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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Atm, in seven days to die, no; I was talking about your "battle res" - type thing in other coop games. So, I got the idea, I just don't see it that tempting for this game.
  2. Heh, no wonder this felt familiar Nomad, the old normal where the tooltip damage is roughly the expected damage.
  3. Nope, each separate hit was done to a fresh clone of a certain poorly dressed zombie. Makes re-checking any values a little easier as the zed carries the data for me.
  4. I intuitively disagree here, and I did some hits.. Had a steel club with listed damage of 40. (Some mods in it.. the numbers are odd) No skill points: body shot: 40, head shot 80. 1/5 in pummel pete (+10%): 43 body damage (I'm not asking...) .. 86 head 10/10 str: 43 body, 129 head 5/5 Pummel (+50%): 53 body damage (still not asking...) .. 159 head. So the headshot damage is consistently multiplied by either 2 or 3 when compared to the body shot. Not exactly proof of anything yet, but I'd expect some of those not to line up perfectly if the headshot multi was just added to the pummel pete multi. EDIT: Repeated quickly without mods, with a club with 30 listed damage. Essentially the same result, except the 5/5 Pete was doing 43 damage while even the lowest case of 29.5*1,5 > 44 ... Math and 7 days to die .. it might be rounding down before applying the Pete modifier, 29*1.5 would be 43.5 ...
  5. It is, but only sort of. It will keep you in place while you're revving up your thrust, but the moment you start moving it basically won't slow you down anymore. Not sure if that's intended, or if the game just considers you "flying" from low speeds. The gyro is all kinds of clunky, but that isn't really an issue that bothers me. And it seems to behave like a decent real life gyro, so it's not bad.
  6. Relax, take a deep breath. Remind yourself you're talking about a tiny pointless part of a tiny pointless game.. we may love the game, but it's still just a game. The discussion revolves around "how" because that directly effects the "after". The after seems to consist of "run to the corpse, skin it" for most of us, there isn't much to discuss there. You seem adamant to push your idea through; that's fine. Me, I'd rather not have such markers at all since cluttering my UI with icons all over is just annoying. For example, I still don't really like the dig quest markers and such. All of that icon spam is a much bigger issue for me than losing a chicken every now and then.
  7. While it's a common mechanic in co-op:s, I wouldn't deem it important in any way. For me 7dtd is as much a solo game as it is a team game, and I don't think I've seen a particularly good implementation of "help-me-I'm-useless" even in team-PvE games. For PvP fights it does give a layer of complexity, where you can risk your own hide to recover a teammate, but for anything else, it's mostly an annoying "disabled state" to wait through before you die.
  8. Imagine the day-night cycle actually having an effect on the game play?
  9. Not really, as long as they keep it just a quality of life change.. just give the turrets a radial menu - works as it does now, but you can hold 'use' to choose reload. Standing there holding 'use' is in itself a risk; but if that's a little too easy, give it a short timer.
  10. Just beeline to the corpse right after the kill, drop a frame or two next to it; clear area, find your frames.
  11. And it seems none of that actually answers the "how" of it, while the last sentence implies something: "Of course, this requirement only applies to new laptops being sold by OEMs in 2023, not your existing one." With a slightly positive reading, all that means is that OEMs can't pre-install a Windows on a laptop they're advertising to you. Nothing is implying Win11 won't install/work on a camera-free laptop, just that OEMs can't sell such. I don't trust MS, not a bit, but I'm equally annoyed about reading too much into every snippet on the web. It should be obvious to anyone who's opened a web browser that EVERY title is pure clickbait and the articles themselves are rarely any better.
  12. Good start.. For the power attacks, did you take into account the regen-loss that happens, in any way? If not, the numbers may shift pretty radically, and the situation gets a lot more complicated for multiple swings - you can get more swings in with faster weapons while the regen is off.
  13. That... that is going to be the legendary heavy armor. Needs to come in pink. Yes, cubes of steel plated concrete are so clearly so much weaker ... sorry
  14. Darnit, you're trying to spoil the fun of testing things for one's self ..
  15. There's, what, three looks total atm, Leather jacket with Iron helmet, a Hood or a cowboy mod. To stay on the positive side, I'll just like yours instead
  16. Could mean, sure, but I doubt it. Seems logical that the stopping is made so that the traps won't suicide; makes keeping up with repairs a lot less of a hassle. There's no need for it in things that won't take damage while operating.
  17. I think it's not a "symbol" (/icon), he's probably referring to the sparks animation / particle effect. If I'm wrong, please share a screenie
  18. Are we expecting to see Jen running after zeds on the days her machine is on the fritz again?
  19. How to get the correct answer on the internet? 1. Post the wrong one 2. Someone will challenge you 3. Then you get to have a dance party with 3 rad Arlenes. After said dance party, my pole stopped working after about 300 stunning performances, with an awesome spray of .. some blue stuff. Leaving the health of said fence pole at 49/200, regardless how many times said Arlenes tried to encourage it to proper function. So, my 1/1 test in 19.5 b60 would suggest that the limit is 50, just not inclusive.
  20. I could give you a no for an answer, but that would spoil the fun of actually going in and figuring it out. And I wouldn't be able to tell how much damage is a given 10% ... without testing. Are they humans? Ehh, no. I would kinda feel wrong going around the neighbourhood and beating anyone wandering around with a club; with zeds, there's no such qualms, ergo, they're not counted as humans in a moral sense. You meant mechanically? Ehh, it's a pile of rotting flesh hobbling after your fresh flesh, the important mechanic is that the club seems to stop it.
  21. That visual is indicating that the fence post has stopped working, and is intended. I seem to remember my friend running into that issue in our multiplayer. I don't think I've seen it myself, but it sounds like a bug. You should be able to repair the posts normally (I think they take multiple materials at once; can't remember exactly right now, but whatever the post is made of.) 95 sounds high, iirc the stopping point is at 50/200.
  22. Eh, it's a 10-15 meter sprint, if done right. Not that the difference is going be big enough to matter either way. And I will tell you, I do run down rabbits just for sports in late game.. makes no sense, but it's kinda fun
  23. Should be fine with the tracker perk, as in, if you have it, the icon stays for a bit. The less icons on screen, the better IMO, but since that's the direction, I don't really see why not. For a practical solution though, just run em down and smack it with a club. With full mobility and a decent amount of stamina, I end up getting about 95% of the rabbits I go after like that. Sometimes they do those nasty 90 degree turns and disappear, and I cba trying to keep up after two .. but usually it works fine. Save some ammo and find your kills easily
  24. Yup, the ammo-free traps take damage whenever they hit something, and stop running at some point; this saves them from self-destruct. Try setting them up such that you can repair from safety.
  25. POI caves are in game, not that many, but plenty of underground sections of standard POIs and couple mine type deals. They seem fine, as the entire ground within them is defined by the POI designer - no SI issues with random gravel or such unless someone digs into them in the wrong place. The random caves that had a couple iterations, were a nightmare for SI, and before the current occlusion system, they were drawing tons of hidden blocks tanking graphic performance for no reason. They also contained zeds, which could end a nightmare as they're trying to dig out. Plenty of the things have improved since, I'd say all except the underground pathing, so they Might work better in the current patch. But I doubt there's even the desire to try, they were just that bad of a mess...
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