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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. They do split, but - in the important sense - Not like in Valheim. When the 7dtd boulder splits, the result is still one HP bar, one block. It splits after the first stage is destroyed. In Valheim, when a copper ore block spawns, it's one block. When that block takes any damage, it is replaced by dozens of sections that form the same shape, each with their own HP pool. It's easily seen by the aoe mechanic there; the first swing will always hit exactly one "thing", the next one in the same exact spot often hits several sections. Absolutely not a big deal, but I just hate leaving confusing info in forums ..
  2. There's also a bit of a 3D-problem with destroying blocks. The block should know which side it is being hit from to break like your 2d-example there. Otherwise the "hole" would appear sideways to the damage two out of three times. (horizontal, vertical, through) Couple blocks being damaged side by side, would be real nice if they broke on the shared face - so they would also need to dynamically figure out where to break. Valheim seems to have a mechanic that might be somewhat applicable; a full rock is a single object, but once you hit it, it's replaced by a pre-split rock, where you can hit the separate parts and they break separately. But Valheim doesn't have thousands upon thousands of them in an area, and their structural integrity is basically "distance to grounded parent". Lobbing a grenade in a 7dtd city might cause a bit of a slideshow as even 20 blocks are swapped at once.
  3. I wrote a reply, but .. I'll just ask for _testing_ instead. You've found a spot and a situation where it happens. Recreate that in a test game, and make it happen again a few times. For the fallout ghouls, it sounds like it was constant, a 100% reproducible? Will you get a 100% repro rate with this?
  4. Heh, ye. But BFT already did, so, let's see
  5. I'm quoting you just because I think you're people ... as in, I think we're witnessing my first encounter with a wild ChatGPT in the acc you're quoting. Just from the writing style, tbh.
  6. Feeling silly is better than feeling *click*..
  7. The opposite is basically a pet peeve of mine; youtubers running around without having their guns loaded and then swapping thru 3 empties when attacked by the zeds they just chose to run into... Most of the time reloading early is a good habit to have, it takes special circumstances to be a bad idea. Horde night, you're safe and your DPS may matter for the integrity of your defenses, might be worth aiming to fire every round. I reload things as soon as I predict a couple second break, and I swap thru all my guns to check whenever I start moving from any rest. I also keep a drink stack on my hotbar just to chug for some extra sta regen whenever I'm about to get into a fight; I kinda consider it basic discipline. I Wish I had anything remotely like that for my IRL endeavours ..
  8. I don't think it would actually change anything, it's not really trying to. I think the core of the suggestion is just give a "breathing animation" to the gun and have it follow/reveal the real point of aim without using the laser sight. It would make for a less static hand animation view, which gives the view a little life. For game mechanics, it would open an avenue to take more accurate shots without the dot; most people will not use it most of the time, a lot of people never. I would use it occasionally, like I do with the dot; but I like to play going for "headshots only" even when things get a little hectic. The suggestion still has a drawback compared to the dot, you wouldn't see when the bulletproof air around a chair is going to eat your bolt. I'd mostly like it from the "less still animation" -perspective. I'd still get my dot eventually
  9. I wouldn't mind having the weapon have a breathing animation / sway, in fact, I might prefer it. The other things you mention are mostly implemented for the current aim dot - you have ways to tighten the spread and they effect the dot sway. I don't think actual levels matter, and I don't think the design is intended to work like that. Some weapon skills do / could. There's recoil, there's "running mode" for the sway. I wouldn't change the UI-crosshair though, it's a pretty common "game UI element" to indicate the random area of your shot. Just adding in a sway animation to "follow" the actual point of aim would be good, imo. Don't know how I'd implement it for hip fire scenarios, there I'd like some unpredictable randomness - so you can't just pinpoint shoot from the hip on player skill alone.
  10. It sounds like it's intentional; no zombies, no clears, you'd just get your reward for running back and forth. If so, you could at least check if it's also dynamic - if the quests change with the settings. I would have to assume it needs to. So, next time you log in, turn zombies on, check the trader. I'm also thinking relogging probably resets the quests, so you might just try that, get to trader, log out to turn zeds on, see if the quests are there. No need to meet an actual zed. Maybe
  11. I have nothing against mods either; I quite liked to use plenty of UI mods in WoW for example. That type of mod would be absolutely fine to allow to differ on clients; that's the point in wow, you can't seriously effect game play with them. But even just defining the class of "non-gameplay-effecting mods" is quite a bit of work. That's a small subset of QoL mods people are using though, all kinds of craft-from-boxes etc are getting pretty popular, and aren't limited just to the UI. Not sure if defining the acceptable mods would be worth the effort, I'd like it, but would it get enough mileage? This bears repeating; it's not even a matter of smarts. Universities have had to start teach their Comp Sci students things like "what is a folder". These are people who have applied for and been accepted to study .. computers. And figuring out "what a folder is" is sort of a prerequisite for modding 7dtd at this stage. Computer literacy is taking a nose dive as everything has been automated behind "simple" UIs. Will modding be greatly improved by gold? Well, I hope so, but I'm not betting either way. But I wouldn't dare recommend it as a great fix.
