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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. In my eyes, the mechanic is still there, just mildly different. It went from - When you enter an attack volume every zed in it knows where you are and will come after you relentlessly. to - When you enter an attack volume every zed in it knows where you are and will come after you relentlessly, unless you're sneaking really, really well at a specific pixel on your path. It's still automatic aggro, just with weird conditions. (I added the second g to satisfy the spell checker, see, I can change.. slowly) An automatic door doesn't stop being an automatic door if you cover yourself in low visibility clothing and wait for a suitable fog. And, I haven't seen anyone suggest a better name for it.. I can start calling it "A20-auto-aggro" if you deem that necessary, but I'm always talking about the current patch so I don't see a point in that. Certainly. I don't pretend to know the design goals, I can only speak of what's in the game right now. I can see it just being a difficult thing to fix. But I also wouldn't think that the devs intend you needing to actually run away for straight 20 secs under relentless pursuit. You're out of dishong by that time ... (Now that's an exaggeration. I don't actually know what exactly the timer change from the perk does, might try to figure that out..) I do agree it's a bit of a mess. If I could choose, I'd replace the A20-auto-aggro-mechanic with giving the zeds in an attack volume much heightened senses, esp hearing. They're just better at spotting you, nothing special required. Would it be easy to balance.. nope. But the current one isn't just a balance issue, it's hard to imagine making it fluid with the rest of the stealth system. Hmm; see above, seems we actually disagree, but I'm fine with that I don't see the sneaky part being a counter-requirement* for either "automatic" or "aggro". * I may have made that up, but it's clearly a word. EDIT: Slooowly
  2. You're not being dense, that's exactly what I was testing; during my earlier post I expected the noise from a gun at close proximity to trigger a normal agro state on an auto-agro zed. I don't know why, it made sense at the time... after testing, well, I proved myself wrong. Why was I suggesting it? You can drop an attack volume zed faster if you reveal yourself to them via the "normal" stealth mechanic, ie, get proper agro. It's a bit finnicky in a normal game, and I figured that a loud gun would actually be an easier solution. It would be, if it worked, but it doesn't..
  3. (A20.6 b9) After a little bit of testing with exactly one test that I'm pretty satisfied with, the sound of guns isn't enough to drop the auto-agro from an attack volume. 0) Seal attack volume zeds behind a vision blocking wall 1) Trigger the zeds with headlight on for the auto-trigger 2) Fire loud rounds from a sniper right next to them 3) They still won't drop the auto-agro state afterwards Conclusion, the noise doesn't matter. This far, only the actual vision based agro is sufficient to break the auto-agro before the 20s timer. Another random note, attack volume zeds, while spawned but player hasn't activated the volume yet, do NOT seem to care about sounds. They seem impossible to wake other than shooting them (lines up nicely with clearing out the hospital roof in previous patches, that may have changed thou). And even then they take just an ApproachSpot - sound seeking stance. It is not an exaggeration; the only time limiting factor is how fast you can get a zed to SEE you. Stealthing after that they may investigate a sound or whatnot, but half the time my test zeds just stop in their tracks and stand there the moment I tap crouch (1 Look, wait <time>). Or take a couple steps and stop. I did test this right now, while I have my world loaded. I'm using walkers for testing, with runners it's of course a lot more iffy to pull off...
  4. Heh, aaactually, now that you mention it. Moving back is absolutely fine for a single zed waking up, and in those cases the silenced pistol works fine. If however, you're not sure how many you woke up, or when even that single one can become a threat (depending on settings etc) you're better off taking the first one out with an M60 and then stealthing - you may make enough noise to have the other zeds "properly" detect you (making them lose the auto-agro-state) and then be able to instantly drop their attention by stealthing. I'm not entirely sure if this works with sound though, I think it should, but I might have to test it. EDIT: tested a bit, does not work with sound alone. Proper post in the near future..
  5. I may have abused the word a little, but I don't think "sufficient" actually sets an upper bound, just the lower one, right?
  6. That is a whole lot better argument, and a sufficiently verbose way to deliver it... And while I like to argue in stealth threads about semantics and mechanics, I do agree that stealth shouldn't be a 100% deal in all, or even most situations. I kinda expect a chance of failure for stealth games, it gets boring really fast otherwise... I just strongly dislike the current attack volume/auto-agro mechanic that is attempting to deliver it.
  7. That being false requires one to take a pretty strict definition for "build". For my experience, a named build usually refers to an optimal way to achieve either a playstyle OR a specific goal. For MMOs, some examples would include a farm/grind build, PvP build, tank build, healing build, and plenty of silly niche builds like a rogue-evasion-tank for certain WoW bosses.. usually only some of these are "supported" by the devs, but things like a grind build is just whatever happens to achieve the grind most effectively, with no regards to how your character is designed to be played. Stealth build; may not be a design goal for TFP, but it's at least a thing in the game community. How many types of stealth builds the community comes up with may vary over time, mostly because they ARE expensive to build when compared to the more direct combat oriented builds. I'd say a proper stealth build comes "online" some 10-15 levels later than a clubs-build. The "extra" points required for bows and stealths etc etc. Note, I'm not complaining about the cost myself, it's a sacrifice one may choose not to make; but just claiming "that's not a thing" isn't really a counterargument, especially when it's actually a thing people want to play and the AGI tree seems to support (unlike that Wow-rogue-tank, that's just stupid.. been there, done that, but still stupid... )
  8. theFlu


