones where desert biomes were intentionally removed.
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