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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I am relatively new to modding, but if you are trying to modify the biomes config file, should it be in a file called biomes.xml in your mod, not called vanblam? I made changes to the trader file in my mod, so I created a trader.xml file that starts with <trader> and ends with <\trader>
  2. might be helpful to provide some more information (game version, DF version, screenshots) so that Khaine has more information to help you. Also mods list in case you have a mod conflict going on.
  3. I have had playthroughs were I loaded up my 4x4, drove to a far away town, setup an outpost base with bench and forge, and just started looting the town. Then when it came close to BM night, load everything back up, drive back to my base location, upgrade and prep for the horde. Sometimes I would even just take over a sturdy POI for an one and done BM base.
  4. You need to clone the 7D2D game with the version you want to stay at. ModLauncher does an excellent job of this, but you should be able to manually do it by just copying the current Steam folder for 7D2D into a new folder. Recommend you place the folder in a different location. I have copies of the game folder in D:/7D2D/ along with the original folder in D:/Steam/
  5. logfiles would really help. Otherwise we are just shooting in the dark hoping to get lucky.
  6. 🤔😬😒 Just the thought of creating a bunch of loot containers, then opening each one individually and writing down the results to check loot probability. With Alpha 20 just around the corner, I paused on my modlet creation for that reason alone. Still working on the code here and there, but I realized that it be best to wait until after A20 releases so I can see if I need to make any changes to my code before I start testing it out in the game. By then I hope to drop my OCD about writing down loot probability results via individual containers and just go with starting and ending numbers after X containers, especially if I decide to make X significant
  7. Past testing by Naz showed restricted 7D2D to physical cores only improved performance.
  8. Can you post on how you did your schematics code? I checked khzmusik's code out and it should do it for all of them, including yours.
  9. List of information if you want people to help: List of all mods installed How you installed the mods Modlauncher or manual installation Copied game to new folder or just modified the base game What mods are not working What version where you on when you installed vs now What files did you modify or did you create a modlet Where are those file locations at Paste your console logs to see what errors you are getting
  10. You literally have given everyone nothing to help you on. No list of mods, no pastebin of logs. I doubt Steam was the culprit. We been on Alpha 19.6 b8 since the end of July. No new updates have been pushed by TFP since then.
  11. Has to be a mod https://imgur.com/a/OwQiNW8 That is both the dart trap and pressure plate interfaces in vanilla 7D2D
  12. If you can go INT build and still kick zombie butt, you don't lack the skills just because you invested either in building or mining activities.
  13. Okay that makes a lot more sense. When you said cobblestone frame existed, I was trying to figure out how a frame made of cobblestones worked
  14. We know what you meant (that some of the upgrades are being removed to make it simpler - less clicks, but obviously your statement could be taken a different way altogether. That, and it gave us an opportunity to give you a hard time 😉
  15. I think one too many zombies ate his brain. 🤔
  16. Wait? There was a cobblestone frame?🤔 okay and exactly why they matter?
  17. Or once you figure out how you want to build your base (with the frames), you remove them and replace them with concrete blocks. You are not REQUIRED to upgrade the wood frames once you lay them out. I use wood frames all the time when I got cobblestone or concrete blocks to ensure I am placing them where I want to. Then once I am satisfied, I just simply pick them up and replace them with my construction block.
  18. Wait until Feral Sense comes in Alpha 20. Based on Roland's feedback, nights will become more interesting if you set that to On.
  19. <item name="DFmeleeToolPickaxeTitanium"> 😁 For your reference, they start around line 21983 in the items file
  20. True, but it really doesn't matter what the lore is in these other games. What matters is what the lore that Joel and Rick establish for 7 Days to Die as this is their story that they are creating. When they set out to create this game, it was their vision on what they wanted, so naturally the lore is going to be driven by them. So you will see elements in their vision that is not in the vision of other zombie lore creators....and there is nothing wrong with that. They also have mentioned in the past that the current information in the game is simply placeholders for now and the intent is to flesh out the lore before final release (now that it is getting closer). Prior to that, the priorities have been the various aspects of the game related to gameplay. But the nice thing is, mod creators can change the lore based on their vision. There are several overhaul mods out there now where the creator said "This is my vision and here is the way I am modding the game to demonstrate that." Even those of us with minor modding skills can make changes and affect the vision of the game.
  21. If you have a new computer, you would want to first install the game via Steam. You should not being installing from a copy. If you have any mods, I would recommend redownloading them and installing them fresh. That way you don't have any issues copying from a previous version of 7D2D. You actually would transfer over two folders - that one mentioned above for the worlds and the second is the Save Games folder. However, if you are missing the GeneratedWorlds folder, it might be best just to restart the game a fresh. Generate a new map and start over. I got a similar situation that will occur this week. For my new computer, I bought a second SSD to install and plan on installing my games onto it. When I do that, I plan on just doing a clean Steam install and install all the games I am playing now, along with any mods I want to bring over.
  22. First, did you install the correct files? If you are playing SP, you just need to install the client version and install it onto your computer. The server version is only if you are setting up a server for the DF mod. Second, make sure that the DF version you downloaded and your 7D2D version match. Third, make sure all the folders in the zip file were copied over to the correct folders in the 7D2D folder. A screenshot of your installation would be beneficial right now. Once you do this, try running it in SP mode only via your client. These are some initial things to try first.
  23. So to expand on my modding skills, I am now modifying the loot xml file. The first thing I am doing is changing the weapons and armor to basic resources (simulating that all you are finding are broken armor and weapons). I think I am doing it right, but wanted to confirm. I don't get any errors when I load up my test world, but not sure yet if the game is doing what I think it is doing: First, what I think I am doing: -At each loot group with cloth armor, I am replacing the armor with resourceCloth and setting up a count range of this resource. Now my code. Instead of individually changing each loot group with cloth armor in it, I just want to find each instance with the cloth armor and change it. <config> <setattribute xpath="lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothJacket']" name="count">3,6</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothPants']" name="count">3,6</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothBoots']" name="count">3,6</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothGloves']" name="count">3,6</setattribute> <setattribute xpath="lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothHat']" name="count">3,6</setattribute> <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothJacket']/@name">resourceCloth</set> <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothPants']/@name">resourceCloth</set> <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothBoots']/@name">resourceCloth</set> <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothGloves']/@name">resourceCloth</set> <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup/item[@name='armorClothHat']/@name">resourceCloth</set> </config> In my mind, the game is updating all instances with Cloth Armor by: -Attaching a new attribute count=3,6 -Replacing all instances with Cloth Armor with resourceCloth
  24. because I messed up, I for some reason get you and Kingslayer mixed up. I think it is because you have the GB and he has GM at the end of your user names. Tagging @KingSlayerGM
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