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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. The line you posted would not work because it still is commented out. Remove "<!--" and "-->" and check if you are admin now
  2. I read that AMD has confirmed that it can happen on all 7000er CPUs and is currently distributing a bios fix to mainboard partners. By the way, I upgraded my ryzen 5 2600x to ryzen 7 5800x3d a few days ago and FPS increased from 66 to over 90 because of this. Not a comment to anything you said, I mention this if someone is wondering about what to expect from such a change.
  3. Check your logfile. Maybe your edits break the xml and the serveradmin.xml gets reset to default(??)
  4. Sure, there is more to this than just applying a fixed texture. the software needs to be able to handle very big textures and resize them without artifacts or pixels appearing. Such algorithms need CPU power that wasn't available in 2000. When I said any engine I meant current engine. Just checked and it seems Unity can do photogrammetry as well and it looks realistic as well. Though I'm sure that "realistic" has a multitude of quality levels as well and I don't doubt that UE can reach a better quality than any other engine on the market currently.
  5. I don't know about the lighting, but the realism of the walls and rooms is probably due to photogrammetrie. That can be done with any engine, as it just uses textures made of photographs essentially.
  6. It depends. **IMHO** If they only bring 7D2D to the current consoles then they will be far more hamstrung by older PCs they also still want to support. If they want to support the older generation of consoles too then yes, I can't imagine that it doesn't have some influence on the game. And 7D2d 2 might be a different case altogether. Personally, as long as the UI on PC is not harmed I am fine with it.
  7. There should be a creative menu you can access but I have no idea how on console. @II Blittz II , can you answer that? Also, the motorcycle could be teleported just a few meter underground or high in the sky or to the last location you were getting on it.
  8. The evil mastermind behind this forum. He makes the rules you live by. When you see a glimpse of him it means you are doomed. But even if you never see him you are doomed. Net result, you ARE doomed.
  9. Not anymore. You might have missed that he retired from the job and Crator Creator now is the super moderator
  10. I checked the logfiles, vanilla says "INF Block IDs total 13640, terr 44, last 13848", so it uses up 42% of the available block id space.
  11. You mean the point I commented "Good post" on? Notice I was only saying your EDIT2 asks a senseless question because there is a very obvious answer. Now this is another point where you now might be shooting for the wrong target. Who from TFP did deny any controversy? Or commented at all (yet)?
  12. No. I think one of the modders who reached the limit would know best. I can only guess that with over 1000 shapes in the building menu the value likely is 2048, 4096 or 8192.
  13. Bugfix. No additions. Read the first post in this thread
  14. Yes, tested it as well and it doesn't work. So the 6 quality levels seem to be hardcoded. To change that you would need to change the underlying code (written in C#) with the help of Harmony (a tool to inject code into the game libraries). Quite a bit more complicated than changing the xml If you still want to go forward I would suggest checking out the code of an overhaul mod who added quality levels as well, I think I remember there was at least one.
  15. Ok, then it actually is different on windows than on linux. I checked on my linux client (v 20.6) and it still was stored in the program folder.
  16. it is the number of different blocks that can be defined in the game.
  17. Sure, "some people" don't need to concern themselves with politics. A game developer that distributes worldwide can't entirely ignore that topic though
  18. I'm lucky, I only wasted 10 seconds reading yours. 😉 Seriously, for any topic there are millions of people not interested in that topic and I don't much care to know what topic forum poster X doesn't care for. The internet is stacked to the hilt with uninteresting topics for each individual, if you can't filter for your interests you should not go there.
  19. As @Beelzybub said your logfiles will tell you exactly the location used. And the logfiles currently are still saved in <program folder>\7DaysToDie_Data. All the logfiles also have the current date in their name so you could just start the game, then search your hard disk or SSD for a file with the current date in the form "yyyy-mm-dd" in its name and should find the logfile that was just created. Look into the logfile and search for a line with "... INF Started thread SaveChunks ...". It will show you exactly where your current save IS stored (and I would bet it will be in %appdata%, not somewhere else).
  20. This is just guessing on my part, but since this isn't a new problem in 7D2D I would assume the block limit is a rather hard limit, not easy to circumvent. It isn't just an arbitrary number someone put in the code just for kicks but very likely a number that can't get higher because block ids are stored somewhere in a specific number of bytes. It may even be that TFP can't change that at all if Unity for example is dictating the number of bytes to use. Or simply because TFP used up all the bits and bytes in their block data already so there simply is no way for the block id to grow. That may be a dilemma for TFP as they don't want to constrain their own designers or the feature list of their vanilla game, but they still want to make the game mod-friendly. IMHO they have to reserve some space for mods, but that space might be less than the biggest mods might want.
  21. Aren't pictures of military stuff sort of the pinups pictures for military fans? This would be likely a picture ripped out of "Jane's" or some other publication. Just like some people have models of military airplanes hanging from the ceiling without ever having flewn one themselves or even been in the military. So I don't see a problem explaining it. Naturally the choice is not a good one at the moment for world politics reasons even though only very very few people will actually recognize it.
  22. Lets make sure we are on the same page: The required ports to forward are default 26900(TCP) and 26900-26903(UDP). Also please post a server AND client log from the same session.
  23. Also you can make a full copy of your A20.7 programm folder right now. Then, provided you have steam started (if you bought the game on steam) you can always start that copy by executing the 7DLauncher executable there, even if you have otherwise updated to the newest version.
  24. I did not test the code, it is quite usual that code only works after some debugging. And debugging works by observing the game and seeing what changed and what didn't but should have and using this to find the bug or problem. So, first question, what did you do? Where did you change or insert what lines? (Did you use XPath for this? Hint: If you don't know what that is you didn't use it). How did you test that it doesn't work? For example did you try to find the higher quality item in the creative menue? Or did you just play around and hope that it drops for you? Did you use a test game or the game you all are playing? Did you check the logfiles for new errors that seem to occur because of your mod? (IF you are using XPath you should also locate your savegame (use the launcher for example) and look into the directory ConfigDumps. There are your config files as the game has read them. Check if your changes done per xpath have actually been applied)
  25. Good post, but sorry, EDIT 2 is posing a very uninteresting question because doh, it was to make an obvious homage to Lara Croft. If this was just a random female figure you would have a point. I would have given the artist extra points if he had made the male dressed like Lara as well, not for fear of repercussion but exactly to lampoon the image of Lara while still paying homage to it.
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