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Everything posted by doughphunghus

  1. I’m probably not in the “average group” of gamers in terms of what I consider fun… but anyway: - I kinda like not being able to find a book/schematic I need for a long time. It forces me to have to just get by without it, which makes my game less “the same as the other game I played”. The current perk system at least allows me to perk into something I need to play the game (like make a forge). If I never find a book to complete a set… that’s just how that poor survivors life went. I do feel that at some point it might feel nice to be able to suddenly go to a trader and buy a book I need, like after they trust me or I have some something for them, so basically maybe a “after day 100” or “player at level 250” option, maybe just in the secret stash or I can get a “craft any book from the x series” book that costs like 100k. Enough to hurt buying it to get 1 book. - I wish there were more “barriers to entry” for stuff like the current forges/workbenches/etc. I think the campfire does a good job of this because I can make a campfire, but I need special tools on it to craft certain foods. These tools aren’t hard to get (as it’s just a freaking campfire, but the cooking pot as a POI decor block and as an item as well as a workstation tool is a nice touch!), but I do wish that as you move “up” in technology the tools you need to do stuff are harder to come by (like the crucible in the forge) and less like the anvil (makes it faster). I would totally got for some tiered forges/workbenches to break things up more (like 3 different workbenches, one being electric for welding, etc to make the gyro and 4x4) Anyway, I bring this up as a way to give more looting/crafting options to work upwards towards. It feels weird for me to have all the workstations under intellect… might feel nice to have some basic ones under other trees that are limited in function or maybe have special tools for crafting specific items so if you perk into Brawler maybe you can craft a few special clubs or axe that no other workstation can make. Nothing "super amazing 1 shot mega kill", but just a nice weapon set you can make to round out your character. If you give that weapon to some other character, fine.You don’t have to have a big brain to put plywood on top of sawhorses to craft something. Maybe the a2x "new armor" sets would fit within this well. - zed corpse looting: I did enjoy it, and it’s a little odd to have a zed drop and then be “invincible” for a short while then pop out of existence as the normal thing. The loot bag drop feels weird to me because it’s so damn big (did it come out of the zeds a$$? Is that where everyone kept their big yellow overnight bag safe from thieves? I hope not). Why not have zeds wear some backpacks or something and drop those(as the bag model) or if not, allow some limited harvesting from zeds (like nasty cloth, flesh, and maybe occasionally some junk items like jewelry or trinkets. Make the materials you get mostly good for low level crafting recipes but with a higher ingredient count (better to gather 10 cloth vs 50 nastily cloth (have to clean) from a zed to make bandages). Make the rare trinkets something just to sell or for rare/cosmetic crafting. Additionally: make “trophy” items harvestable (heads/arms,etc) that are mostly useless except for base decoration. Make it sort of fun to loot corpses again, but totally not necessary or very rewarding, resource wise. Maybe leave the 1000 hit points but if you say there and harvested the whole thing you might get 4-6 items in total. or maybe add in the possibility of finding some zed specific loot ( guns, medical, etc) similar to finding the prized 'toilet pistol". I loot every toilet but I know other people never do. Its a fun mechanic to find a rare item drop, even if that item isn't a super weapon or high tier armor/etc. - back to looting: yeah, it’s a little weird to find stone/medieval tools pre made in loot. It might feel better if the loot “items” weren’t so limited, meaning: why can’t I ever find/craft twine or rope? If there were a bit more “hardware store items” to loot that you could use to make a stone axe for example (instead of auto making rope from plant fibers) it might feel better. I do feel TFP is trying to limit the item count to keep recipe counts lower/manageable and for other reasons (game still in dev, most accessible/player fun for the most people) and I know some people see this as “unnecessary grind” but there might be a sweet spot to add a few more base items for crafting so the looting feels a bit better and certain items (like stone axes) could be taken of the loot tables .
