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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Playing an INT game, warrior diff; most points in the weapon skills, 18 days in: I have crafted a set of padded armor Q1, now wearing a Cloth Bonus Bundle. Got Q4 steel legs as a reward, might swap over at some point. I have crafted most of my batons, on a Q5 Stun baton since day 14 horde. Think I found a match for the pipe baton at points and a lower level Stunnie after making a Q3. I have crafted a single Q1 Sledge turret, bought a Q5 proper shootie turret for ~8k right after, and since have looted a Q2 sledge. I set up some light electrical defenses for day 14, couple fences and a gennie, all parts bought as I wasn't able to craft anything. Horde base is a wide stairwell that I just essentially blocked so my sledge can keep tossing zeds around. I do stand there shooting a toilet pistol at them, using looted ammo; but the fence and the sledge would've kept the D14 group at bay easily. Used 20 bought concrete mix for the blockade.
  2. It doesn't* affect the crafting time. *shouldn't, edge cases like the short-craft nails might suffer from lag issues with the UI open.
  3. I don't know if I'd call a feature, but it's been that way for ages .. we used to craft anvils on several forges to increase tool crafting, swapping between them to have the right one open when that specific anvil was about to complete for the (skill) XP. Queue a new one, move the newly made into the melting slot, open the next forge... better than trying to destroy stone axes, but quite riveting gameplay nonetheless..
  4. I'm going to assume an "under NDA", and then just guess they went with increased drop rates for the gating stuff for streamer weekend to provide a "for-sure" success for streamers. I wouldn't even hate them for that, wouldn't be a good look if the hyperactive streamers were bored out of their brains with the intended progression... Blink twice if you know I'm wrong.
  5. Yeah, that's what it looks to me. One large volume, triggered all at once - or maybe separate ones bound to same trigger, doesn't really matter which. Set up so that one side runs to cut off your exit while the other "distracts".. I've seen a small version of the same myself, narrow corridor, splits into two, you take either of the paths, zeds in the other wake up and walk behind you... luckily I smelled a rat when I saw the split and intentionally agroed and legged it straight after; still had to knock down the first of the other pack to avoid it. Sadly it seems like a design decision for the new POIs..
  6. I wouldn't mind the regular SexRex, but since I doubt TFP will revert that.. They might want to adjust the defaults for tools somehow. Unless they really intend not to have anyone but perception players salvaging things. It's not horrible to wrench a single car, but I tend to burn water for the sta buff (the hat filter is a godsend for that, always full water and a 3-minute drinking buff going). That might be the intended state though, max sta regen to make it remotely bearable for off-spec use. I dunno. Then again, I've only salvaged a couple cars to get pipes on the go, I don't have any use for any of the parts yet. Electricity is still just half way to the first tier.. playing full on INT on about day 12. Bought a few traps. I can craft a Q5 sledge turret, woo.. I bought a Q5 shooting one before I made one, though. (The stun baton is an in-between tier there in robotics, so my vendor is selling things two tiers above my crafting) Some balancing acts requested all over...
  7. I can handle dogs and POIs in general (I usually play warrior, so not exactly difficult), but I've started just outright cheesing POIs in A21. Not even an inkling of trying to fight fair. Break walls, block doorways, build high ground. See a dog house, place a ladder somewhere close. Or several. Sorta sad, sure a real survivor would be doing all of that in this world; but now I'm in an arms race with the devs, breaking their mazes wherever I go, instead of enjoying them.
  8. I may be wrong, but the way TFP is using names for debuffs is non-standard, to say the least. I Think "stun" on things like weighted head refers to what a "slow" would be. That's absolutely something I should've checked before making any statements, so, lets hope someone can come correct my mistake here.. Testing wouldn't be too complicated, just .. annoyingly statistical..
  9. After some quite extensive testing in A20 and earlier, this seems wrong to me. Minor: The zeds are spawned in at some point; but it's not tied to any check in and of itself. If there's few zombies loaded in the world, they're loaded while you approach the volume. If the world is sort of full with spawns already, they're loaded in only when you (nearly) enter the volume. The latter is often the case, making it look like they're loaded exactly upon entering. Major: The detection check when you cross the volume boundary has exactly two possible outcomes: - the zeds continue sleeping OR - the zeds target (Attack-Target) the PLAYER who crossed the threshold Even if some unnamed mod kept repeating that the zeds will just walk to a spot nearby, I have Never managed to repeat that. Trust me, I've tried. There's couple ways to get something akin that; You succeed the volume-check, and the zeds keep sleeping. Afterwards, you wake them with a sound and then leg it. You fail the volume-check and the zeds zoom in on you. You show yourself to the zeds (which reverts them back to normal agro mechanics) and then you leg it behind a corner / hide in the darkness at night. I can reliably do either of the above, never have I ever managed to get volume-triggered zeds to just "walk to a spot".
  10. Thanks for the heads-up. I've seen a couple annoyingly built places myself and on the tubes.. but if I had run into THAT hot mess blindly, I'd have left the game for the night, possibly for the year... mildly put
  11. I haven't tried in A21, but earlier it was the same mouse button as the fill (iirc). The aiming, it needs a block target just like a frame - so you can't throw it at the horizon, which is just something I've seen people try. Aim at a block (not water) nearby and click.. if it still works, that's how..
