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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. There's some signs that the survival aspect might get some love; the incoming water changes as the main one in my mind. As they're fixing infinite water supply, it gets into a state where it could be tuned to become an issue. But otherwise, I don't think the survival aspect is even planned to be that much of a focus, so sure, improving the description to match wouldn't be a bad idea. I'd prefer some actually punishing weather and whatnot, but I'm also pretty OK with an FPS tower def ...
  2. The command is as the OP wrote, "pois", plural. Does work for me, in the current A20.6 (b9). Toggles on and off, distant pois appear according to the toggle.
  3. Not much to add to the above; x, z, y ... get Z wrong and prepare to fall or find yourself underground. Rotation is just your nose direction, if you Really want to point someone towards a certain view.
  4. We do agree, that's why the comparison in processing power; it takes something like 15-20 years to train a human brain to it's peak, an OpenAI can be trained quite fast in comparison due to being specialized and suitably parallelizable. But my point with that was mostly to point at the different type of AI required here; Indeed, I too enjoy a well executed plan to confuse an AI and watching the fruits of that; sadly in this case it's a complete solution to the horde part of the game. Once solved, the hordes are no longer an actual threat. That pretty effectively kills the game. An AI that can at the very least be a threat even while quite confused would return some of that. The less it fails to easy pathing tricks, the better.
  5. Yup, pretty much. The AI needs to be able to manage so it can then be constrained to be something zombielike. Go talk to something like OpenAI Five. Human brain beats AI opponents with pure processing power, but there's some pretty damn good AIs out there by now. Not going to appear in 7dtd of course, here the AI will never be aiming to beat us, just have the zeds eat us. It's an AI that is trying to become an actor and "act like a zed" for us to enjoy. Knowing the difference between actions that can't succeed, fail or fail spectacularly would be great.. then you could have spectacular fails sprinkled in the masses. TFP aren't trying to create a perfect AI to "win" over the players, they're trying to make one to entertain us with.
  6. They kinda do, but what you describe as beating on concrete sounds like "Destroy Area" -mode; they'll choose that when they have "No Path At All". This may be confusing if you, for instance, have a staircase with spikes; the zeds won't "build" staircases to use, so if you block one with a badly placed spike, they will not find a path there => destroy everything. They are able to break blocks to make a path for themselves as long as the path remains horizontal after the breakage, so they'll bust a wall, but not destroy a spike on stairs. Although, sometimes they just enjoy breaking every face-height block in a building anyway... They can jump, but they don't really use that for pathing; they only jump if they can land on you (in hitting range of you). Half blocks are all kinds of odd as zeds can't decide if they can walk on them (they can, unless, "things", like two of them rotated in different directions as in your example) or "through" them (they can, if they happen to have a floor to walk on but, you know, they can walk on half blocks..)
  7. I may have misunderstood your confusion, but it sounds like it's just going to do two separate rolls per (suitable) loot container. First a roll for the normal loot for the container, and then a separate one for extra weapon parts as per your skills. Maybe a separate one for each weapon type in case you've specced into multiple, maybe not. In any case, you would never see it happening, just that parts start appearing more when specced. That said; unless someone in the know is specifically explaining the implementation details, preferably in a linkable format, I wouldn't read much into speculation about the actual mechanic yet. And even if such speculations were correct at the moment, it might still get changed before going public...
  8. Moisture farms... why do I feel a sudden urge to go get me some power converters..?
  9. That would generally be called "Copyright infringement", is governed by wholly separate sets of laws and describes a wholly different types of "crimes". But sure, I must be wrong, because "- law stuff".
  10. There's this handy contraption, made of glass and silver.. invented pretty recently, but I'm sure you might have heard of it.
  11. Likely some automated detection doing its usual operation, going bonkers. Sometimes less automated uses for all kinds of misdeeds as well, but .. eh. Copyright nonsense at it's best. Not "stealing" though, unless you took off with a physical copy..
  12. This sounds ... on and off. Unless it has been changed while I wasn't playing. The only type of scout to call in other zeds is the screamer, and she only calls waves of mostly humanoid zeds (might have doggies etc, but mostly humanoids). Wolves are either a biome spawn or a wandering horde, both of which will spawn regardless of your activity, merely based on your presence. They may get attracted to your location by your sounds, which they'll waddle over to investigate, but they spawn on a timer.