  2. A note on my mods and a20 releasing: For a20 and "experimental" releases: I don't plan on updating any of my mods specifically for or during a20 experimental BUT if anyone really wants me to do a few just ask me what mod(s) you would like and I'll consider it (assuming its obviously not working and/or throwing load errors or something). The smaller/simpler the mod is the more likely I'm willing to try fixing them for a particular experimental release/version. I won't promise anything though For a20 "non-experimantal" releases: I have a "what to work on first" poll on the first page of this thread and plan to follow it's results on the "order if updates". I have a lot of self imposed bugfixes (see github issues lists) and other changes I want to do so it might take a bit of time for some of the larger mods. If anyone uses my mods and has "annoyances" on something I've done (or weird balance issues) please also let me know and I'll consider your change requests. You can always submit an issue on github HERE and that will work too. Please note that I generally try to balance my mods to make the game more difficult and/or more chaotic so the issue may be purposeful. For a19 mods: If you have made customizations (small ones!) to my mods for your own games and would like me to add them into my a19 mods (which will be used as a base for a20) send me a message and a link to your changed mod and I'll see if I can fit it in so you don't have to mange/update it for a20. If its too radical or not in the "theme" or concept of the mod that I am going for I'll let you know. Anyone who contributes will be credited (especially for bug fixes). If anyone has made a localization.txt files for any of my a19 mods, now would be the time to have me merge it! Once a20 is out of experimental, I will likely "freeze" my a19 and earlier mods and no longer perform updates/support for them. Additionally: I'm likely to put out only a few more mods (maybe. A few more ideas have been on the back burners for awhile). I'm considering trying to instead focus on just making POI's (or whatever we can create for new "buildings/cities/whatever") for awhile instead of making more XML mods.
  3. I heard this all might be in a21^21… all seriousness a aside though: yes please, and I’ll probably be patiently waiting on the other side. My great great grandchildren will place a21^7 on my grave and whisper “just another weekend and we think a21^7 +1 b69 will be done!” I’m sure it will be soon great great grandfather.” And their children and their childrens children will keep up with the tradition of keeping me abreast of all the alphas. I guess I’m in it for the long haul….But anyway, I would totally go for the arm growing out of the belly, or at least be able to use zed/animal arms and legs for melee weapons if I couldn’t tear it off and use my own.
  4. There used to be “biofuel” or something and it was removed, I don’t know why. also: I would like to see crafting “wood gas” or something to power things if removing gasoline was going to happen. Or maybe gasoline “processing” to remove water as a way to utilize the chem station. Making gasoline directly from raw shale… errrrr a bit weird feeling. something like “Chem station 2” that used electricity to do stuff like process things to gasoline/alcohol I think would be cool, as something to use electricity on and maybe as a “great use for solar cells” to power it. Also just rambling . The chem station does look a bit like a still, so an electric one would be electrolysis or something.
  5. For repairing: I too believe that the vanilla “repair kit” is a way OP. I’ve been playing some mods for different repair kits for different things and it feels better, but it’s not perfect. I like the idea of “once it’s used up, it’s used up” except maybe for simple things like stone/early tools as you build them from nature items. (Thinking of clubs and bows/stone axe). I get why they do it (people want an easier game generally) but I do with there were some tiering of repair kits in vanilla if it’s like a simple iron repair, steel repair, (or something) and they’re way too easy to make a lot of them currently. Or maybe a “tier 1” repair kit requiring 5 basic items, then a “tier 2” that takes a tier 1 plus 4 more items, etc. really have to work up to repair a vehicle or auger or high level item. alternatively: if there were a way to “randomly scrap” an item for parts that might be neat. Using an iron axe: the quality goes to 0. You scrap and have a chance to get the ax head or handle or just wood/iron. I think it would feel better but require a lot more new items, and a random scrapper… I guess you could scrap to a “pile of parts” that was a loot container and then (when placed) it could choose parts from a loot group when opened, then self destruct. This seems… cumbersome.
