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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Okay, that is a way to see it, I take back the sarcasm. Just to be sure, you know that dying removes XP, dying often would even prevent you from advancing in levels at all, right? It may be weak but the penalty is there. Losing respect for the penalty depends on knowing and exploiting the internal mechanism of gamestage. It depends on the knowledge that gamestage does not increase over time if your level doesn't advance and that zombies don't get worse when your gamestage doesn't go higher. My opinion is that this should not be common knowledge, this is an internal balancing trick. But there is another problem here, independant of this: Whatever you do with the survival part of the game there is no punishment that really changes anything until you have a goal you want to reach and dying moves you away from your goal. Why would someone care if he lost a level if reaching a certain level is not part of his goal? The answer is two-fold: 1) Once bandits are in, there will be a bona-fide goal to reach: Kill the leader of one or both factions and possibly take their place. And I assume that those leaders won't be gamestaged so far down that you can take them on with a lvl 1 toon. And then even the weak death penalty we have now IS a punishment. 2) In the mean-time this is also a sandbox game and absent of a set goal you are supposed to choose your own goal. * When asked to implement a "dead is dead" mode in 7D2D the developers (as far as I remember) said to just delete the game when you die. So one possible choice for goal you can make would be to stay alive until you reach a certain level and play "dead is dead". Someone doesn't have enough self-control for that? Sorry, that is his own fault, grow up, * Other players simply set their goal at mastering an ability or make a well-proteced base that can survive demolishers or play until there is a feeling to have reached anything reachable in the game (i.e. quality 6 items, map explored...). Once you have such a goal, dying is a punishment and dying often can lead to you never reaching the goal. * For other players dying for gain is simply not an option and every death is simply a failure, just not a complete failure. At the end of the game having died only once is a much bigger success than having died 5 times. This can be a goal as well. So my answer to you is that the survival part in 7D2D is not completed, but true to it being a sandbox game too it already is a surivival game if you accept your responsibility to set yourself a goal, one possibility actually being "not to die"
  2. For some self-invented definitions of "Survival" 7D2D is not survival. Very true. I would say for most people there is survival in this game. There are players who even consider it too harsh (mostly beginners though, but vanilla IS first and foremost for beginners). And then there are those (often) experienced players who consider it survival light. And then there is you. 😉
  3. Since x-bow had automatic reload and they changed it to this I think the chances are low. Though for rivers there would be some "linking list" needed, i.e. to the left side of this stamp the following list of stamps can be placed. Is that planned for A21?
  4. If I had to sum this up I would say you are not satisfied with the number of new assets and models in the 7D2d modding scene. Is that accurate? Well, if you compare it to the TES modding scene that comparison isn't really fair. The TES engine was used for multiple games since 2002. Lots of games, stable for many years compared to 0 (depending how you count) for TFP games. A community of 58 Mio. players compared to maybe 2-4 Mio. And a huge modding community also means a lot more modding tools created by that community in addition to developer-made tools. There is a reason TES has so many more assets.
  5. Ok. But what indications do you have that mods have to suit the rest of the game ? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11857/ is just one of many examples of fallout mods that don't care the slightest about the setting. I'm sure many of the "haha" mods you listed as popular for TES have nothing to do with the setting. All the porn mods don't care about the setting and as you say they are hugely popular. 7D2D has one or two fantasy mods and the Undead Legacy mod has all sorts of ancient weapons and japanese katanas Darkness Falls has science fiction laser rifles. There is a massive amount of mods breaking lore. Well, but simple xml changing mods without new models are the easy entry points into modding which provides one important piece of the puzzle, how new modders are created. And new models? So what if they are substandard? That is how modders start, with substandard stuff until they get better at it. I have seen hundreds of new weapons and guns and items in 7D2D mods and many of them are as good as in-game stuff. Just check out the oil pump in Undead Legacy, it is a high quality moving(!) object. Is it easily done by novice modders? Absolutely not. But surely TES modders as well don't start as experts and create top models immediately. They have to learn modding and asset creation just like everybody else. Compopack is a popular collection of POIs even though they are of mixed quality and mostly don't adhere to vanilla style. Why are they popular? Because the tons of original POIs are not enough after someone has played several hundred hours. And it seems most people don't care as much about their quality.
