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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. FranticDan has a video guide to inserting a POI but not sure if this will help you Just watched it myself, don't think it does answer your ?
  2. You might also try asking here https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/28-looking-for/
  3. I seem to recall (but as I am getting older I tend to forget things) that A19 was the introduction of the critical hits / injuries system, but the plan was to fine tune the system for later Alphas so it would be less random and more tied to the type of zombie attacks / events so it would make more sense. I agree that some things were not really intuitive. I was hording vitamins in a previous playthrough just to use them after I got fatigued, but didn't realized until recently that I can take them proactively to prevent infection and fatigue prior to it occurring (this was me not reading the description very well). So now I have another use for them if I got extras on hand.
  4. I have seen that before with rabbits and barbed wire fences around traders.
  5. Broken legs / infections are not fun in real life so it seems immersive 😁
  6. No the game is geared towards PvE. Sure you can play PvP if you want to, but that is not the intent of this game when TFP first set out to create and develop 7D2D
  7. Are you trying to update after you already installed the mod? You will need to create a new War of the Walkers build to do that. I am not an expert on mods for 7D2D (I just started to use one now), but I would recommend deleting all the mods and mod folders, download the latest version of WotW (confirm it is compatible with 19.5), and have ModLauncher generated a new copy of the Modded game on your computer. Based on the author post, you will need to restart the game (old saves are not compatible)
  8. 19.5 should be the latest stable build. I can't be sure on how it is worded in Steam (at work right now), but your settings for updates should be latest (Non experimental) build and it should download the 19.5 stable. Also, are you running any mods? The mod I am using right now is using the 19.4 build. If I run 7D2D through Steam (no mods), it is 19.5 build.
  9. Does it matter if 90% of the players decide just to use the sledgehammer? If that is all they want to use, then that is their choice, and they are the ones limiting themselves out of the enjoyment of using something that is not as OP as the strength melee weapons. Rambo method is only true if that is your choice. There are a lot of us in the background (though I might be one of the most vocal right now) that play the game in other ways than "Rambo". IMHO, I think the reason people go the Rambo route is that it is the easiest way to play the game, not that it is the only way to play the game. And I think that some people see dying in the game as a failure while there are those of us that like the fact that our builds did not last as long as we wanted it to. It's that type of feedback that pushes us to re-examined how we played it the last time and what we need to do better the next time. I don't need machetes to be rebalanced in order to enjoy playing with them. If everything is the same balance, where is the enjoyment in that? This game is not like COD where it is simply two teams squaring off against one another trying to kill each other. This game is so much more. Comparing items or game mechanics of 7D2D to a FPS is not equivalent and should not be the bar we are setting for this game. 7D2D is a survival, horror, crafting, building type of game. It's those various elements mixed together that makes 7D2D the game that it is. COD, Battfefield, and other games like those are two are just FPS and have different game mechanics that fit the FPS game genre.
  10. Compared to past Alpha releases, doesn't really feel like it is taking a long, long time. This is based on the announcements when each version was released and only goes back to Alpha 18 A20 TBD A19.5 5/28/2021 A19.4 3/10/2021 A19.3 12/21/2020 A19.2 10/19/2020 A19.1 9/22/2020 A19 8/19/2020 A18.4 3/4/2020 A18.3 1/24/2020 A18.2 12/4/2019 A18.1 11/12/2019 A18 10/25/2019
  11. That's all fine, but when opinions are requests to change the item or the perk or the playstyle, it does make a difference. I love the Knife perks and love the weapons. I may also be one of the few that do go from Bone to Iron to Machete. I don't find any of them useless, but I am a player that doesn't just look for the strengths of builds / weapons / items; I love the weaknesses that they have, or the choices I have to make. I love builds that are weak in combat because if I can make it to day 100+ using hard settings or a mod that ramps up the difficulty, I know it is because of the effort I made to overcome the weaknesses; not because something is so OP I can just stand there and hit the attack button over and over again.
  12. Have you ever had a broken leg while dealing with a wandering horde or ferals? I do everything I can do to avoid getting these critical injuries as I know as soon as I get one, it is going to bite me in the rear.
