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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Ask me the day after they announce it and I will let you know....
  2. and if I am not mistaken, the announcement is typically only a few days in advance (if any). If A20 is anything like A19, we will first hear about the drop when they announce the streaming weekend for A20.
  3. That is not how things work. Say I own a product and Distributor A wants to sell it. I give Distributor A all the information and sign legal documents doing so. Now Distributor A goes out and falsifies / misstates the information regarding my product. If I contact Distributor A about the misinformation as soon as I am aware of it, they are responsible for the mistake, not me. If Distributor A sells the product to 3rd party stores and they, in trying to hype the product, mistake it for an updated product (and don't use the information provided by Distributor A), then they are responsible for the miscommunication. If TFP sent them the wrong information, then TFP are responsible for the miscommunication. It is not about shifting blame, it is about understanding where the mistake was made and who made the mistake. Your approach has been, TFP is at fault period. And the Forum moderators are at fault, period. This is how it resonates with me, but that is because I want to make sure I know who the responsible party for the mistake is first before assigning blame. You are not buying the product from TFP, you are buying the product from the company that produced hard copies of the game and sold it through the 3rd party stores.
  4. You claim facts, but I don't think you are in the loop to know exactly what happened. Based on official information from TFP, it was not the TFP that stated the re-released included the items you mentioned. Normally, the beef is against the company that made the mistake, and was probably the distribution company that made the mistake. TFP have been very clear about the status of the 2016 console version made by TellTale Games and what they had to do just to get the rights back to their own intellectual property. The forum moderators have been very considerate and understanding; and have communicated out here to everyone to clear up the misunderstanding about this re-release. When it came to their attention, they brought it to TFP staff attention ASAP. There is not much more that they could do in this situation (forum moderators) so I don't understand what your beef with them is.
  5. In 3000+ hours, I have never eaten glass. You could disable eating glass in the xml
  6. You bought the game as is from TellTale Games, and they were responsible for updating the game. Based on Sony’s and Microsoft’s rules on breaking saves, it is probably impossible to update the game now to the same level as the PC version without being approved by them.
  7. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this early, but why not use dm and cm, then make the island by hand. Once you create it, it should stick around. Since all you are doing is making one small change, should not be a lot of work to do it @MimirTheAesir
  8. As far as I know, you “edit” maps before you generate them using KingGen or Nitrogen. After map generation, you can import POIs, but can’t do what you are asking. I also could be wrong
  9. That looks like a ban by Microsoft for certain words, not TFP updating the console version. More likely a content filter than anything else.
  10. Better to have post this in the mod thread also tag @bdubyah as your title is not very specific
  11. If I recall correctly, that gun was first introduced in Fallout 4…..minor point but I refuse to acknowledge Fallout 76. 🤪
  12. In another thread, your video was linked; but after watching it, you clearly were skeptical of it being updated. There were so many clues out there that this was not an update (one site mentioned pre-owned copies, the artwork being the original game, publisher listed as TTG, zero announcements from TFP at all), but people want to believe what they want to believe so facts that don't align with it are either warped to fit or ignored.
  13. They did listen to the community, but in the end, it is their game and their development project. Just because we purchased an EA game doesn’t mean that they have to implement the feedback from the community. Listening to feedback is one thing; obligated to make changes based on feedback is something different and not a requirement for EA games.
  14. No. Pipe weapons will use the ammo already in the game. One of the points of making the pipe weapons is to get rid of special ammo like the blunderbuss ammo.
  15. Thanks. That was going through my mind as I was typing up my response, but reading your post, I could see how someone could construe what I wrote into something different.
  16. This has been discussed already. What people are talking about (in regards to the console) is a re-release of TellTale Game's version that they released back in 2016. Several moderators in a few threads (Roland, Meganoth, and Laz Man) all confirmed that TFP are not releasing any updates to the console version this month or have plans on doing so at this time. In a previous developer stream, they mentioned that they have started working with Unity on a console version but everything is right now just behind the scenes, looking at where they are and what they need to do. They haven't even released a publisher that they are going to work with in regards to the console version. The plan so far is that a console version would not come until after PC goes Gold, and it hasn't been communicated yet if that will require a brand new game or if they are able to update the existing 2016 game. If they were planning on releasing a console version this month or this year, I think they would have been communicating it out to everyone, not having people go to 3rd party websites / stores in Europe about the release. I checked TFP Official Twitter and not a single announcement about console updates being released this month. So either there isn't one, or they are lousy about marketing their own game (and obviously I believe the former). Also, I noticed this today on one of the sites promising a 8/20 re-release Please note : Preowned versions may not include additional content. Did a YT actually imply that you had to buy the game again just to receive upcoming updates? If so, that is the silliest thing I have ever heard. If TFP were updating TTG version, then you wouldn't be required to purchase the game to get updates for it. They would roll out for the game you already have. What they may be confused about is that since the PC version is so far advanced compared to the final version the TTG updated to, Microsoft and Sony rules might not allow them to bring it up to the same as the PC version. There also may be hardware limitations that would prevent the older console generations from being able to play the latest version. Best piece of advice - If the Pimps have not broadcasted this information through their official channels, ignore it.
  17. I kind of hope that bandits would attack our bases. It is one thing to build a base to defend against the Zs, it is another thing to build a base to defend against the Zs and bandits (depending on the AI). The more I get out of my comfort zone in the game, the better....and right now, I am very comfortable with base building against Zs.
  18. They are bandits. What you will get is a pyramid scheme where you think they are great investors, then 5-10 years later, they will be raided by the SEC, sent to jail, and you will be lucky just to get your initial investment back as they already spent all the money on bandit bling that has no value outside of the bandit camps 😉 See I am being realistic 😆
  19. I saw this instantly Plugins: Failed to load 'D:/7dtd a19 Stable/7daystodie_Data/Plugins/x86_64/easyanticheat.dll' with error 'A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. '. Do you see this message when you run it through the standard client? I don't see it when I last ran 7D2D with EAC. If it is not properly running EAC, that might be why it is kicking you. Maybe this dll file is corrupted? It would be interesting to see the path for the build that runs for you compared to this path above. Just some thoughts from a computer hack (not a hacker, just a hack 😉 )
  20. I did this in my new playthrough that I started tonight. I didn't think it would affect me, but I didn't count on one thing. I am fine not having the first 4 perk points as it means I have tougher choices now on what to spend them on - combat vs survivability perks vs building. No, the thing that got me was not having the locate trader quest. I didn't realize how much of a "crutch" that quest was. But I got to say I am loving it so far. I picked a direction and continuing walking until I find a major road to follow. I ended up having to clear out a POI I found to bunker down in the night. In the morning, I got to figure out what I want to take with me and what I am going to leave behind.
  21. ST is talking about electrical wires
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