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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. That does exist; but only for identical blocks (cobblestone to cobblestone, wood frame to wood frame). I hope that once they get all the shapes done for all the blocks, they'll be able to add it across block-types. No idea if they're actually planning to, but I'm hopeful ..
  2. I chose two; having it default to advanced wouldn't help me. Most of my building is done in simple, and tend I use "on face" more than advanced - that alone often allows me to make "all the corners" with one go. Most importantly, if I'm trying to build myself out of a fishy combat situation, having the "simple" for hatches and ramps is a lifesaver.. while that might be very rare, eh, I'd like to keep it as is. Wouldn't mind being able to manually set the default, that could be optimal, but also quite a bit of work.
  3. For me it likely has a little side effect.. If I'm hurt and well fed, I'll fight carefully. If I'm fully healed but hungry, I'll fight more recklessly. "I'm fine, let's go get some food" .. once you start counting the hits you take landing 1:1 on your food bar, that's a different feel. Plus, if I don't have Healing factor, I'll heal with meds when I can fit one in, so a lot less food used that way. So, while it might not be a Real drain, it's a real drain ...
  4. I don't think it's intentional, it wouldn't really fit.. I have used a turret to knock down zeds, and it was pretty finicky; my issues were with pretty much any blocks in the proximity; I first made a little shelf for them, which made them unable to aim; then I put them on the floor and they still wouldn't aim properly.. that changed when I removed a nearby pillar. Having it stand on a flat floor eventually worked.. after that it was possible to modify the area somewhat, but I didn't do too much testing at that point. So, if you have anything else there, try removing it ... pretty useless advice, sure, but ... it's a little weird
  5. The zeds don't really like to dig, they'll rather break things. BUT. They'll choose to dig if they don't have a "fair" path to you. So, if you're standing three blocks above your cave floor on a structure without a ladder/staircase leading from the floor level to you, they may choose to dig. All the more likely if the "structure" is terrain (ie stone, left there for lazy reasons). The path to you can be blocked by concrete/steel, but it needs to exist. So no jumping puzzles / broken ladders / etc in underground bases. While they can jump, they don't use that to path to you (they'll only jump as the last step to you, not to cross a ditch away from you). So, no moats either, unless you have a complete bridge across them.
  6. If the mid really is the only block that will collapse, you can quite likely hide an extra support at either end by adding metal sheet blocks (or any plate blocks) to the first "supported" position. I can't remember the structure at the ends, but at worst it'll be some trussings or other non-cube shapes, which makes the addition visible. Using some imagination, even that should be doable without looking terrible.
  7. This doesn't apply to some of the high tier quests, the factories and such have some rooms you have to either trigger accidentally or otherwise actively seek out.
  8. The yellow marker shows you the last place you haven't looked, not every zed. In bigger POIs, it will show you the "last 3" or so. You don't need the markers to complete a clear at all, you just need to check everywhere. That's what clearing is, you check Everything. If you aren't getting the yellow markers at a place that shows them at 3, you're missing at least four areas. I wouldn't call that a clear, I would call that lazy The trader wants to house people there safely, having 4 rooms full or surprises is going to be a bad day for a lot of them. (sure, that's a little storytelling, mostly to make the difference between a "clear" and a "checkpoint run") It might make for an interesting mechanic for the trader to accept an incomplete clear and then become hostile later when it's revealed you messed up that bad. Maybe difficult to make, but still.
  9. In the nerdyness scale... I can read that, and the thing that inevitably pops to mind is ... bubble gum I have no idea what you're really doing, but I'm betting aiming for maintainability is not high on that list ...
  10. Thank you! I think I'll end up pursuing the ubuntu route, since I already have a side boot of that going, and wine ... argh. I've gotten things to work via it, but it's always a project and a half... For completeness though, that's a windows version of the game as well then? The memory will be an issue, I have 16G in atm.. I might throw in a couple older sticks to see how terrible the perf is with CL9 stuff.. not necessarily worth it in the long run, but I got free slots, so, might be time to invest anyway (RTX 2060 - level stuffs otherwise, just never ran into actual memory issues until now.. ) But yeah, thanks Excellent, sounds too simple to be true Will have to check it out, and probably bite the bullet and swap to using ubuntu more anyway .. I already have an install of it for Blender since it just works there, no such luck with Minty (CUDA detection issues.. workarounds, bubble gum, duct tape, sure, but out-of-the-box on Ubuntu .. ). I can't figure out how to get offended by getting called a nerd nowadays, even though I don't count myself as one... Thank you!
  11. Anyone have success running this on linux? I'm on Mint 19.3 For a short recap, I installed: a) the 18.4 version straight on top of my latest_experimental => results: consumes memory like no other, "solved" with lowest graphics settings and texture streaming off (as per this thread) => once running, crashes to desktop within a minute or two. Doesn't go OOM, just dies. => I think the log was mostly showing an "orphan" unhandled exception at the end. (lost the logs due to step b) b) I figured 18.3 version might be more stable, so, fresh install of 18.3 stable, 18.3 version of mod on top of that => crashes to desktop upon entering world. This crash was identical 3/3 tries, so I figured I'd try to narrow it down.. ended up with: "removing SphereiiCore from /Mods/ eliminates the crash". That looks like it's core functionality for the mod though, so not necessarily all that useful, but that's where I'm at right now. I downloaded the 18.3 version of that mod, it seems somewhat different via KDiff, some of it was just "setup" for Darkness Falls, some of it was additions to AI routines or some such.. haven't tried yet, but I might try to frankenmerge some of those two - unless someone can point me towards a more, errh, sane solution.. I'm not exactly expecting anything from anyone, but some pointers or shared experiences would be awesome
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