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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. That thread is from 2018.. for A20 I haven't seen any randomness there, but I haven't really played the latest couple dot-patches. Unlikely.
  2. I think you need one more folder: steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\SilentTurrets Even the advice from drgnkght says it, but quite shortly: And you're editing files in the game folder, which is about to change in a future patch - it's not wrong, you will just need to move or re-config it later.
  3. There are diagonal support shapes; like "Pole Support 1m" "Pillar Cross Support" etc, you can find these easily in the "Round"-section of the shape menu. For SI, these are identical to any other shape of the same material, so you can just use anything. They'll confer a little boost, since they share the load from above, but it's quite small. Might give you some peace of mind thou.
  4. Loot.xml is the file you're looking for, albeit it's a little unreadable as such. With a quick glance, it seems beakers aren't really bound by loot stage anywhere; just damn rare overall.
  5. It was broken; glass jars fillable from natural water sources made one jar fill for all your hydration needs. Without them, TFP can now make you work for it.
  6. For me it seems the targeting of scopes is just the same as iron sights, just as fast and so forth; or maybe I misunderstood something. The best way to see actual aim is to mod a weapon with the Laser Dot. The dot travels exactly where you'll hit, so you can figure out how the aim works; it's not as bad as the cross hairs imply. The dot remains pretty centered even if not aiming, taking some detours to the sides - exacerbated by character movements. Try one out and aim at a wall You can only see the laser for about 10 blocks, but that's the area you want it anyway, anything further is rarely urgent.
  7. And like I said, unloading a bolt does Not change the damage display. If you unload an iron bolt via modify, the crossbow will still show damage of the iron bolt. I just tested this in A20.6 b9. What you are comparing May* be correct, but what you are describing is wrong. * may, as in, from your descriptions I can't be sure of what you're doing.
  8. "No bolt" is not an option. It's not about having one loaded, it's what type you have selected. You have to manually select the same bolt type, it makes no difference to the damage tooltip whether the ammo counter shows 1 /100 or 0 /100. The quest rewards show stone bolt damage, so if you want to compare to those, you have to select a stone bolt for the one in your inventory. Same for vendor items.
  9. I ended up looking for a crossbow damage thread you were testing in, but that was with looted weapons, in January. While looking I ran into a post of mine where I was being surprised at CM being random on Jan 22; which would likely be A20.1 b5 (released Jan 19 and I tend to always upgrade).
  10. Maybe in mods, I don't know; but if you have issues in a kill corridor, just place a spotlight next to you to?
  11. I can confirm his numbers to an extent; I pulled a Q3 Iron crossbow with 66.9 Damage, and a Q4 same with 60.2. It seems the items from creative do have random stats now. (A20.6 b9) EDIT: I'm not ruling out an ammo difference in the numbers for the good one, though. @ElCabong are you using Iron / Steel bolts in your "good one"; try loading a stone one (even if you don't have any, just changing the loaded type is enough)
  12. Umm, yes you can. Just click on the item, the stats are shown pretty normally. Comparison is a little iffy, that's all.
  13. Hmm, it might a downgrade-path hack. As in, when blocks are destroyed, some of them will go through visibly different stages, each stage is a step on the path. Think doors, cars, wooden spikes etc etc. That is setup something like (when a block is destroyed, check if it has a downgrade) (if it does, replace the current block with that block) Now, obviously, if you set the downgrade block into the original, you'll get your old block replaced by a fresh copy, and end up having a loop => neverending mining. Sample from a car: blocks.xml(22503) <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="cntCar03Sedan3WideDamage2v06"/>
  14. There's some threads about it, so instead of writing again, I'll just link to my most recent reply on the topic: (The OP there was planning to respec to stealth at late game, so the wording reflects that a little)
  15. If you want a few more samples from a single quest, logging out while a quest is active should reset the quest to the start; so, reset-logout-reset etc. Doesn't count as cheating if you don't loot, just place a frame to see the reset. Of course, it could be resetting to a quest-determined seed at that point.
  16. Quite possible. I did at least 5, a few before I realized I know the state of all the loot containers by heart, and a couple after to confirm. A test would be great though!
  17. I don't think that's the case for any of those atm (although I haven't played 20.6). They're set at world creation - or at least based directly on world seed. Safes in paintings seem random, and I can't say I've looked at cabinets all that closely, but vending machines for sure. Early A20 I was trying to reset a broken vendo, but it never did, so I did quite a few quests in the same place over time; after a few times I realized nothing else in there ever changed either.
  18. Terrain blocks aren't really there unless they have a face that "can" be drawn; you can see this whenever your head clips terrain in a mine. You can see all the tunnels you've dug, but none of the terrain surrounding them. This makes every block you reveal by mining a new block in the area, and thus requires some extra computing power to figure if you can see it.
  19. Oh. OK, seems my previous post turned into a little unintentional humor .. all for the use of "prevent". I mean, preventing anyone digging anywhere would achieve the goal.. But I guess you're looking for infinitely minable blocks of some sort. Sorry, I don't know anything about such mods =/
  20. Does this patch of forest contain the default spawn spot? It might be intentional for delivering that easy start. Could still be bugged either way.
  21. Yeh, that's kinda why I felt compelled to add the options there; the quoted one feels like a bugged name, while the empty one might be a default "actually none" ... maybe there's some error spam to be found in log files if it's a name.
  22. The main difference there is that drgnkght's xpath will turn the xml into: <property name="TargetingSound" value="none"/> <property name="OverheatSound" value="none"/> <property name="WakeUpSound" value="none"/> EDIT: Or wait.. value=none , or just just value= ..? One of the three, maybe ... Which may make a difference if there's a value inherited from somewhere - the commenting out would not remove an already existing value. But yeh, make it into an xpath-mod, it's easier to manage overall.
  23. For sure the balancing of each is going to be hard with a single set of rules. Any multiplayer group always has the option to play N*SP, so it can't really ever be weaker (might feel stupid playing separate games, but never weaker). For that, I feel like all of the artificial "benefits" from group play should be removed, like zombie XP getting increased in a group. Any point made about "my current choice of role doesn't work" can be basically countered with "sounds like you or your mates are playing wrong"; they're trying to play a different game. These can be valid complaints, too, but they are involving the meta of the game which is sort of "up to TFP" entirely. Feedback will of course be welcome, I hope...
  24. Indeed, sorry for that; it was the most jarring thing on the list so I jumped on that. I didn't vote, as the whole thing is, well, highly dependent on the state of the final game. Food and Traders especially. Sleeping thru the night; don't see why not, but it also depends what the night looks like. If TFP manage to make each night a little scary, somehow, the need to "skip the boring part" vanishes. Charismatic; eh, even as is, sure it's useless for SP, but INT is doing just fine as an SP build. There's quite a few perks in other trees I never pick, having one in INT isn't all that terrible
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