  6. Edit: just thinking about it. The “extends” part of your block may be the issue because you’re extending from a block that’s not a “workstation” class/entity…. So trying to then change it to “workstation” class in the properties likely isn’t going to work as it’s already another class/type. You need to either extend from an existing workstation block or not extend from any block and then have the “class = workstation” property in it to set the class as a workstation try removing the “extends” part, and to “skin” the block to a cylinder shape, you will have to choose that shape as the block model. I can’t remember the xml to do that off the top of my head, but it’s how you can basically make any block look like another. A lot of blocks don’t declare this but some do (look in the xml). I think battery banks and some other things have this xml (to choose what model the block looks like)
  7. Just a guess…. I’m not at home to actually test/check anything… lookong at Snufkins “block” xml, there are some properties of the block that I would think need to be present in your block xml, as you’re not inheriting from a workstation block, but a “normal” block (below). You might want to try to just copy all of his block xml (and make changes you need) and maybe it will work? I’m not sure what they all are but I believe certain block/item/object properties don’t “extend” when you make a new block so you have to declare them every time. Might as well just copy his block and make changes to link it to your other xml and pray. Also: Snufkins block is not extending from any other block, so maybe that’s part of it too? these are the properties in Snufkins block I would believe you would need to have (at least) as they seem workstation related. You have the “class = workstation” one but not the other two… <property class="Workstation"> <property name="Modules" value="output"/> <property name="CraftingAreaRecipes" value="LootboxMachine"/></property>
  8. I hope someone can/knows a way to do it! I also want a "batteries running out effect" mod and have asked if anyone knows how to do something like this a few times and have never gotten an answer. I don't like how once you find a helmet/flashlight how it lasts "forever"
  9. In the game there are some nice audio ambiance associated with a few block types. Usually its the large store signs buzzing or the dumpster/bodybag flies. I propose that having a few more of these quiet, but eerie sounds associated (and emanating from) certain blocks would be a really nice touch as a lot of POI's are just dead quiet until zeds start moving around. The other common sounds are you walking on trash bits. Otherwise its dead silent unless the background audio kicks in or something is stumbling about outside. Proposed ideas, should any devs ever see this . For all ideas, this isn't "every block like this would have sounds" it would be random like the loot helpers so only some blocks would have sounds and other similar/identical ones would not so as to randomize the sounds in a POI. 1. There are several in game clocks. Cool, add creepy clock ticking to them. Even if the hands don't move, just make it sound like a slow broken "tick.........ca-chack" ticking. 2. There are several water features in a POI. tubs, sinks, toilets. Add some slow, creepy water dripping. Enough you can hear it if you're outside a small bathroom 3. There are lots of lights in a POI. Some are markers, some are obviously part of the building or just plugged into mains power or flickering. Make some lights buzzing or for flickering ones add a hiss/snap/crackle as if they're shorting 4. Add moving ceiling fans and them moving/humming/squeaking. 5. Lots of lights on... so power exists.... and all TV's are turned off/black/silent? Add some simple static/test pattern/noise. it doesn't have to move or be animated on screen so even a white or "broken screen " look would be neat with some loud garbled audio playing. 6. "beeps" or "ding" every now and then for open Microwaves/fridges. 7. They're not visible, but some sort of "home security beep" might be neat. Just a random 'boop". It would require a new block to be added to represent the security system. Of course, adding on a "the security system could go off and alarm unless you turned it off (destroyed the block?) before entering" would be amazing if it called zeds to the house/block. 8. The are lots of "burnt stuff" in the game. these are usually put into fireplaces, but also scattered everywhere. Add a simple "crackle" or "pop" to it. It would be a nice touch in a house, but some place like the existing burnt forest it might be a really nice effect. 9. Trees (yeah its not in a POI) don't have any sounds... they make all sorts of sounds in nature. little creaks and whooshes when wind hits them. birds/insect noises could be added to them. If it were loud enough you might hear them when they are near a POI and you're inside. 10. "creaks/bangs/etc". All the POIs mostly look "old/dilapidated". You would expect just some random (material specific sounds... like wood different than metal) to be occurring, especially if its windy. Little creaks and pops from random movements every now and then. You could probably attach this to special blocks put under/near stairs of any type of material and it would probably work pretty well. 11. "invisible animals": if they remain in the game, add some cricket or cicada tiny frog sounds to them. I assume they would have to be "biome specific" then... but it might be a neat re-use of an invisible animal and it might wander over to your base and wander away (or just stick around and annoy the crap out of you...just like real life!) For all of these: if the audio could be associated with the XML for modders, it would be amazing as all sorts of variations beyond vanilla sounds could be added obviously, but if it cannot be then still I feel these would be nice improvements to existing blocks.
