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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I think the spawing is area-based and not based on players. I'm quite sure that a better event system could drastically change the game
  2. You are not getting it. There are not more zombies with feral sense. They just notice you instead of ignoring you most of the time. For example in A19 you might stand in front of a poi. You see 1 zombie in the distance, 2 near you and nothing more. You kill the 2 zombies and go into the building and nothing else happens. What you don't know is that behind the house there are 2 zombies and another one in the distance behind a corner. But you will never know. Now with feral sense in A20 you will kill the 2 zombies, but soon after entering the house 3 zombies, the one from behind the corner and the two from behind the house will disturb your solitude. There is no need to turn down the limit to 6 as there aren't more zombies in the world at any time. But you will suddenly fight zombies you previously didn't see at all but who still counted towards your limit
  3. In A20 you will be able to select lower tier quests at the trader
  4. That is exactly what I was talking about in this post: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/25122-future-of-7dtd-sequel-or-dlc/?do=findComment&comment=441230 The unannounced game they are working on is surely a different game. They will not start working earnestly on 7D2D 2 before they have 7D2D 1 out of the door.
  5. Wait until you can turn on that zombie sense option in A20 and then lets talk again. At least what Roland and Unholyjoe where reporting sounds promising. And the zombie limit per player is 8, but when did you see 8 zombies around you in A19? Practically never. This was because zombies spawned that never noticed you. Now imagine that limit really being used with zombies that sense you. Quite a difference And then there is the proposed event system where you can get more than 8 zombies on you even in a multiplayer game because some of the zombies are "shifted" between the players There is a lot that can be done without changing the zombie amount at all.
  6. I say their options to change fundamentals of this game, reality, software limits and hardware limits, are limited. You can pray for miracles if you want, but I don't see them suddenly hiring 20 top programmers or redirecting all their efforts into this one objective. I don't see them throwing out the rest of the game to get us zombie hordes or prolonging development another 2 years after they got bandits. So unless there is some miraculous optimization they just not have noticed until now or there are (at the moment) totally unexpected gains from other parts of the game there will just be 1) moderate gains for zombie numbers and 2) better methods to make zombies count for more through better timed spawning. I assume you know about the event system that was talked about for a while? This could help greatly to make 10 zombies that surround you look like 40.
  7. First of all we players are watchers of the development, not directors. We don't decide what the direction of the game is, there is no popular vote for features. Secondly the feature list (plus/minus some minor features) seems to be quite finished by TFP. They have an internal priority list with bandits on top. Presumably a lot of features that had already some development put into them, like legendary weapons, will also be high on that list. You can post your opinion a hundred times and it will not change that internal priority list. Thirdly one of the things that definitely will be done will be further optimizations. But the chance that it will bring zombie amounts like in the mentioned games is practically zero. This might increase zombie numbers slightly but not by much (since they always have to tune everything for minimal spec PCs). They probably will add one or two options into the game that allow to change zombie numbers better than now, but that's it. Also the option for zombie sensing range that will come with A20 will help. If thats not enough for you your only option will be mods. Mods are the **official** way to prolong the relevance of this game, that is the reason TFP put so much effort into making this game easy to mod.
  8. If you have a decent PC at home, you can increase zombie count by yourself. There are a few options that make zombies in the world much more numerous (though not necessarily in POIs). There are overhaul mods out there where you don't have a free minute without some zombie trying to eat you. There should be modlets available with similar effect
  9. The trouble seems to start immediately when connecting to the server. Your client is **rejected** 2 times before it is accepted. You could try to check any log file where you tried to connect a second time for occurences of the line "LiteNetLib: Connection failed: ConnectionRejected". "Rejected" points to an authentication issue but then it shouldn't suddenly work on the third attempt If it is a random amount the most likely explanation is a faulty network connection with lots of dropped packages. If it is always 2 of those lines then I would guess it is a problem with the games network code and someone from TFP with access to the code should take a look.
  10. Yes, the logfile is full of xvanilla... versions of pois known from vanilla that could not be found (besides a similar amount of xcustom... POIs)
  11. I doesn't matter what other games do or have. Those other games do not allow me to rebuild the whole word. And without dropping its standout feature 7D2D will never rival such games in terms of zombie numbers. Play DR if you want a mass of zombies. In the context of 7D2D, say 100-200 instead of 64 max zombies would be a major improvement.
  12. The game already runs with a lot more zombies if you have a fast PC. This suggests that just by increasing the minimum specs of the game TFP could field a lot more zombies. A sequel could easily be released with (much) higher specs.
  13. I moved your thread to an appropriate place, the Mods folder is only for announcing mods You could ask Jaxteller directly in his Ravenhearst thread. But please include A LOT MORE information, for example what does not work in detail, and what error messages you get. Also you could put a logfile on pastebin and post the link. Why did you use wine? Is that something Jaxteller suggested? I and lots of others are playing 7D2D natively in linux, and even mods work very well, I had no problems with multiple overhaul mods in A19 (just not Ravenhearst)
  14. Please post a logfile of a session where you logged into the server and tried to use the teleporter. You can use pastebin for this, this is explained in the pinned thread in the support forum that tells you to read it before posting.
  15. AFAIK VR support was pushed back, it will be added after the game has gone gold (in other words after leaving EA).
  16. The industrial district looks great. A residential districts can be seen behind it and looks as spacious as in A19, is this just by chance? What I'm wondering is if a town center looks as dense as it once was in A15?
