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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Nice work, going in with an assumption and proving oneself wrong is not always easy - a simple like isn't enough for the respect, so, kudos! Best part of testing, learning something new every time .. From my testing I'm pretty sure there is nothing random in damage output, neither player nor zed. Random health is enough for "varied fighting", and some zed types have armor which changes the numbers of course - but damage against each armor amount is also constant from swing to swing.
  2. Mods section -> that way. Not that anyone but you can sort out that list.. try removing the workbench mod(s) you have and see if it changes. If not, remove groups of them at once and see what happens. If you figure out what combo doesn't work, go inform the mod authors.
  3. I don't think either is a thing - offensive or defensive. There is some book, fists maybe, that incur an extra knockdown chance or some such while sprinting. For clean damage, you can easily test it: Enter debug mode: console -> 'dm' Spawn some zeds from F6 (try shift- and ctrl-clicking the zed name when spawning) Numpad 0 reveals their stats, including health Numpad * (multiply) toggles AI on/off, so you can "pause" the situation God mode for healing (I think the default keybind might be G) Take all the swings you like, record your findings and report what you find. For decapitations, you would need to spawn at the very least 20 at 50% odds to reliably see small changes, and I don't know how you would reliably handle misses. If you're good enough not to even glance once in a while, maybe. I'm not ..
  4. You could argue that the Same thing - essentially survival - is worth More when the difficulty is higher. So, while you get exactly the same thing, you're also appreciating it more. Sorta kinda matches with basic economics, mass produced junk vs skilled artisan items, or price hikes when things get rough etc etc. And if the challenge isn't fun, then why play with zeds on?
  5. An additional thing popped to mind; If you're working on a POI, make sure you're not blocked by the invisible quest marker. They're usually exactly where you'd want the bridge. If you don't remember where it is, the only way to be sure is to fill the entire first layer "within" the bridge - possibly the next one as well, if you've dug the bridge into the ground. And if you're in the wilderness, check for rocks.
  6. My basic method has been: - Figure out the size of the thing (I never remember the dimensions) - Place blocks around the spot I want it in to prevent an accidental placement (mostly full floor, at least one block each side) - Nerdpole up at the open end, aim down at the temporary floor Not the fastest way, but beats an hour of fidgeting ...
  7. Since it sounds like plates are likely bugged, I can't say this will work either, but, I used to have my garage exit wired to a trip wire right at the door - it did work fine, and setting up one to cover for a 1x5 plate shouldn't be too hard, at most you'll need extra space at the ends.
  8. There's no real difference to being on foot as far as I can tell. So, Power -> Camera -> Door, or any other normal setup. If the cam sees you on foot, it'll see your vehicle as well. When did you last test it, it may have been different/bugged in the early stages of the new vehicles?
  9. I have zero experience of running a server, so, for what it's worth, I'm throwing some ideas. I think there's a console command listentities (le?), that might show if you're at that 150 somehow. It sounds like a lot on paper, but hugging a suitable wall may spawn a dozen sleepers in a city.. no idea how fast they're unloaded on a server either. killall and waiting a bit seems to be spawning city spawns quite quickly in my test world; but I do also mess with the time there quite often, and I don't really suggest that for an actual game server. Tap numpad zero in dm for the AI-data, it shows through the world so you can see everything that is spawned in your proximity.
  10. Couple "real" reasons: - areas have a cooldown for spawns, if you kill everything around your base, they will take some time to respawn.. I think a couple days (3?) by default in a forest biome. - your server may be hitting max numbers of zeds alive; and not have any space to spawn you some. Might just be bugged of course.
  11. None, really. Each block stays within its cube form (with couple exceptions, like the wall safe), so, nothing can hug a curved surface inside. Maybe centered thin poles (0.02m or some such in the shape menu) might not look terrible going up along the center? At the moment mostly* the same, but TFP already made the smaller ones proportionally weaker, and rolled it back.. they may be looking to change that. *Sheets have a very low hp, I guess due to being used as the "zombie closet".
  12. Hmm, darnit; have you tested that? I read that line in the notes as "It was bugged, the vultures wouldn't sometimes attack; they'll always attack now", but I have no idea which way it is supposed to be. The mechanic isn't brilliant, but I don't mind either. Just an odd time to remove, if so.
  13. Quite possible: Power -> Plate -> Relay -> Plate -> Door Any trigger works for either plate (cams, trip wires), any other block works for the relay (doors and traps etc, they'll get power whenever the first plate is triggered)
  14. You're right, of course; but a couple functional lights is so far down the list of "time warp / continuity" issues in the game that I'd rephrase that as "Just another immersion breaker" .. it's one of the things we just learn to live with
  15. It's a block shape.. equip a wood frame, long press "reload", pick shapes from the top. Pick a section for "all" from the left side categories menu and enter "sheet" to the search box.
  16. There's couple versions of that, but the sidewalk blocks are mostly plates on top of the terrain block. The places where a terrain attaches to a block-to-the-side "properly" are manually forced when creating a POI. If you break such a spot, you can't rebuild it, the mechanics will leave the familiar gap there. Sheets are the easiest solution, but often you can also build around it if you give it a bit of thought. For example, if it's a wall, you can make it thicker above the gap; or just "move" it at that point. Something like half-plates might cover the gap with a different look; depending on the spot of course.
  17. Suitably built, you can safely reach 14 blocks from the nearest support; that's a decent sized landing pad for the gyro. Well, depends on how rummed up you like your flying.
  18. Yup, they can be turned into brass. There's even a perk in the INT tree to improve the exchange ratio.
  19. You can also deploy a desired dosage of doomballs pre-emptively; wait for the crowd and the detonate them all at once.
  20. They don't exactly solve that problem, the lights are not pointing at absolutely everything. They do cover most though, but especially T5:s have plenty of side rooms you'll have to check. For the OP; I'd rather have the lights than end up with quest icons taking their place - it seems TFP want to have plenty of guidance for questing and I'd be afraid they'd just add more HUD icons if the lights were removed. I would rather solve the route puzzles myself, but as long as guidance is "required", the lights are a decent looking option - even if they're sometimes a bit out of place (random lanterns on building ledges..).
  21. Not true. It doesn't even begin to address the other end of it: "Hey, you finally got good at stealth, now practically nothing wakes up and even the rare few that do, pose no actual threat as they can't find you anyway." Yeh, it's kinda broken both ways atm...
  22. Hmm, well, buy 2 and give it a go .. If you want some "specific" advice:
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