  6. Very true, but what makes XML less of an entry point than character models? Rereading his post I don't see he is including XML modding into "rly good stuff". His last paragraph can be read your way, but before that he tells us that lore and character models are the important sauce that makes mods successful. He explains what mods are successfull with TES and also assumes that only these can make a modding szene thrive. He might be right (if he really is speaking for the mass of 7D2D players) but I doubt this very much. Naturally as english is neither his nor my main language it is easy for misunderstandings to develop. EDIT: As looting is a big part of 7D2D I expect new items and new POIs to be one of the most important and most popular areas for modders to change the game. I can't judge how easy it is in 7D2D to add those compared to bethesda games but it seems adding POIs is pretty well developed and adding items is not rocket science either. There probably are areas where more support might be necessary for really being entry level. But the game is still in alpha and when they add steamworks support after release there is another opportunity to improve such areas. I don't see that the modding szene in this game would fail even if character models could not be added in the future, too many other areas are well within modders reach. In other words, one pillar missing is not enough for failure and I get the impression that that is Matt115s central prediction And mods like Darkness Falls being difficult to maintain seems to me mainly to be a result of the alpha status which moves the foundation the modders operate on on a yearly basis. Which naturally doesn't happen very often in the universe of TES games where you only have access to released games
  7. I didn't say 7D2D is tes, I said tes is successful with mods. And because of this 7D2D doesn't need to care about lore, even if lore were important for TES. Which it isn't. There have been story-rich overhauls of that game which massively change the lore, with success. Look at the mods available for 7D2D. They are probably very different from typical TES mods. Nearly all of them are about changing game rules, adding recipes, changing them, adding perks, changing perks to skills, adding items and blocks. And sometimes even zombies. Does any of the new zombies in Darkness Falls conform to some lore that 7D2D doesn't have, as you yourself said? No. Does it hurt that mod? I don't see it Do the rule changes, for example the weight system for items, in Undead Legacy conform to some lore or need lore to be successfull? Doesn't seem the case. Lets assume modders can't make new zombies for 7D2D. I would not care much. You would, but you want different things from this game than I do. Your logic assumes that everyone else has exactly the same desires like you for this game. I'm sure I can easily find dozens of players in this forum who would want to play mods for this game even if not a single additional zombie model were in them. It looks to me like only new zombies and guns would be "rly good stuff" to you. I have seen really good stuff in the mods I mentioned above and it was neither zombie models nor guns.
  8. You simply posted your wish list again (which everyone in the forum knows by heart now 😁). 7D2D is not a zombie shooter clone and I would guess that features in the next installement will be from the long list of ideas they could not implement this time. Modders are by far the most important 0,1% of players. Because they provide the variety that will make this game stay relevant for years. Just look at bethesda games or minecraft how much impact modability has.
  9. Yes, when he answered your question about the specific session he got the logfile from.
  10. Please use Discussion and Requests for questions about mods, the "Mods" section is only for publishing existing mods and talking to the authors of those.
  11. That is because the company that released updates went bankrupt and so there was and is nobody to develop updates anymore. Just like Atari games will not get updates again because the original Atari is no more. This might change in a few months or years, because TFP is looking for someone to develop a console version from the finished PC-version, but nothing is definite.
  12. If you go the expansion route you can easily just call it 7D2D 2 and have a much cleaner separation of the two versions for modders
  13. Who are you talking to exactly? Do you request all console players to delete their 7D2D game on their console? Why should they do that? Or do you request TFP to delete 7D2D from the consoles of console players? Even if they could, that would be malicious damage to players property
  14. I'm quite sure. In both cases they said they couldn't invite friends anymore and you seldom have all your friends living in the same house with you. Orionxvi specifically told us "The game did the same thing when connecting as a LAN game." which means he first saw the problem with external connections
  15. They both start with "Tw", that MUST mean something. Roland is right though, those two websites are so seldom on my screen or mind, I would not really notice if they vanished suddenly.
