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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. I think it was random between game loads in A19, just rolled once upon loading. If still so, might just be oddities of luck. EDIT: Sod that. Seems it is random per search now. Not only that, I could also repro. Snipers from 1 to 5 increased from about 60 to 80, then 6:s were at 60 again ..
  2. Now you're just triggering us on purpose. I mean, no, a point of damage doesn't mean a thing, and yes, I will swap my BDU top for the one with +0.2 heat resistance.
  3. The current doors do close by themselves when power is cut, right?
  4. I'll volunteer here; I see earning XP as progressing in the game, the loot gets better and the enemies get better. Also, more skill point makes my character better. Win-win-win. So, as far as XP has an impact on my decisions, I'll pick the upgrade path. For actual building though, I haven't built anything massive yet. I also swapped to over to 20.1 exp wiping my progress again - so I can't say much about big builds. I tend to want to upgrade for the XP, but I wouldn't mind just dropping blocks. For the little I actually build, I always go the upgrade route; the stuff I'm doing is shaping a POI into a horde base, so I'm testing the weirdest shapes. Once the wood has been laid out, the resource cost isn't an issue, it's a few dozen blocks usually.
  5. That would be nice; you make it sound like a separate block though. The door could just have settings for that, like triggers and traps. Likely easier to implement as well.
  6. That looks pretty satisfying. I do hope you knew in advance that it wouldn't work, thou .. You need to 1) spawn them in and 2) kill em. The sewers wouldn't matter, 1) can only me accomplished by triggering the sleeper volumes. If you missed one and then destroyed the building around it, you can't really trigger it. Poling up to it might trigger it, but I don't know if the volume still exists after the room doesn't. It is "clear", for sure, but maybe the idea was to take it over, so it might not be that wrong to say you didn't exactly complete the task..
  7. You can implement stacks with 'averages' pretty well. - It takes 100 time units (TU) to spoil an item - Each stack keeps a TU total to itself - Each time you're adding to TU, you add (stack_size X time_elapsed) - If TU total went past 100, spoil one unit. Spoil N if above 100N - When you combine two stacks, you just add the TU totals (and potentially spoil one unit instantly) - If you split a stack, you give each stack their proportion of the TU total Having written that, I don't see spoilage being added to 7dtd, so, kinda pointless.
  8. (I'm not a lawyer, just a cynic of imaginary rights..) I wouldn't try to conflate a statement about video content with screenshots of icons and hope to have a legal standing, let alone an apple-policy standing. Especially the latter is at the whims of a corporation, who are by default afraid of everything. I don't see anything wrong or even against copyright law in your project, I'm assuming it would essentially be a proprietary wiki-app; you wouldn't even necessarily need the images for the basic functionality. Just make one; if apple gives you a hard time, remove the "infringing" content. And again, not legal advice, just my weird practical/moral take.
  9. Now now, is that any way for a little sith to think?
  10. Not bad overall, plenty of changes in the "main" suggestion though; might be a little beside the goals for pimps. Quickly about the shorter ones: starting with a care package; doesn't really fit the lore of being robbed naked and tossed to the side of a road, but it wouldn't hurt me - especially if limited only for low difficulty starts. A care bear package if you will. No crafting seeds? Yeh, probably unpopular. People want their reliable farms, and I can't see getting the balance of seed drops right for anyone, much less everyone. For the complex one; bringing back farming on topsoil would be nice, I never learned to like the flower pots. I wouldn't mix trees with farming, but it could work of course, and they're realistically more related. "Unlocks farm plots" - would the POI plots still work? That would make them quite valuable, you could have a permaculture there with a little luck. Once you get a seed recipe, you have instant exponential growth on POI plots (the pimps seem quite adamant of having everything in recipes). Since you don't define numbers, it's a little hard to judge anything. Roland was looking for guesses of what the pimps are going to do in the future, I made a draft back then; if you want to compare notes, check:
  11. Right, a more "static" world, where a POI doesn't just magically change its contents when you happen to bonk enough heads for XP. I can respect that, that could make for interesting games. I think modding is the best course of action, the pimps seem pretty intent about the current way. Let's hope Johnny can deliver ..
