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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Sheesh, that looks rough... the SI is hard to grasp, and in such cases, completely annoying. Then again, if the window didn't carry, your tower would've collapsed just a little sooner. Doesn't help now, but keep backups .. As for the "I don't want to play anymore" .. it'll pass, pretty quickly. Take a break or not, test some SI stuff in creative while at it and most importantly answer this; was the base awesome? If it was, the time was well spent; all the time poured into a game will eventually be entirely wasted. It's the trip that counts. Take a break, you'll be right back - you can't build that kind of a thing anywhere else ..
  2. Yup, you can burn your own Sledge/Junk Turrets. Might be changeable with the "damage players" settings, if you can turn self harm off in there.
  3. It's a thing; haven't heard if it's seen as a problem. But it's pretty pointless as a method, the time you save from placing them and basically double yield per "natural" dirt, you can travel a pretty good distance to find a spot that doesn't really hurt to dig out. The only use I've seen is to generate dirt in a challenge mode where you're limited to a single POI or some such.
  4. Well.. For the cost of 50 taters, you'll get 10x (4 + 5*0.5) = 65. That's 15 to eat per harvest. ~7 meat stews from memory. Given you harvest on the day they ripen, that should give about 2 stews per day (60 min). Basically enough. Random may mess with you, so keep spares. (Damn Boid, just beat me to it .. )
  5. As far as I know, yes. I've described it a couple times on the forums, and so have plenty of others - so I'm just a little surprised that you didn't know it. The basic function is referred to as "Passthrough triggering" in the journal (or something similar). That is an easy way to allow for an "OR" functionality, so that you can run one door from multiple cameras; the relay-for-an-and may well be a happy coincidence. They do, they just connect between three wires, not two.. a power pair goes the entire length of a trigger chain, and a signal cable as well. Each triggered item just connects the power to the signal. Any appliance after the trigger chain just connects to the signal as its power input.
  6. This, you'll need a relay in between any triggers to achieve AND functionality. As for the power duration, you could also add a "warning light" powered from the relay, as a "don't step on the plate" indicator. With that you might be willing to have a longer power from the motion sensor.
  7. I suffer from the same issue on my normal settings, even the frame numbers are pretty similar. I can get the frames from 20 to 40 by dropping quality to the minimum preset in the skyscrapers. For the lag caused by the walk-ins, the only thing that remotely works is to give them a route up; I usually just rebuild the staircase as I go up. I try to give the zeds pathable access to the floor I am clearing or above - so if I'll have to clear floors 5 & 6 before the path takes me back to the stairs, I connect the staircase up to floor 7. They'll keep flowing up, and I can keep their numbers down as they do.
  8. Hmm, there was some discussion about path length recently, I seem to recall Roland mentioning that the distance varies and that some of the path lengths was 15 - don't know if that was min or max for the variance, but you're above that at least. 15 feels so ridiculously short that I might well be misremembering something.
  9. Neato. For the next phase, hook up some UI events and design a good stealth meter ...
  10. Darn it, you made me look. At least in A20 release notes* the following issue is marked as Fixed: "Bedroll range only partially protect from quest resets" Based on that, the bedroll seems intended to protect. EDIT: *this thing here: https://7daystodie.com/a20-official-release-notes/
  11. That's a good suggestion, but these were two separate POIs, I know them from before. A burnt down house and a Tier 1* quester. And if it was a multi-house-POI, the bedroll check should've worked to prevent it. EDIT: *might be a Tier 2, but is there a difference...?
  12. *blink* *blink* *blank stare* ... well, that took an unexpected turn
  13. Whaddya mean, it's fixed perfectly, you no longer have any evidence of there being a bug ..
  14. It's a feature; probably for disconnect issues while playing on servers.
  15. No, that's what he tried, but it's not possible. Changing time will only change the time, not the world. Only way to actually go back is to keep and restore backups.
  16. Shhh, you didn't have to reveal your hand, while it wasn't good for the current-game-argument, it was perfectly fine as a game-design-argument
  17. Indeed, seems like a feature that has been given at least _some_ thought. And I do use it occasionally, with something agroed too close for comfort and something else wandering around a little further. However I'm not entirely sure if I ever optimally should - or would it just always be better to actually sprint for a distance and then sneak properly. Well, maybe. Although the current book only removes stamina use, so I don't really see it making that much of a difference right now.
  18. That will give you good data for stone; if that's your main concern then it's perfectly fine. For ores you will have to include the RNG factor of the book set, the way it was it was old implementation gave a massive benefit for the auger - 20% chance per hit, the auger hits something like 10x as often as the pick. Unless it's been normalized in A20 ofc. EDIT: something readable instead maybe
  19. Indeed, I think that's the goal, but (I guess) something with the city-layout "POIs" mixed up the system. This time the quest reset basically two POIs, so, check is done for the actual quest POI and the reset is done for the whole city "block".. or something
  20. Ok, yeh, that makes sense, that I would've realized. But it seems one shouldn't currently do a quest next doors either..
  21. I have a hard time calling it an exploit. Mostly because if you actually build a rectangle base, the first thing the zeds will do is to turn it into a choke-point base by opening a face-height hole in it. Then it turns into a funnel base as they break the second block there. Then you add a bit of walls and couple ele fences and you have a "killing corridor" .. if the AI makes it themselves, exploiting it isn't exactly wrong..
  22. How?! I mean, I'm about as paranoid as the next tinfoilhatter, but it didn't even cross my mind that the next POI might reset mine ..
  23. Youtuber-rumors here, but apparently the tiers will give proportionate "points" for completing a tier. So, one point for Tier ones, 5 for fives. And the total needed is something like Tier X 7 or something.
  24. No. Just have an empty box where you first DROP everything you need. Then pick it up after sorting ..
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