  10. If not an oversight, I could see this being a decision to actually try to block people from installing mods if they were not technical enough to know to create the folder (as they may be vocal when mods do not work perfectly or as advertised or break games, etc) but I agree it would be nice to add the folder to vanilla install just so everyone knows the proper place (and name) for it. I’ll go 1 step further and say I think a “readme - How to add mods.txt” or something should be put there that, if nothing else, could link to basic documentation on how to do it. There are lots of tutorials on the net on how to install mods for this game, but why rely on a bunch of randos writing unofficial documentation when you can at least point people to these forums (for example, or the main site for the game?) to basic landing page with small example or explanation and a few links to start with. I’m not saying “full documentation on modding” just a basic explanation page on how to copy them in and check they loaded (looking at the game log) and maybe a link to the unofficial? Mod launcher.
  11. There’s gnamod “the overhaul mod” and then “horde mode” mod on top of that. So you can play the mod without horde mode, which is recommended by me because the mod changes a lot of how things work. And you will have a really hard time in horde mode if you don’t know how the mod changes building and the workstations (goodbye wood frames!) Horde mode mod is not easy, and I really liked a lot about the gnamod “base mod”. The horde mode does have its own map(s), as it’s a “protect the beacon” and you won’t have any real time to leave the beacon and explore the map as waves of zeds attack your base (you build around the beacon, which is also multiple trading areas). there is another mod called “Telrics thumpers” which adds a “thumper” that falls and crashes and zeds spawn from it for awhile. You can wrench the thumper for thumper parts, and get enough let’s and you can build a thumper “beacon” for a mini horde game. I’ve played the thumper mod but never built the thumper beacon so I can’t comment on that part. You could spawn a beacon in and try it out I guess.
  12. I've always wished solar had a "1 panel" version that you could get/buy earlier game that might power a small trap (not blade traps, but maybe electric fence post) and also slowly charge batteries. maybe 10 W?. you can't daisy chain them. Yeah there's a mod for it... I'm saying vanilla. Otherwise I feel generator is OP. I feel it needs to be able to hold less gas but be able to handle a night and a day of running on a full tank. Solar feels about right in terms of power but waiting for "end game" is a bit of a stretch for solar as generators just provide so much more power. Also: You can use solar to power a light for a 'day/night' light. Yeah, pointless in vanilla but if you mod a lot of things out of the game (like the day/time) it can be semi useful even though you can do a similar thing with the timer.
  13. I’m only aware of this one site, but I think you have to pay to join or something to download anything. There’s lots of mods here that are being “borrowed” from the standard US sites and a lot of them I’ve never seen/heard of before on the normal US sites/places: https://www.7risha.com/ Edit: You can use Google chrome to auto translate the site. Edit2: I think I found some of my mods there. I think people are paying to download it. Don't know if I should laugh or cry for mod translation: I think there’s a translation tool in the “tools” forums, that uses google translate… but I believe the mod has to have a Localization.txt to work with.
  14. This mod has new ores that can be smelted in the forge. Maybe you can find some answers in here? https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/15288-meanclouds-mining-with-copper-zinc-and-excavators
  15. New mods added: Modlet: Nerf-ItemStacks - Lowers the amount of items that can stack in a storage slot in backpacks/containers/etc. NOTE: The stack lowering is extreme in many cases and it a weak attempt to make "what you can carry" more realistic without dealing with weight calculations. All of the stack limits I have chosen are arbitrary but I tried to make it "like an armful" or "you might try to carry this many without going overboard". See the mods README for examples and more justifications for why you might want to try this mod. Modlet: UI-LowerLootPercentages - Allows for more options below the vanilla 25% loot in the game start options menu. New options are: 2%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% Is this mod server side safe?: It should be but it is unknown. If anyone can confirm this, please let me know! FAQ: Why not a 1% option? I thought about it but came to the conclusion no one would use it