    I doubt a reinstall will fix the random crawl issues. The crawl animation happens quite often in places where there's anything the zeds can bump up against.. not just on their actual path, but any blocks next to the path seem to have a chance to confuse them. It's not even rare, but it is quite random. The selection routine for the crawl is just a tad over eager. Going back and forth thru a doorway doesn't trigger it alone - and it shouldn't, sure. But any furniture or such around the door - even while not blocking the door - may well cause it. It's not intentional, just still in development.
  9. For a greppy answer: loot.xml: <loot_settings poi_tier_mod="0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25" poi_tier_bonus="3,6,9,12,15" /> biomes.xml: <biome name="snow" topsoil_block="terrSnow" biomemapcolor="#FFFFFF" lootstage_modifier = "1" lootstage_bonus="20"> <biome name="pine_forest" topsoil_block="terrForestGround" biomemapcolor="#004000" lootstage_modifier = "0" lootstage_bonus="0"> <biome name="desert" topsoil_block="terrDesertGround" biomemapcolor="#FFE477" lootstage_modifier = "0.5" lootstage_bonus="10"> <biome name="wasteland" topsoil_block="terrDestroyedStone" biomemapcolor="#ffa800" lootstage_modifier = "1.5" lootstage_bonus="30"> <biome name="burnt_forest" topsoil_block="terrBurntForestGround" biomemapcolor="#ba00ff" lootstage_modifier = "0.5" lootstage_bonus="10"> What does that mean? Both the biomes and POIs give a multiplier and a constant boost. I don't remember the exact formula, but it's pretty basic math. Wasteland gives a multiplier of 1.5 (but I guess it's better read as a 2.5, because that "pine forest zero" wouldn't make much sense otherwise.. ). Tier 5 POIs give a 0.25 (would be a 1.25 to compare to the 2.5). And the constant parts are 2x (15 vs 30) for the wasteland as well => the biome is pretty dominant. I don't see a problem there; I'd say the biome (esp wasteland) is more significant for difficulty. You can take ages to clear a POI in the forest, but taking it slow in the wasteland is not exactly easy. If you're not able to quickly clear a POI, you'll have trouble in the wasteland nights.
  10. Tread carefully there. At least the magic 8 Block isn't a thing anymore, and I think the ninth wood block will collapse the whole chain and ... the page is all around a mess of old and current info, still mentioning a wooden stage for concrete laying. The images of the principles for SI pillars and supported blocks seem mostly fine, for pretty much everything else, check in game and don't be surprised about differences.
  11. They do have different strengths. I think it's 120 capacity and 10 mass for stone, 40 capacity and 5 mass for wood atm - but I could easily be mistaken. The blocks in your inventory show the weight stats on the stats page. For all connections the weaker block is the defining one.. If you have a stone pillar and attach a wood block to the side, it behaves exactly like the pillar was also wood - it's sort of logical as the face between the wood and stone will have to carry the wood block as well. So, preferably use just one type of material for your building. If you want to add carrying capacity from a stone pillar, you'll need a way to attach several wood faces to the same stone: (A = air, P = pillar(stone), S = stone, W = wood. Top-down view of a support that actually carries more) AWW PSW AWW Around the "freehanging" stone, there are 3 wooden face attached, which in total amount to 120 capacity - that is now as much as the stone pillar can carry. You quite free to build from there. To extend the idea, you can of course attach stone for the air blocks and surround them with wood similarly, leading into something like this as the top of a pillar: WSW SPS WSW Works similarly for iron-stone interfacing. EDIT: How many typos can one fit in a short post... geez
  12. Hi, I'm no one! I had about a year and a half of straight playtime in WoW before quitting some time before panda-patch.. some 13k hours. And I agree, I did need a life; I think I still do...
  13. The way you describe it is as if there is no benefit for teaming up. zztong above mentioned some things already, there's plenty uncovered. I'm basically of the opposite opinion, the team play is so much better than solo that I'd at least nerf the artificial boosts that are currently given to teams. Just going from one to two players: - Double DPS. That also leads to half damage taken and half the meds required. - Double the inventory, with a little smart stack management that's huge. - Share your quests, take them near each other, basically double quests per travel time. And double quest rewards. - Specializing into different weapons makes almost every drop useful, as well as the quest rewards. No competition, just less waste. - Prioritizing different ammo types you get more use of each ammo drop. Not less. A little more meta, but since you have that double DPS going, and always have backup, you can play a lot more reckless. That allows you to clear faster. You get "tougher" zeds, which are basically just more XP against your double DPS. The amount of XP you get per zed is also artificially increased - two players killing two zeds get more XP each than a solo killing one.
  14. theFlu