  12. That 5 of mine was the cost of the seed converted "back" to crops. Otherwise I mostly agree; I'd only point out that LotL 1 is the difference between a farm that grows exponentially by itself and the farm that will fail over time, making it arguably the only important point of the skill. The rest just speeds up the process by pushing up the exponent I don't exactly like the design either, any design with "normally you're fine, there's just a chance of disaster" is ... off putting.
  13. The seeds do drop at 0 LotL already. Assuming you're still talking about LotL 1, you're not looking at the whole picture. If you include the chance to harvest a seed (= 5 extra crops, 50% chance makes that effectively 2.5), you have an average of 1.5 crops instead of -1. As in, you can reliably farm at LotL 1 with some basic backup crops for extra seeds when needed.
  14. Sshhhh, you're giving away the competitive advantage...
  15. Heh, I kinda thought it was probably melee* after I'd written that, but wasn't exactly worthy of opening the xml to check for the actual point .. thanks anyway
  16. Could just be a "base mod" to make other mods from. I think there's a zombieHandMaster somewhere in the melee config and such.
  17. No; they didn't in 19 either, and I think further than that. Yeh, especially the radiated were proper toads inA19...
  18. I have to disagree on a technicality, sounds that it's likely to increase the amount of PvP on PvP servers, making it .. good for PvP Not exactly well suited for this game, but wouldn't necessarily be terrible as a game mode, having everyone know each other's location.
  19. Blue bags provide you with a ton of your ammo? They could remove the blue bags and I wouldn't notice. Yellows getting a slight nerf; eh, doubt that's going to affect more than 5% max-
  20. I wouldn't worry too much without testing it out, 30% sounds like a lot, but I'm running a straight up surplus on even the type of ammo I'm using - regardless of the fight, hordes or POIs. All the other ammo types just keep piling up. Reduction by 50% would make me consider carrying a secondary type of weapon, and would still result in a net surplus..
  21. Yeh, that was kinda obvious, but for starting anew with 20.1
  22. Less thinking involved, sure, but it requires multiple times the effort to get to the eating part. As in, if you want to eat the produce of 5x potato plants per cycle, and you cycle corn, spuds, coffee and aloe (4 types), you need to have 20 potato plants before you can supply that 5 per. If you had them running side-by-side 5 each, you could just eat the 15x5 extra produce required by the larger cycle.
  23. I've made a few maps, none of them have been unplayable. If you have specific demands for a map, you're going to have to check, but you should be perfectly fine with any. And if something does go horribly wrong, you'll see it within the first week of playing.
  24. Umm, yeah, a bit, although I made a little mistake in my units there.. 36k was supposed to be 36M, which would've been an entire 6k x 6k map. Cheeky way of saying, "I don't really think of the POI as my farm, the plots will do absolutely fine wherever I don't know which triggers me more, the flowerpot aesthetic forced by the farm plots or the fact you didn't just plant those shrooms on a wall somewhere. A nice haul nonetheless
  25. Time flies, this was three weeks ago..? Anyway, I ended up doing a bit of themed playthru with an axe, figured I'd share some of it. Overall it's all right, but can't really compete with any of the non-spear weapons in the game. Warrior difficulty, feral sense always, pretty much default otherwise - so, pretty chill all around. Made myself a Q5 Iron axe on day 3, ended up using that as my main weapon up to day 25. Mostly because I didn't really get transportation before that, I just chose not to build any. That meant that the loot levels were tied to my origin base in the forest and thus no Steel tools until post-motorbike. Once I got a Steel Axe (q4, looted in a snowy SM factory), I also got a Steel Sledgehammer (q6, quest reward). I gave them both a shake for the sake of comparison, the sledge without skill points wins hands down; similar speed, double the damage and thus a lot more control and whatnot. Armored Radiateds were not a pleasant fight even 1v1 on flat terrain. Doable, but pretty much guaranteed taking of heavy damage. Timing is key, but even landed blows won't always give you enough room to dodge the next attack. Bunkered down in a book-house, made some holes in the garage walls to fight hordes out of; couldn't really keep up with the damage output with the axes. The first horde, maybe, but ended up using mostly boomers and some AR:s for the rest, with a little help from a robo turret. Overall, for questing and such, it's fine; you might have to cheese at doorways a little more compared to actual weapons, and the difference is significant enough to sacrifice that single toolbelt slot. But if you really really want to get into mining ASAP at the cost of everything else, it's definitely usable until you gather enough extra skill points for a good Baseball bat.
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