  16. For all the "difficulty/slider" ideas: I concur. I'm one of those that want the options to turn on to "make everything kill you". I *do* feel that part of the issues with the games temp "regulation" and "making it so harsh you can die from environmentals like temperature" is that in the snow biome you can generate heat with campfire/clothes/forge/etc, but in the desert biome ( or anywhere really, but this is the hottest place, in theory) you cannot "generate cold". sure, you can drink water/drinks or take all your clothes off, but the problem of not being able to "make your base colder because its 130 degrees F outside" is a missing mechanic. If you could dig "down" and it got colder that might work, or if you could build an air conditioner and power it that would also work like a reverse campfire but requiring power. (well, loot and 'craft working one from parts" maybe. Feels weird building an air conditioning unit) If you had the "cooling" ability (with the already present "heating" one) then you technically have the powers to survive in any biome where extreme temperature could kill you. Then the "biome difficulty" could also be more challenging, in order of challenge: Forest: maybe freeze, never too hot to die. but building fire is relatively easy snow: will freeze, obvs. but building fire is relatively easy desert: will die of heat, maybe freeze at night. making items to "chill" the player/base require work/electricity. wasteland: high/low temps both occur often and kill you.? maybe this is too much ( with the other biome difficulties added)
  17. Edit: I know its "Pimp Dreams" but if the devs/anyone wants to see how it might "feel" in game, the mods below would be an easy test There is a mod kinda like this "True Darkness": https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/815 Basically: If its nighttime, you have to be inside, and you have to have light or you will slowly go insane and die. There are "hallucination" sound effects with this one. Also: I believe this mod also has the "candles and torches you craft must be lit with a flint, and they will burn for awhile and go out" Combine this with mods that allow "longer nighttime hours" and its really hard to survive as its dark a lot, and darkness can kill you (I have one here called "OneHourOfDayLight"): Also: I've played the above also combined with this mod "Stressed Out": https://7daystodiemods.com/stressed-out/ Basically; You get "stress" when fighting (and it will start climbing after a certain point, fighting or not), and if your stress gets too high you die (heart attack). The only way to lower stress is to: not have it go too high and begin climbing, drink alcohol (find or make via recipes), smoke cigs, read a book you craft. Its a bit easy to manage stress mid game once you can craft alcohol (and have looted/farmed lots of ingredients) but early-mid game it is easy to die by stress.
  18. yeap! Enjoy your first few bases by building them yourself! There are a lot of "impenetrable" base builds/ideas people have posted but a lot of them are relying on weird game mechanics or other things. I've done a few of these weird things by myself (on my own, just by playing around) but I find it more fun to not use hacky/cheesy mechanics and I try to always build my own unique base every time without relying on "perfect building methods" or making the same "tried and trusted" base over and over. Having to always find/plan and build a completely new and untested base, while doing all the other things (looting/mining/etc) it what keeps it fun (and re-playable) for me.
  19. This could be neat, especially since most people don't worry about losing resources to zeds unless they dig under your base and drop it. If they attacked "your stuff" you would have an incentive to build your base to also also protect your possessions (and while looting, like in your vehicle/temp storage), and zeds might path (and destroy) to your chests/workstations/generators/etc instead of just you, so you couldn't just leave them unattended (maybe without traps/protection/etc.
  20. An interesting question...maybe this will help. I'm not 100% sure, but I did a little testing: in /Config/XUi/controls.xml there is this section around line 949 (in the A19.6 current build): <sign_text_area> <rect depth="1" controller="TextInput" pos="6,-6" width="294" height="120" value="SEARCH" active_text_color="[white]" caret_color="[white]" selection_color="[mediumGrey_half_alpha]" on_return="NewLine" character_limit="100" validation="none" on_press="true" style="select" snapCursor="true" virtual_keyboard_prompt="vkPromptSignText"> <sprite depth="0" name="background" color="[transparent]" type="sliced"/> <label depth="1" name="text" pos="0,-2" justify="center" pivot="topleft" font_size="46"/> </rect> </sign_text_area> Changing this part in the "label" line: font_size="46" appears to make the "smallest wooden editable player craftable sign" text to be smaller. I played around trying to make it really small ( like font size "12" ) and the text becomes invisible on my screen. I didn't mess around with values too much, nor other signs so maybe I'm imagining its making the text smaller, Also: I'm not sure if you made a sign and added text ( at one font size) then closed the game, changed the font, and then relaunched the same map and then looked at the sign you made if the change would be reflected on the old sign, or will only take place on newly placed/created signs. I had some odd results when testing (I wanted to change the text color, personally, and failed to do so) and I don't have a lot of time to puzzle it all out There's the "character_limit" setting as well... but from experience on the smaller signs the text simply won't fit on them (up to 100 characters) with the vanilla font size, so maybe that's just a setting to set a limit so people won't set it to a million chars and break the game. but maybe a smaller font will allow more than this on the biggest sign?