  13. Well, you can skip looting; but taking the important bits doesn't take that long. As long as we're talking about "checking what's in most of the trash bags", and not "wrenching all the sinks for all the pipes". How? Beeline to POI, hit quest marker, clear room to room along the "proper" path, beeline back to trader, dump the stuff you'll want to keep into a chest at trader, take the next quest and Beeline to POI. Leave a dig quest for the night in case you don't want to deal with runners in a POI. Once night hits, haul one inventory of the keepers to home, with priority to what you'll need next. Fetches; depends on what I'm aiming for.. a long POI, where the satchel was in the first/second room, I'm usually out right away. Often I clear a place just to clear it anyway, good XP..
  14. That's highly a matter of playstyle and preference. After the 7th point the attributes get pretty weak per point, but they're also the only things that will make your default loadout better; especially if you're playing strictly with the designated gear.
  15. That was the point in my first sentence; the game doesn't demand either so it's just up to whatever a player chooses to do; either optimize something as I gave an example for, or faff about in various ways as most of us seem to do for the most of the time. Faffing about with an AGI-only build isn't exactly a weird thing at that point. I've tried plenty of styles myself, the purists are pretty appealing for their power. For a forge, the first thing I might want one for is a tier 2, quality 5 melee weapon, which is usually some five hours into a game. By that time I should be able to either buy or wrench the Forged Iron, or have a "lucky" forge already (schematic, coin or quest). If none of the above, I might consider the skill point, but I'll probably do fine with the Tier 1 melee for a first horde anyway.
  16. In the current setup, there's no real need to optimize anything, so anything goes. But why would I sacrifice a single shred of combat effectiveness for an unnecessary crafting station, which I will get in any case?
  17. That bot above is surprisingly on point ... EDIT: Removed by now of course
  18. That might not be, but are we seriously expecting TFP to host gigabytes of map data per player without monthly fees?
  19. That's the version I meant by "running into", as in "oh look, a wasteland!". It's a little risky on day 1, for sure, but if I won't take risks in a video game... where will I? You can reveal the biomes on your in-game map if you want; in DM mode, the map has new buttons in the top right. But that makes for a "slightly hacked" game, so it wouldn't have really applied to the thread.
  20. First hour, realistically, a cooking pot; opens up boiled meat for cheap healing. Anything else is either too common to worry about or too rare to look for... if you run into a wasteland, checking some cars for small surprises like a melee weapon might be an idea.
  21. Couldn't you rather try to appease the eye demons so they stop growing the eyes on your back; I can't imagine it being all too comfortable having them constantly pried out like that..?
  22. Humm, lets just say that; that snippet contains a pretty critical article 'a' that I missed at first...
  23. I sorta like the XP penalty (although I mostly play dead-is-dead), it's a permanent drawback without weakening the character unreasonably.. But I do think it could use an accompanying functional penalty.. something like 30% movement speed and stamina penalties. Nothing too major, but a clear annoyance for a while. Death loops? If your bedroll is occupied, wake up somewhere random. And next time, don't let your bedroll get occupied... And since we're in the bedroll realm of "thank god, it was just a nightmare", tie the effects to a nightmare .. two debuffs "Scared @%$#less" and "Didn't get any sleep". - Scared of the dream becoming reality, makes you unable to do things quickly => movement speed reduction. - Poor sleep, tired => low stamina regen - you can overcome the whole sta debuff with a coffee (or reduce the penalty a little / just enjoy the "natural" regen boost of coffee). Both effects could also be proportional to the remaining XP penalty. Would it be better than what we have... what do I know, I never die
  24. Technically you can build wonders just from a single central pillar. Not that I recommend it, walls tend to be heavy, a little like massive floating pieces of concrete would. For a 9x9 footprint, you might get away with just corner pillars, but I would make more; a lot more if hordes are going to be involved. But at a minimum, one pillar at each corner, all the way to bedrock. But you don't need to dig to bedrock yourself; as long as no-one has been digging under the spot, the stone to bedrock is always solid all the way down. If in doubt, steel connections offer a little more support sideways, but that takes a bit of thinking to take advantage of; a steel-stone connection is just as weak as a stone-stone one, so you'd need to upgrade extra blocks around your support pillar to increase the "carrying surface".
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