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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. As Kyonshi said the devs might think differently. You can speculate that they secretly don't and picked one, but are you really sure every dev picked the same? 😉 I also don't think that one update could make the game so lopsided that it can't be pulled back, not anymore. The simple fact is that the game is nearly finished and new features will only be added to the game, not transfoming it anymore. Transformation happened until A17. Whatever a new feature changes it can be balanced to not matter anymore if it proves disruptive. The game was made popular because it was a mix. Proof of that is that lots of forum users post their opinion that the game should be more of one of the genres. So there are lots of people who think this should be more of a survival game. There are others who think they need more guns because they play it as a shooter. And there are the builders who sometimes even ask why the zombies are so impertinent to disturb them in their building activities 😉 And we have actual roleplayers here AND people so fixed on XP that they forget to play the game 😄
  2. Then make a complete copy of your games folder and start the game from there (by executing 7dlaucher.exe directly after having started steam in the background). This is by far the best way if you want to continue playing that world indefinitely. Be careful with deleting save games and start to name your savegames with the specific version you are playing the game with, like "testvanilla20.0" or "newworldDF19.6"
  3. Small Stones -> Crappy bow -> wooden bow -> Compound Bow 😁
  4. Since the game is supposed to be a mix of several genres (survival, shooter, tower defense and minecraft-type builder game) you probably will continue to be confused until you drop the attempt to put this game into one single category 😉
  5. This is part of the game, you need to loot to be successful. Remember that you are faster than the zombies. Make lots of arrows, run away from zombie, shoot, run away further, shoot, ... Next learn melee: Hit zombies with a club and immediately turn and run away a small distance. Hit again, turn and run away. If you get hit and lost too much health, go back to using the bow Next learn better melee: Hit and backpedal. Only if the zombie starts to walk faster (called rage mode), turn and run instead Also you might turn down difficulty, this allows you to learn the game with less deaths
  6. There will be (maybe relatively small?) sewers under the cities in the new RWG. In A20. It is just my assumption that they will expand on that feature in A21 (and what they won't get done, modders wll do)
  7. That depends on what type of base you build. For example f you have a base with the players on largely the same level but distanced by gaps then the spider can provide a challenge. Not a surprise when every change prompts an avalanche of fearful questions whether balance will be taken into account or whether change A means also change B,C and D. TFP: "We changed the grass to look greener" User1: "Does that mean it will give more food value when I eat it?" User2: "Won't that upset the balance when zombies are better visible because they are not green at all?" User3: "Does that mean cars will also look greener? I would not like that to be honest" User4: "Green? How absurd is that. Can we have a grass detector now?" 😆 TFP: "Oh, we forgot to say that because of this we removed the sky, we needed the texture space" 😆😆
  8. The schematic of all tier3 (aka best of their line) weapons, armor and tools can only be found in loot or bought at the trader.
  9. They may be included in some other mod, overhaul mods for example often have additional mods included. I think I even remember "Active Ingredients" as it was mentioned as part of one of the big overhaul mods.
  10. Pretty sure it will produce hundreds of special cases where the AI fails and is exploitable with it, because players can recreate any such condition. If anyone is worried about the 100 bugs left now he should be in panic about the number of bugs once bandit AI is in 😉
  11. Chance for an engine seems to be about 1 in 20 (if I can trust that loot group that is referenced nowhere else), so finding none in 30 cars is quite possible. Since wrenchables cars are plenty and engines supposed to be a scarce find I would not expect them to drop easily
  12. Another hint: Do some dig quests. You waste calories with the digging, but you get materials, money and food cans that will be enough to cover the loss and more AND usually a seed or seed recipe (if I'm not misremembering). There is really no alternative to starting a farm and starting it early with whatever seeds you find And one egg in 20 nests IS bad luck.
  13. You said melee bandits were nearly ready. If your recollection is correct the most interesting part of the bandits would have been still missing, gun toting bandits. And not even that is enough, bandits without organised camps and a story would have been just zombies with a different skin. Imagine TFP showing off their bandits and those bandits being inconsequential like the bandits enabled in the mods. That would be a publicity disaster
  14. I have never tried that setup but I would expect the pressure plate to activate the dart trap no matter who stands on it. Electricity in the game is different than reality. If you have connected two sensors in series, they act like parallel sensors, i.e. both of them can activate a trap or door.
  15. I can see those people scrounging some more until the find a nailgun 😁
  16. I'm no expert on windows, but shouldn't the root dir on C normally be off limits to programs? Is it normal to save files there? It could be the anti-virus program that is preventing the file from being saved.
  17. In a19 there is a bug with RWG producing nonsense on headless linux servers or on mac or on AMD GPUs. Maybe littlegreens problem is because of this bug
  18. You got a replacement brain somewhere? 😎 By the way, you might notice that in the second paragraph of my posting above I was talking about upgrades (for example from concrete to reinforced concrete). I was referencing these upgrades in the third paragraph, not upgrades in general. Maybe I should have said "Those upgrades I mentioned..." to make this obvious
  19. From page 1 of the Dev Dairy: Simplified upgrade path: Frame/Particle Board -> Wood -> Stone -> Concrete -> Steel
  20. Steel is "advanced" tech for which you need a crucible. You can find a crucible, buy it from a trader, find the crucible schematic and build it or learn the schematic automatically with a perk in the INTELLIGENCE tree You usually use cobblestone at the start of the game (you can upgrade it once). Later you can produce cement (with a cement mixer) and build with concrecte (again you can upgrade it once). Last stage is steel (no upgrade) Upgrades will be removed in the next alpha
  21. Thanks for the update, but can you be more specific: Are the confirmations only about different Unity games? Or are they about games with different graphics engines? At least Praey according to the internet seems to use Unity as well.
  22. You should be able to copy the game itself from old to new PC. Then you first start steam and let it run in the background. Then start the game manually. Generating a new world should be no problem either.
  23. Pistols: Pipe Pistol -> Pisto l-> SMG+Magnum -> Desert Vulture . Pistols actually have one more weapon than most others explosive weapons has two types of grenades (the brown and the red ones, forgot the names). Rocket launcher just mechanises the throw, so definitely an upgrade, but the explosion is not too different from a grenade, right? 😉
  24. They could ... lots of things. Not saying it can't happen, but they want to finish and anything redundant has an uphill battle to fight against things already on their priority task list.
  25. Rocket launchers are tier3 of explosives, SMG is a tier of pistols. Both weapon types have all tiers filled, so I don't think TFP will add more. Weapons are basically finished with the addition of the scrap weapons.
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