  17. Exactly, they are blocks. So the zombies will not avoid them if you plant them level with the floor. They will even be drawn to them when neighboring spikes have been gone because the flat surface with the spike looks an easier way than the hole the other spike left. Just put rows and rows of 1-block wide trenches into the path the zombies will take to approach you. Fill them with spikes and barbed wire and you will see them go willingly over all the spikes. And even when all the spikes are gone the zombies still have to waste a lot of time jumping up and down the trenches left by the vanished spikes.
  18. This is my experience too. In the first two weeks you don't need much ammo as the waves are depleted before the end of the hordenight. And with basic zombies melee cages are quite effective. There are lots of pois who can be used as one-off horde bases where it is simply your choice whether you shoot them with guns or simply whittle them down with arrows. Barbed wire is very effective in lengthening their time to approach so you always have less zombies to deal with at any moment. @VictoriousIII: I can imagine your playstyle when you say you need 100 bullets per day in the first week. Contrast that with most people who use melee in the first days and use maybe 10, if at all. Naturally those players will not race up the level ladder as fast as you, but that is because you still have too much ammo (as you yourself noticed) Now consider you had only half that amount of ammo. You would have to use melee on weekdays and build a horde base that saves you ammo, not just lead the zombies in front of your gun.
  19. I was not talking about trader ammo but the quest rewards. Eventually TFP could just reduce the initial stock a trader has and let it grow over the days to get a right balance with the inventory. And I always said that loot abundance should be changed with the overall difficulty setting. But do you play at 50% loot abundance or lower (a setting that already exists) ? If not, this is your own fault as wellv😉 In the first days in A19 you don't find an AK in a gun safe. You find blunderbusses and clubs. But what really upsets the balance is that in alphas before A17 the progression was from blunderbuss to pistol to shotgun to ak. Now AKs are supposed to be tier1 on the same level than a pistol and they are not. But they drop relatively early in the game Don't get me wrong, I like the new 7D2D with more weapons, this is much better for variety of gameplay. But the new weapon balance isn't there yet. Disclaimer: I usually play with friends and at a lower difficulty level than my knowledge of the game would suggest, at higher difficulty levels maybe even an AK would not be enough to get out of any situation. Anyway, without bandits and a final polishing Beta this IS just a momentary view of the game and the feel of the game will still change. Possibly, but I think without reducing ammo this won't make any difference for experienced players. Also this is already the case, a tier2 POI has much less loot boxes than a tier4/5. And experienced players know how to exploit the tier4/5s in early game. No chance in hell to make them forget. But maybe overall there are too many loot boxes with too much loot in it. Which brings me back to the loot abundance setting which really should be part of the difficulty settings. We are all hobby game designers here and think we have the solution, including me. But usually more than one solution is possible and they made it their profession and made this game so they could choose which solution they want. Our only power here is to tell them when a solution is not working. This is one of the hardest facts for players in any EA to accept, you can discuss anything, but you are never the designer of the game even if you feel nearly like one.
  20. Delivering a game that does only lipservice to one genre that should have been delivered is actually something that could even legally have a chance, theoretically. That is just a way of saying that that argument has merit And I agree that guns early destroy that horror element. But it also is clear that that is one of the most malleable things in the game. That doesn't even need a new alpha, that can be changed inbetween experimentals with some balancing, or a better difficulty setting or a relatively simple mod. And some of it is even on the road map for A20. Less ammo is "promised" as the traders were still not balanced in A19. The damage pipe weapons will do is unknown and may be small enough in higher difficulties to not unset that early balance. But with them in the game an ak could drop even later in the game.
  21. Now when was the last time you bought a puzzle in Early Access? More precise, did you ever buy a puzzle in Early Access? The problem with such comparisons is that you can't really compare buying a game in EA to buying puzzles, shoes, cars. Doesn't work. Because there are some critical differences there and it wouldn't make any sense to offer puzzles in EA or buy puzzles in EA. But without EA you are missing a critical ingredient there.
  22. Abuse is booked out, but you can get a 2 minutes Argument for free. And we have an AI for unlimited "yes,no,yes,no" repartees Philosophical arguments cost extra and need you to sign a waiver.
  23. The grass is always greener on the other side. Or in lingua zombia: The brains behind thick concrete walls are always more succulent
  24. Is that thing with daily horde night a known bug on console? First time I hear about it.
  25. They should keep wondering. There is one unknown fact and that is what the publisher that TFP contracts to do the update will do. TFP cannot know whether that publisher eventually wants to do some promotion. Even if the publisher is already known the publisher himself probably has no finalized plans for stuff that will happen in 2-3 years But if you simply look at the bottom line and assume that the publisher wants to make money then the chance of just giving the game to a sizable part of the target group for free is VEEERY small to almost nonexistent. The chance that they might give some promotional discount to owners of the previous game is at least one of several options and in my view a sensible move even though a lot of console owners hurt by the Telltale crash will not appreciate it. All the console people dreaming about the vast amounts of money the console version made for telltale and TFP forget conveniently that the bankruptcy and the other projects of Telltale burned huge parts of that money (and was Telltale's money anyway). And the much smaller amount from the licence TFP got is probably in the same ball park as the money TFP needed to buy the rights back. In short, there probably is no console money left for generously giving away a few million of copies of the new console game. Even if TFP wanted it, the new publisher starts at zero and will not accept a deal where he makes no profit.
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