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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. You can make a copy of the game to keep multiple versions; probably better to make the copy of the stable, since you might want to have the EXP updated. You'll have to run it from the exe of course, but it should work. There's always a chance of cross-corrupting stuff when doing such things, so, remember backups and whatnot.
  2. My money is on giggles .. About three concrete blocks per genny and a couple grenades should do the trick as well. Block routes or build a microtower, let them pile for a bit. Concrete is prolly overkill, cobble should do fine too.
  3. You can re-bind those, in case you didn't already know; while I bind my movement to w-e-r-d AND then bind those use-buttons into the same, some other defaults wouldn't hurt either. Toolbelt buttons as default?
  4. I did couple waves of screamer farming to kick start my latest run, 20 campfires, two wood frames each (3:20 burn time) was enough to spawn in one; the first try I had two, but I think the latter was called in by the first.
  5. There's also plenty of options pre-infection; - Don't get hit. "But I .." Well, you'll be risking infection. - Keep your health maxed, crits - including infection - shouldn't be happening on the first hit. Boiled meat gives 15 health, that's half a bandage with a snack. - If desperate, put a point into brawling to eliminate the infection ability. No-one's that desperate, but it's an option. - Find the level of cheese you're comfortable with and go beyond your comfort zone... block doorways, build tiny towers, climb walls, use mollies thru doors. To not get hit.
  6. Wait, you were crafting things One At A Time? Well, that would indeed suck..
  7. This. It's not the quest, it's wasteland. Instant spawns constantly. I did make my horde base in wasteland, and I only had one night of constant attack though; it's been a few weeks now. I was kinda hoping it to be a feature night after night, but it seems I've cleared that part of the wastes .. So, it might be that the next time you end up on the same roof, there won't be an assault (no promises though, I don't exactly know what caused my lack of XP flow.. )
  8. I haven't used full parkour, but I wouldn't be surprised. The zeds seem to start bashing stuff really quickly whenever I dodge and weave in a city environment; you know, diagonal jumps onto fences and such. Happens often enough to consider exploiting it to gain some distance.
  9. I did give that a shot, didn't feel any difference. <20 fps in the middle of dishong and it feels like 1-2 fps trying to aim at runners. Nothing seems to do more than 2 fps, including dropping resolution to 720p. All cores run at 50% or less, memory at 60% capacity. Turned off feral sense to attract a little smaller crowd, that dulled the worst edge of it.
  10. Yeh, we disagree a little less than your first sentence implied, those don't exist I gotta give dynmesh a try, but mainly my issue with lag is wanting to do things in the wasteland. That means there's about 5 zeds trying to path up my POI constantly, which seems to cause most of my slideshows. As soon as I get to fight them, the issue seems to resolve. Hard to tell between having given them an easy path and actually killing them though, I'm kinda in the middle of killing them once they have a clear path to me...
  11. That's the main use for sure, and I'll take your word for their A20 weakness as I haven't played an INT run yet; but another decent use case used to be placed with a good position towards a corner. The A19 ones could stunlock any zed to death, while still hampering some passers-by. With a little prep and "assisting" with the target selection that was one big boy out of the picture. Then again, with the way the POIs (thinking bookstore HQ) are now, that doesn't really count for much now I suppose... not so great in target rich environments.
  12. As far as I understand, it will be like starting a new game on the old map; whatever changes are done to POIs won't be there until you reset a POI via quest etc. Nothing stopping you from trying, but might be quite glitchy.
  13. Some friends, plural. A couple of new-to-the-game players, since you're going to inform them on speccing? In a tier 5 POI. Sounds fun, maybe in a sadistic way.. Given the almost inevitable lag-fest making melee rather painful and virtual impossibility of group-stealth, I'd say get them specialized firearms and all the ammo they can carry. So, one specs shotties, one goes ARs. With level 30, you won't really have points to split into other trees; single points in Run & Gun aren't a bad idea. Nothing is really mandatory in your setting of course. The Fort speccer can use the damage reduction/mitigation things in the tree. Crossbows... got explosive bolts?
  14. Yup, it's a curse. I also could not.. The armor value is pretty similar indeed. But, before Niil gets upset about my claims, it's all about perspective. If your BB is worth 25 dukes on a given purchase, it will always be worth exactly 25 dukes on that purchase regardless of the other stuff buffing your barter. Both things are true at once and math is silly..
