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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. If you want a few more samples from a single quest, logging out while a quest is active should reset the quest to the start; so, reset-logout-reset etc. Doesn't count as cheating if you don't loot, just place a frame to see the reset. Of course, it could be resetting to a quest-determined seed at that point.
  2. Quite possible. I did at least 5, a few before I realized I know the state of all the loot containers by heart, and a couple after to confirm. A test would be great though!
  3. I don't think that's the case for any of those atm (although I haven't played 20.6). They're set at world creation - or at least based directly on world seed. Safes in paintings seem random, and I can't say I've looked at cabinets all that closely, but vending machines for sure. Early A20 I was trying to reset a broken vendo, but it never did, so I did quite a few quests in the same place over time; after a few times I realized nothing else in there ever changed either.
  4. Terrain blocks aren't really there unless they have a face that "can" be drawn; you can see this whenever your head clips terrain in a mine. You can see all the tunnels you've dug, but none of the terrain surrounding them. This makes every block you reveal by mining a new block in the area, and thus requires some extra computing power to figure if you can see it.
  5. Oh. OK, seems my previous post turned into a little unintentional humor .. all for the use of "prevent". I mean, preventing anyone digging anywhere would achieve the goal.. But I guess you're looking for infinitely minable blocks of some sort. Sorry, I don't know anything about such mods =/
  6. Does this patch of forest contain the default spawn spot? It might be intentional for delivering that easy start. Could still be bugged either way.
  7. Yeh, that's kinda why I felt compelled to add the options there; the quoted one feels like a bugged name, while the empty one might be a default "actually none" ... maybe there's some error spam to be found in log files if it's a name.
  8. The main difference there is that drgnkght's xpath will turn the xml into: <property name="TargetingSound" value="none"/> <property name="OverheatSound" value="none"/> <property name="WakeUpSound" value="none"/> EDIT: Or wait.. value=none , or just just value= ..? One of the three, maybe ... Which may make a difference if there's a value inherited from somewhere - the commenting out would not remove an already existing value. But yeh, make it into an xpath-mod, it's easier to manage overall.
  9. For sure the balancing of each is going to be hard with a single set of rules. Any multiplayer group always has the option to play N*SP, so it can't really ever be weaker (might feel stupid playing separate games, but never weaker). For that, I feel like all of the artificial "benefits" from group play should be removed, like zombie XP getting increased in a group. Any point made about "my current choice of role doesn't work" can be basically countered with "sounds like you or your mates are playing wrong"; they're trying to play a different game. These can be valid complaints, too, but they are involving the meta of the game which is sort of "up to TFP" entirely. Feedback will of course be welcome, I hope...
  10. Indeed, sorry for that; it was the most jarring thing on the list so I jumped on that. I didn't vote, as the whole thing is, well, highly dependent on the state of the final game. Food and Traders especially. Sleeping thru the night; don't see why not, but it also depends what the night looks like. If TFP manage to make each night a little scary, somehow, the need to "skip the boring part" vanishes. Charismatic; eh, even as is, sure it's useless for SP, but INT is doing just fine as an SP build. There's quite a few perks in other trees I never pick, having one in INT isn't all that terrible
  11. I don't have to imagine it, I always do it But I'd say double dipping on a Fat's Foods is a lot more cheesy. You can "double dip" exactly once per POI on the map, assuming you didn't already clear it. Sure there are worse and better POIs to double dip, but they're also just as better and worse to pre-clear from a town if you disable double dips. I know I would run thru the place ransacking all the valuables first before starting questing. The limit I'd see something to be worth looting is the same limit as I'd see for double dipping, because it's basically the same thing. You can think of it as cheesy, but disallowing it wouldn't really change anything. It's so much less cheesy that I find the comparison to a float-base a little disingenuous.
  12. You could also integrate a farm plot into a wall, for goldenrod or chrysanthemum. You'll have to get it light from somewhere so it'll grow, it might survive walled in once grown but I haven't even tried. That might require a two thick wall, unless you make it into a window. Maybe use plates for the outside to have a slimmer look. You might try covering it with a sheet shape for a different aesthetic, only a part of the flower piercing thru the wall like it's a branch attached to it. EDIT: Maybe test how it looks in your farm so you don't have to guess with the base build.
  13. I don't see double dipping any different from clearing the city first (house to house nonstop until clear), then questing in the cleared area; and I can't really see clearing the city being somehow wrong?
  14. That's not a punkin, that's a punkinverse! (as in yes, firmly upside down .. )
  15. Punkin ... is that a breed of comedian? You're probably trying to harvest some female ones if your yield is only one per cycle...
  16. Great, step 2) complete! You could also just take it as a challenge, you have your character, just take over a good POI you've already cleared and start gathering some basics. you'll be up and running in no time.
  17. There's a real simple solution: 4) Restore your backup 3) Oh, you didn't keep any? Well, Keep backups. 2) To do that, you'd have to figure out how to, so Learn how to. 1) To bother to learn, you might need a reason to. Well, messing with random console commands in your game and wiping it once should be motivation enough. Sadly, steps 1-3 are necessary for this to be any fun, and you're only at 1) In this case, your options are "New Game" or creative mode "restorations", consloe:cm, click 'u', search for forge and cobble and whatnot to give yourself a fighting chance.
  18. A bit of grep-fu seems to confirm my suspicion; you're editing blocks.xml, which defines, you know, blocks. The SMG and Shotgun turrets. There's turret entries for the junk turrets with similar TargetingSound definition in entityclasses.xml, you might want try to remove that.
  19. Heh, learn something new everyday. I went to look for a, ahem, suitable dictionary entry as I've always thought it's a derogatory akin to spastic-derived* words. You know, neurological damage and such. Appears it's not. Doesn't much improve my view of things, but hey, at least I learned something. Or unlearned? *expecting the autofilter to keep me out of trouble, but this post might not make a whole lot of sense if so...
  20. Welcome dear fans of 7dtd, we're proudly introducing, for the very first time in 7dtd .. bathtub support!
  21. I think it's a thing, at least that's how I play; stay above 80%, preferably at 100% with the slow "drinking" buff ticking when fighting. Haven't done any dedicated testing, that's derived from what I've noticed in the game. Please do file a report, there might be something unintentional there, but: Without knowing what part of the xml:s you're referring to, that could refer to the debuff icons and audio effects. My take on this has been that they're separated intentionally; the stamina effects start at a higher level, but the character starts the different complaints a little later (just to save the player from getting needlessly annoyed by constant moaning.). Might've been a dev discussion at some point, but that leaves the "might not" on the table as well, quite strongly in this case...
  22. If it is the electric ones, and you don't feel like xml:ing your way out of it; motion sensors are silent, aren't they? Just hook up one next to the turret, looking over the field of fire, activating the turret only when there's something to blast at. If you're talking about the robotic turrets (the INT weapon); the xml may be the only way to go (no idea where there). Alternatively, you could use the activation range of those for a trigger; just place them far enough that they won't trigger while you're in normal operation, and then have them activate once you approach your defensive position. How easy this is will of course depend on your base setup.
  23. Well, this, but I was going with a twang of Newman in there..
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