  12. Oh, cool, Logical Fallacies, straight from wikipedia, mostly misapplied... oh well. At least there's couple great examples of someone deving a game even slightly better? Oh, wait. No there isn't? Straw man... should be attacking an argument you haven't made. Implication of "Trolling" isn't an argument, not from me nor falsely from you. Trolling is a noble sport, enjoyed by all ages above 4; it's not even a proper ad hominem, I'm not trying to address your argument when I describe your behaviour there. At worst, it's an honest insult.. Personal incredulity .. yeah, got me there. I still can't believe you're being serious; can you blame me? Still kinda looking for that example of someone doing something similar, that much better. Dev takes time. Stating the state of reality isn't "weak", you just don't like it. Ruf.
  13. They seem to fill up every day for me..? Just place them on your "path in to your base/kitchen" and spam open/loot-all while running past them. Free water, no hassle.
  14. Yeh, for your title, T6 is a placeholder for legendaries.. probably some fun things with additional effects on them. Until they show up, it feels rather pointless. As for the crafting itself.. loot and trader are supplying most of what you use - it's been that way, and now with the nerf to books, I fully expect Not to craft any items beyond some stone tier tools. Traps, utility electrics, steel, mods etc, sure, but the actual toolbelt items are going to come from the trader loop. I'm not happy about it, but it is what it is.
  15. No, no I don't; we're on the anonymous side of the internet. It's a place where I try to assume the best of everyone, in this case "this guy can't be serious" turned into "yeah, he's probably not, so he's just enjoying some aggravated trolling" and I went with that. But sure, feel free to stay in character. In that case, since we're pretending you're dead serious it's an absolute travesty for a game to be developed for a decade; it should be easy to point to a few examples of comparable games that went from kickstarter to gold in what.. three years? Fivers should be trivial. If you can't find a good match, well, please do point to Something to justify the ridicule. Otherwise I'll just go on with my initial pair of assumptions
  16. I may have been (exceptionally) lucky, but I've seen crucibles being sold several times; and I've not played past day 11 yet. 75 books vs 15k (20k?) dukes, easy choice ..
  17. Nope, but it makes your feigned aggro about game dev taking ages look a little silly. Just because you get upset about things taking time, things will still take time. It's not like Beth wouldn't have released theirs after a decade if it was anywhere near functional, but even they knew not to.
  18. I haven't picked that many things, but most of them have been on the first try. Couple cop cars, one T4 box as I cleared it for a base. I have broken a couple picks, but seems way less than before. Prolly just RNG thou, it'll catch up..
  19. Weelll.. Starfield trailer was proudly proclaiming "25 years in the making". Lets see where we're at in 15 years..
  20. The eating sound is indeed weird.. when I'm not expecting it, I feel like it's a combination of an error message and a vomit sound, always makes me think I ate something spoiled. But nah, it's just eating.
  21. It's working, some spots are just designed to be .. jump scares even at the cost of stealther sanity.
  22. Ye, I'm pretty much the same.. there isn't many challenges the game can throw at me I can't deal with, so I don't Need anything that doesn't come for certain. But .. while playing with a Q5 stone spear, Day 11, I noticed I unlocked Steel Spear Q1... the only thing that went thru my head was "oh, right, I might want to make an iron spear at some point". No jump in tech level, no elation, just .. eh. I'll make the Q5 Iron and assume I see a Steel drop before I can craft one that would be an improvement ...
  23. I've only played until day 8 so far.. pretty easy-mode settings, just to check things out. Feels mostly like the same game to me.. looks prettier, gorgeous in comparison. Scope zoom chuggalugs a bit, but not really complaining, prolly some settings to tweak. Played most of the week with a rising infection (had three honey, left them at my first shack to do a quest, found a city doing said quest, never went back), got to the red zone at around 60% before buying some antis. Even so, with a knackered sta, no real problems; one close call when a wandering horde followed me up a ladder into a closed attic. That place got crowded fast Saved by the hole of a random trap floor. I might be broken somehow, but I can't find the magazine mechanic that exciting. It rather feels like a chore, especially after the couple first ones when the crafts at least progress per book trio. I know exactly what'll be next, not exactly when, but there's no surprises. Just do quests long enough and you'll get this thing next. And the next thing after that is going to take a couple extra quests.
  24. I don't see that much having changed with that regard? Mats for building are the same, more blocks and decorative options were introduced. Your nights should still be the same as before. Your days.. haven't really changed either. Want a thing A? Go do a quest for the trader. Want a thing B? Go do a quest for the trader. Want a thing ... you get the point. Now, instead of getting all your needs covered by the trader loop, you'll get all your book needs covered by the trader loop, while getting all your needs covered by the trader loop. Does it feel slow? Yeh. Do I have any idea what I can craft? Nope, I haven't checked what books I read since the first few sets. I'll occasionally remember to check if I can improve something. Usually not. For both checking and being able. The 50% seed chance was in A20 in this exact form. If you were content with that..?
  25. "Loot all" is loud, I haven't tested for a while, but I think taking individual items is less loud. But I usually shoot first and ask for lootz later.
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