  12. Among all those caveats and other softening language, I managed to scavenge roughly two points you're making: - The game is moddable - TFP do listen to feedback From your car example, I assume you're arguing for everyone to chill with requests and mod their own car.. but if I have to mod my car and none of the servers are accepting me in with my mods, I can't race my V8-mod on the public roads. Not to mention, I have to learn how to install a damn steering wheel when TFP just couldn't be bothered to do it for me ..? There's a claim somewhere there, I guess, but I can't really find it?
  13. It happens, rarely. Something like the decorations-phase slapped a loot container (bird's nest, trash, you can guess by the loot you got) and a tree in the same spot and birthed a lootable tree.
  14. Yeh, it's getting pretty wild.. now all we need is micro-nuclear to take off to power it all ...
  15. Long press F opens a dial menu for your choices when available. Taking out a weapon flashlight is good and well, but has some caveats.. you might not have a replacement mod for the damage buff, and then there's the laser dot sight which operates on the same button. The long press is fine, but it's about as fast (and somewhat easier) just to swap to a "modless" weapon to toggle headlamp. EDIT: I used 'F' as per Roland, but I'm not actually sure of the keybinds - my F is "use" ..
  16. And if you run into a Savage Country for "clothes" .. the shirt racks drop shirts, the pants racks drop pants, only the piles on the floor can give other things (like armor parts). Which is nice and immersive, but makes looting the racks mostly useful for dyes.. =/
  17. Yeh, I remember you describing it earlier.. I don't hate it, but I also kinda like how Padded remains a viable alternative all the way to high level military stuff. Taking away some of the early/mid game power via the pocket mods wouldn't really hurt that; if you really want it in late game, you could spec for pack mule. Your way is more likely to please a game designer, for sure ..
  18. The damage reduction isn't horrible, and there's no drawback to it either. So .. still a small win
  19. For me, the armor difference is so small that any reasonable weakness on leather is pretty much always too much. Add the quality difference and mods and Padded will win. One option might be to make them .. "conditionally different". For example, take away the ability to put pockets in Padded. That way, if you want to haul plenty of stuff around, you're better off in leathers. If you want max speed in light loads, padded. Makes no sense logically, but it would at least make it a decision.
  20. Well, you have landed on the General -section of the forum. Here we pretend to know nothing of mods. Modding section thaddaway -> https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/27-mods/ Please find an applicable thread there and post there, possibly a thread mainly about the map, but people in the general DF thread might be able to help as well. Search tools, as they are, at the top of the page, right hand side.
  21. #define "this map" Navezgane #define "research lab" factory_03 eval(OP); >No. For reference, factory_03:
  22. In theory, absolutely. In practice, it would likely need a whole lot of rewrite just for a "side atlas". I mean, there probably are several atlases in different uses already, blocks vs mobs vs weapons as an idea, different things with different requirements. But to get one type to load from several, might be a lot of effort. If even supported by the engine at all - at which point you could modify the engine, but the effort and risks start skyrocketing. There's so much I know I don't know about the situation, and likely 10x more actual issues that I don't have a clue of ... the pimps would probably like to have all of the textures, but they've chosen this amount after serious consideration; I have no choice but to trust them.
  23. Why wouldn't I, every time there's more stamina in the bar than there is empty? Standing at base, staring at camp fire; what do I get from the heavy armor then? Other than "25%" more time spent waddling over from box to box - it affects walking speed too. The book is OP, it single-handedly wins the fighting part of the equation in favor of heavy. But I like clearing things in stealth, and that isn't as easily overcome.. and I like fast paced fights, it's a choice for early game. Might not be optimal in some sense, but once you're used to moving at a 100 all the time, going 70 for scrap armor is like walking in a swamp.. I also skip the bicycle for its inconvenience, bike wins A-to-B over walking, but loses A-to-birdnest!-back-to-bike-duffel-bag!-back-to-bike-wheredidIparkIT-vendingmachine!-damn.fence-backtobike-B ... That often means I'm running everywhere for a week or two, if not Trader-looping for higher tier transports. And once I'm used to it, there's no swapping to heavy until late game with the book and full fittings. Which I often just forget to do ...
  24. I haven't handled them for reals, so some salt to be taken, but one "level" is basically a new bit of addressing to a two-dimensional array. So if you had 16x16 textures earlier, next "optimal" step is 32x32; quadrupling the memory. And then it all depends on the tool chain, GPUs may have demands, the game engine may have demands etc - I don't even know where the thing is actually handled, but wherever it is, there's going to be plenty of algorithmic optimization going on based on some standard solutions decided somewhere at some point in time ...
  25. Jammed modifier keys? Shift, ctrl, alt .. sometimes one of those jams in a down state, especially when swapping programs. That messes some game up properly, haven't seen it in 7dtd though. It should resolve itself quickly, whenever you actually press the button again. But then again, win has had the notorious sticky-keys as a feature...
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