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  1. Andyjoki

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    i confirm that !
  2. beta3 doesnt work either. I tried them all.
  3. how to remove a layer completly? i can´t click on it.. i want to remove layer 4. Layer 5 should be the new "4" and all layers above have to be downgraded 1 layer. Possible? 6 5 4 - remove 3
  4. hey pille as you`re working on a new release. i dont know if its a bug or if you already fixed it. The Replace Function in the Tools Section isnt working correct. I tried to replace all Sandstone Layers with concrete. It worked but as ingame all layers which i replaced had a visual bug. Every concrete block also displayed normal stone Blocks. Like the game spawned both at the same time. Was really strange looking and as i destroyed them, there definetly Concrete Blocks. And on the other hand i only had sandstone and no stone blocks.. Thereafter i changed all per hand. No visual bug. That section Replace Block ID: 13 With Block Id: 211
  5. That helped me alot. Thanks!
  6. I got questions and haven´t found an answer in the forum yet. I ask here because i use this editor to make my sleeper spawns. Don´t want to use the auto generate feature. But thats awesome and works good. I just want to do them per hand because i want to decide what zombie to spawn and where. - is there any explanation of the sleepervolumegroups? what zombies are in these groups. how is the difference between S/M/L/XL groups - how can a sleeper only spawn as bear? as example i have a room and i want to sapwn a specific zombie in there , possible? - can i make own sleepervolumegroups? will it still count as vanilla if possible? - any advice for the sleepervolumegamestageadjustment? i have no idea hows that affected ingame - SleeperIsLootVolume ? yes or no ? i have no clue
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