  13. I got extremely lucky when my power supply went out last year in October. I was able to get everything I needed for my computer around Oct/Nov. Though I did go with a 2080 and didn't even look / wait for the 3000 series GPUs (I never buy the latest generation when I build the computer, I always go with the previous GPU - so far been fortunate enough to get many years out of my computer before I have to upgrade).
  14. Says the guy who makes a mod where you can run into a feral on Day 1 before noon 😉 Loving your mod if you can't tell
  15. The two zombie bears can be a pain if you are not properly kit out. With the "proposed" route to their location being a drop into the room, it can be hairy situation if you haven't come prepared.
  16. You really are not paying attention to the Alpha 20 notes are you. RWG is being worked on for Alpha 20.....
  17. The only thing I disagree with (but they are addressing in Alpha 20) is that the Int tree has the only melee weapon you can perk into at the beginning, but not obtainable if the trader doesn't have it. Every other tree melee weapon you can put points in at after the tutorial quests are completed and craft / use a Q2 melee weapon at the beginning. With the Pipe baton coming in Alpha 20, that takes care of that. Otherwise, I am perfectly happy that spec'ing purely into the Int tree means my weakness is my combat skills until I get my hands on turrets. This really only applies to vanilla 7D2D (and I have no issues with that). I am playing a mod right now (Just Die Already) where perking up higher in those trees are actually useful. For example, the mod nerfs farming and food is an issue a lot longer into the game than vanilla is. Throw in significant less loot than vanilla, being able to perk into Lvl3 living off the land drastically reduces the cost of farm plots and open up the ability to craft seeds.
  18. If you are using bullets on day 7, you are wasting ammo. Typically I am only using arrows and blunderbuses on the first couple of horde nights. Save the ammo for when the hordes get much tougher. Nope, I never go above 100% on loot abundance.
  19. Unless you play a mod where it doesn't remove them when you die 😉 Well, if they are not fun to have when you are playing, I think TFP did a good job on them then 😉
  20. I think the only limiting factor is you. I have done all melee weapons a lot with the exception of the spear and unarmed. I really need to do those at some point but I keep getting distracted. Blades are my favorite go to right now. I have never felt like I had to use either the club or sledge to be effective. Stun batons are great against ferals. Had one rushing at me so I just started smacking it with my baton. Getting the feral locked up / stun means you can keep hitting it, then zap it again. Or if you got one in a bunch of zombies, whack the others to build up the charge and use the zap to stun the feral. Makes crowd control a breeze at that point.
  21. Alpha 20 is getting the Pipe Baton for Int builds. That should greatly help in early game play as the Int tree was the only one that had a melee weapon you can perk into but didn't get it until much later. However, don't expect the baton to improve overall in damage compared to the others. Right now it looks like the plan is to keep the Int tree the worst in regards to combat (if you pure spec into it), but obviously that can change down the road and I don't have any more insight into the Int tree than anyone else eagerly waiting for Alpha 20 😉
  22. I think you got your Alphas mixed up (We are currently on Alpha 19, Alpha 20 is just around the corner). First point you made up above - I was up to Day 125, survivalist setting, hordes every 5 days, maxed zombies. I did not have to do quests to get ammo. I basically looted POIs, mined raw resources, and purchase ammo from the traders. I had to stock up 8 Auto turrets, 4 shotgun turrets, and have enough ammo for my personal weapons. I wasn't really doing any quests, but that did not hinder my ability to restock for every horde night. I don't recall TFP stating that the gamestages and loot tables were being linked to POIs. They have stated that the harder biomes were going to have differences in loot tables as a risk / reward type of system in Alpha 20. Have you heard differently that now POIs are going to have unique loot tables?
  23. Not if it is the intent of the Developers that you cannot stealth 100% of the time and those rooms are setup to ensure that you cannot. It wouldn't be a problem at that point, more of how they are approaching the game intent / design. He didn't miss the point. This point has been debated for so much over and over again.
  24. 7DtD - The Fishing simulator
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