  21. (do what xyth says first... ) I could be wrong, but aren't the "Audio Sources" part of the "fixed volume of sounds"? Maybe this isn't very loud because its a "AudioSource Impact"? Could you change it to another AudioSource? Or is the original volume of the new sound very low? I've found that when I make new sounds they are much louder before I package them and add them to the game, I haven't seen a good reference for how to set the volumes of newly added sounds other than to "change the audio source" Also: What format is the original audio source sound in? .wav, .ogg, etc. and mono/stereo?
  22. I used to never throw rocks. Then I modded the game so it was Very hard (for me) and found new joy in things like throwing rocks and having to swap out weapons (spear/club/bone knife/rock/blunderbuss) based on situation bs relying on “old faithful standard build out that always works for me”. anyway: if you don’t see a point in rock throwing, try upping the game difficulty until you literally go “oh crap, I’m going to die unless … is there a rock or something nearby… oh gawd a single rock…. (Throws it)….wow I managed to survive that!”. Of course, this will be early game but in theory I guess you could make it so difficult that rocks would become a permeant weapon on your tool belt, but I can’t imagine making so many changes that (in a game like this) you wouldn’t eventually just have a lot of clubs/spears… maybe if you made the toolbelt and backpack like “1 slot available” or something crazy
  23. Site admin: can we make that a reaction/emoji?!
  24. short answer: Currently “weather control” via pure xml mods is very limited, so it basically just ramps up the available weather options in the game. No extra sounds or effects today long answer: the default game weather (per biome) is broken down into … let’s say generically…3 options. Usually it’s a “mostly decent weather” with some low chances of “worse weather”. So most of the time in the game it’s rather nice out in terms of cloud cover/rain:snow/etc. on top of that there’s the “particle effects density” (I’ll call it that for now) for stuff like “snow fall” and “dirt in the air” which is not set very high by default, probably to keep the FPS up for most people. My weather mod breaks up the “3 configs” and pushes the “normal” setting to be a bit more extreme for the biome. So snow biome is a bit colder, desert a bit hotter as a normal/average condition. Then I skew it to be “mostly worse” when the weather goes outside of the normal conditions. And on top of that, I add some outliers for “really really bad” and “really really nice”. The end result is you have weather be “crappier” more often than not, and some smaller chances of getting a terrible day (super hot/cold/rainy) as well as a “clear day”. I wanted clear/nice days to really be rare and “pop” if/when they occurred. the end result isn’t super amazing as I’m finding the weather can “jump” a bit (like go from “raining a lot” to “stopped raining immediately”). It still needs a bit of tuning, but the overall effect works pretty well. for “particle effects density” it’s just 1 setting and doesn’t seem to allow tuning that I can see. By default I turned it all the way up just to make it harder to see far away, and it fits with the generically worse weather. hopefully weather will be worked on more in a20 and I can tune it better. I’m going to comb over all my mods when a20 drops and try to clean up all the rougher edges, but I doubt I’ll be able to get better effects like sound control and visual effects control (lightning, wind/rain sound etc). It seems that’s tied to the wind/cloud cover today (which my mods make happen more often, but I can’t control the volume, just the cloud cover/wind speed). also: the temperature changes apparently don’t work well today, as I think the temp is capped at hot and cold. I really wanted the burnt forest to kill you if you happened to be in it on a bad day (not sheltered. I wanted to have to run inside or dig a hole, etc).and didn’t run out. Same with desert/snow. But it doesn’t happen today, per game limitations. It just gets as hot/cold as it can. also: the weather tuning that can be done outside of xml (using DMT) is better. A prime example is the “seasons” mod. But you have to install it with the mod launcher (handles the DMT install and build) or build it yourself with DMT. https://7daystodiemods.com/seasonal-weather/ also: I’ve had some requests “ always rain” and similar and I might make these if more people request it but it gets complicated to handle all the per biome conditions for everyone (maybe they don’t want it to always rain in just the snow biome, etc). Changing or adding sounds might be possible (in the future) but can be hard to do unless the devs give us some nice hooks to play the right sounds at the right time, which I don’t think we have for weather right now.
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