    Dont run

    It might well be rubberbanding then, although that doesn't Look like running, just sliding. I've not played on other people's computer since ages though so I don't know how it looks now. Another explanation could be the rage mode from zombie-self-inflicted damage, but this is really rare, fall damage, traps, cacti, etc.
  15. theFlu

    Dont run

    Consider yourself corrected, light levels affecting speed was waaay back when. I never saw it and I think I joined in .. A14? Maybe earlier, the crafting grid was still a thing back then.
  16. It's a thing; saw it in the spawn volume settings, something like QuestExclude or what not. Not sure how well it is set up, but at least it's a thing.
  17. Hmm... a blood moon starting a day of elections... if I were of the superstitious sort, I might find that a little ominous..
  18. This thread seems to be using "load" interchangeably as "read from disk" and "generate", it's rather confusing. Generating a new map takes ages (10+ minutes), sort of by design. (New game) Loading a local map from disk shouldn't take all that long (still a minute or two). (Continue game, either local or remote) Downloading a remote map will take some time, also depending on the connection afaik. (Join a new p2p / server)
  19. For me, I tested current vanilla (A20.6 b9 iirc) while making my comment; 5/5 Deep Cuts, machete, no bugs to report.
  20. Well, in the current vanilla, you do get the exp.
  21. My sword could use a touch of sharpening, fridge is stocked with pork, elevated concrete building. The neighbors might wonder why there's a flight of stairs missing, but that's their headache... I'll be fine. Until the nukes start dropping.
  22. Yup, good times. Take out the shopping basket while it has stuff in it and ... start gathering
  23. First post.. you wouldn't happen to be that friend of his? Welcome to the forum, but I'm perfectly able to pick my own battles, thanks! Just a little bored atm ..
  24. It's a setting between on/off, not a setting between on / off / "disable entirely". Once in a game, if you have sufficient rights, you can change the setting. It's not broken, it just isn't the switch you're looking for. I don't think joining players have sufficient rights by default, but I haven't tried. At least I agree they likely shouldn't. I don't know if it even should be possible for a p2p game to remove admin from the host; that wouldn't make much sense as he owns the files anyway. If you can't get your friend to play a legit game just by talking with him.. it sounds like he doesn't want to? If I knew what setting are actually required, I'd post them; but I don't, so, just rambling...
  25. Exactly; but the snippet you both were quoting sounded like a simple pickup of the gyro.. although, I'll have to admit, for sufficiently large values of "pick up" the quote could potentially cover "drop a thing, craft a box, place the box, empty your inventory, empty the gyro inventory, pick up the gyro" .. it could, I swear! "12 seconds" might take some drilling, but should be possible...
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