  16. Well, I'd like to remind people about a game named Civilization. World wide success without hit boxes at all 😁
  17. Yes, absolutely correct. An important information in this case is that we are talking about two products with different histories here: The console version was made by Telltale (which licenced the rights from TFP), after Telltale went bankrupt that version was basically dead in the water. The PC version on the other hand had continuous development and updates because it is made by TFP who did not go bankrupt.
  18. Ah, I was a little unsure about which ports exactly have to be **forwarded** by the router (so that the port can be "contacted cold" from external sources) and which ones are just used with initial connection always coming from the server (in most cases those need no special attention). So only 26900 TCP and 26900-26903 UDP need to be open external ports on the router in all cases? If I may suggest an improvement there: the FAQ talks about "opening ports in firewall" versus "required ports", the distinction is not even clear to me (firewall is ambiguous, router isn't mentioned at all), how can it be clear for users without any network knowledge. Ok, it could be that it is clear for normal windows users and it is me with further knowledge who overthinks it 😉
  19. On twitter people will be able to participate in Faatals demonstration. Plant trees in Faatals game to counter his optimizations. Or send him extra FPS. 😁
  20. Possibly, because it autoheals you and as it is tier3 the autoheal will be no trifle. BUT it will have no offensive capabilities.
  21. On the server I see that when you login, you are first checked with the server (all the lines with [Auth]), i.e. the server checks if you are allowed to login, if the version is compatible.... Then the server tries to authenticate you with steam. Those are the lines with [Steamworks.NET] following this. So there are the lines "[Steamworks.NET] AuthenticateUser()" and then "[Steamworks.NET] Authenticating player:...". If it would work then this should be followed by "[Steamworks.NET] Authentication callback...." But in your server logfile 10 seconds go by and then it presents the error message "ERR [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.LogOn timed out" So the problem seems to be the connection between server and steam. I'm pretty sure that your server expects some answer from steam which isn't getting in. There is pinned thread called "Support FAQ" here in general support, an old thread and possible outdated in parts, but there is a list of ports you should have open. Were you thinking of those ports too when you said they were open? Or did you simply open all ports? @Jugginator @SylenThunder do you know on which port this callback should come in? Is it possible that something changed with steam authentication? It seems quite a few people suddenly have the same problem.
  22. Last time I played vanilla I fought the first horde night on the upper floor of a small wooden(!) house that I adapted and strengthened with about 2 dozens of block upgrades to cobblestone. I used a bow to shoot at the zombies, and a hunting rifle from time to time. I also had a melee turret standing beside the door of the house. And I used a bunch of molotovs I got as a quest reward I think. Like a typical 7th day horde it was over before 1 o'clock in the morning. The damage to the wooden house was minimal, I could easily have lasted until 4 am without the house collapsing. If you are not sure about that, simply prepare a backup house to fllee to, but it should not really be necessary.
  23. I would change the requirement to have your base complete by day 7. For example fence and dart traps are advanced traps you need in late game and are quite OP in the 7th day horde, I tend to build up my horde bases in stages and often have different bases for early and end game If you see it as a sort of challenge, please disregard my objection.
  24. If they were not wandering hordes then it must have been zombies spawned in the area. Usually they should not be able to detect you easily if you are stealthed and don't make much noise. Were you stealthed? Did you do any loud activity? Naturally once you shooting at them with anything except bows, crossbows or silenced pistol all the zombies in the area will likely converge on you.
  25. I don't know the radius of that area around you. It may be too small to make much difference or the chance that it has a large radius may be small. It may not work correctly due to bugs. Lots of possibilities. If there is a way to mod the game to create a wandering horde every minute this could be tested easily, the normal way it would just take too much time.
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