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  1. The whole point of this thread is that you don't. Antibiotics do not spawn, and honey doesn't spawn often enough to be sustainable. You just move slower, hit slower, and overall have a worse experience until it gets you killed. That is absolutely my point. If you can't find loot antibiotics and can't buy them from traders, killing yourself is the optimal response to infection. You make up the lost XP by not suffering under under a stamina debuff for the next X days, and you get your base in better condition for horde night. Deliberately not surviving should never be the optimal play in a survival game. Yeah, if you can find another dose of honey before your infection grows 5%. My experience has been, you can't.
  2. No, I'd rather play a game with better loot tables so I don't have to spend all my time searching for tree stumps. This is an *alpha*, that means the devs look for feedback and make changes to improve it. It's an alpha of a *game*, that means it should be *fun*. Hence this thread.
  3. It's called 7 Days to Die, not 7 Days to @%$# Around In The Forest. Any time spent grinding for honey is a) not fun and b) takes away from time preparing for horde night, which you desperately need.
  4. There's a lot that I like about the changes to looting in A20. As intended, the scarcity gives the pipe weapons time to shine, and it extends the early phases of the game where survival is precarious. That stage is the bread and butter of a survival game, so that's very good news! The change I object to is the nerfing of anti-infection drops. On my current playthrough I'm on day 15 and I've never seen antibiotics, herbal or otherwise. One infection, I missed the early window where honey is curative and had to let play it out until I got mobbed by dogs and died. It was a massive relief to not have to deal with the stamina debuff any more, I was so glad to have died. Next time I got an infection, I spent all night searching through the woods around my starting town for honey. I went through a dozen stumps and by the time I found a jar of honey, I needed a second one. Future infections, I think I'll have to just jump off a tall building, eat the XP loss and save the time spent looking for honey. If the optimal play in your survival game is to die, that's not good game design! I've read the A20 release notes and I understand this change was made to make infection scary again. The problem is that it hurts the game. Post-infection, you have three options: -Spiral search pattern around the woods looking for stumps, not fun or sustainable and won't get you enough honey fast enough -Desperate looting in town as your stamina debuff gets worse, making even breaking into buildings annoying -RIP, eat the XP loss, make up for it by not spending the next few days with a stamina debuff that makes it harder to gain XP Long-term, you have three options to get around this: -Hope to get lucky and loot a herbal antibiotics recipe -Upgrade to 20.1 for the acid, pick an Int build, and hope to find a beaker for chemistry bench. Suffer in the meantime -Play multiplayer with someone who made an Int build This has become a novel, so TLDR; current loot table locks you into Int for Level 5 physician, in the meantime being infected constantly is painful, and not in a fun way
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