  15. I'm on my 5th week in A20.1 b5, I'd say it's a lot better than it was. I'm running a rifle build* this time, so my ammo use is low, but I haven't really crafted any and 9mm and shotty shells are piling up waiting to feed a couple turrets. *early game rifle build, also known as clearing POIs with pistols, killing most of the hordes with 'nades, while carrying a pretty rifle in toolbelt for .. some reason. I do use it, but before a lever action, preferably two, it isn't really a mainable weapon.
  16. Is the old 'stability' issue gone? It used to be that the overloaded parts could change between loads (not entirely sure if only loads of game, or was loading just the chunk enough) The setup doesn't really force the part which won't get power (you'd have to have all the components in series for that, I'd assume)
  17. I know I'm late, I've read most of it, it just got funny enough to respond as you're not getting anywhere ... Umm.. relative effect of BB increases the further down towards zero you get your "base price". If you could get your price reduction to -75% percent without BB, the effect of BB would be ... 100% of the rest, or infinite. A/B != B/A. For buying alone, the 25 isn't the "whole" effect; I think you actually missed that in your talk about the buffs, but I may have skipped something.
  18. That has got to be the longest interpretative dance around A/B != B/A ever. Best part is, you guys are still firmly in the starting grid. I'll feed in another line of lighter fluid; The BB description says 25%, but its practical effect is almost always more than that. Why? Cigar and magnum are completely passive, so everyone's base price is going to be 85. Sugar butts are plentiful enough to call the baseline for any actual purchase 75. Adding the BB 25% to that, the real effect is 33% of the price. Just for buying. And there's more to get to increase the effect in Awesome Sauce. The way it stacks, 25% is a poor description. Accurate, but not fully descriptive.
  19. Hmm, I would make it a modlet in any case; it would be a lot less effort to maintain from patch to patch. And to disable and manage when needed. If you can edit/learn to edit xml, you can learn to use the xpath system to accomplish the same. Now for the actual mod, I can't really help; there's things like <!-- Gameplay zombieArleneFeral --> <property name="DismemberMultiplierHead" value=".7"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierArms" value=".7"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierLegs" value=".7"/><!-- Feral --> in the xmls, so something can be done based on them, but that doesn't mean everything you would need will be possible. I would guess it is possible, but that's as far as I can say.
  20. Well, I did say "I'd guess" My problem with the interpretation is that.. the qualitytemplate should only choose between 5 and 6, and the random rolls for the actual item should be made after that. No matter which way you land on the 6 really can't by itself dictate the rest. So there has to be some kind of a caching phenomenon 'after' the quality selection. Having that happen on separate items lines of the xml would make more sense than having it happen due to the qualitytemplate; especially as the default template is using practically the same structure (same randomness), only choosing the section of the template by loot stage. But yeh, I don't know what you've tested, so don't take my word for anything; I'm just voicing out a doubt whenever I have one. Even if unpopular, it should be useful for everyone in the long run.
  21. Not entirely exact; I thought it was this way too, but it might have changed. Just did a couple demo-tests (A20.1 b5).. a straight wall, a demolisher. A pole* standing between the wall and the demo: the pole seemed to protect the wall depending on the distance between the demo and the pole. Keeping a 3 wide section safe when the demo was close to the pole (and thus closer to the wall), while only protecting one column on the wall when the demo was further from the pole and wall.1 *Pole Side Centered It might be a line of sight -based system now. Requires further checking ..
  22. I would guess otherwise; your list is using count=10 on one row, BFT's is count=all for six rows. Looks to me like each row is built into a "unique item" first and repeats of a row are then duplicates of that exact item. EDIT-add: not exactly "item", but "the random rolls deciding the item", I may have simplified it too far ..
  23. Pretty easy with the current basics as well; doors/hatches can be placed so that zombies will path across them when they're closed, but not when they're open. Add a trigger a couple blocks before the door to open it. Doesn't work too well with the randomness of the zeds, but it wouldn't improve much with new forms of control.
  24. Any pillar base, some people tend not to trust the sand and thus they build flooring - add a couple cops? The base of the pillars will erode over time as you can't repair them. That's the complaint anyway. I sometimes have a lip around my base just from filling in some cop booms, or to protect from them. Or to run electronics underground. There's plenty of designs and plenty of explosions in the game... at least the way I play it And it's also a physics complaint "this block is just as protected as that block but it gets damaged." It looks entirely covered, but the damage leaks in from the corner - I don't really mind it, I usually have bigger holes in my walls as is, but I can see how it is a complaint ..
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