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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Well, I don't like my words twisted so that they seem to say something different. "advanced" sounds, well, pretty advanced 😁 I don't have the power to discard any idea. That idea was proposed multiple times already, just like dozens of other common ideas, and the developers definitely know about that idea, probably had that idea years before it was ever posted in the forum. I'm just telling you that it came up in conversations and at least the last times the said something like "there were no plans at the moment" and I told you some of the reasons why. What I say here has not the slightest effect on anything the devs will do. I'm not a gatekeeper
  2. Actually a mod in alpha15 had a jason. And he spawned only once ... but in regular intervalls, just like jason
  3. The first person who ever mentioned an advanced AI was you just now. I was simply talking about a "good" AI, i.e. an AI that handles the problems in a way that TFP is satisfied with its quality. And when you say "it will not pass it until ... or there is a nearby free passage within the magnet range" that is exactly what I was talking about. To find and walk to that nearby free passage the NPC needs AI, that is what I was talking about. Zombies can do that but they also often seem to ignore the easy way i.e. 1 out of 5 zombies will still bash on a wall even though an open doorway is directly a block to the side. Yes, TFP could just accept that NPCs simply hang in difficult terrain. But last time this topic came up they seemed not sure the current AI was good enough for what they had in mind. As I initially said, this may change once bandits make an appearance and if they work really well (NPCs were already in the game once but they did not meet TFPs quality standards, by the way). But when that happens TFP will already be near the finish line to release the game and they might not want to add another feature but instead declare feature freeze and turn to final bug fixing and balancing. On the other hand I'm pretty sure that modders will add escort missions even if TFP passes on that.
  4. Surely TFP will cook up a vanilla story line (with or without quests). But don't expect too much as it will be a story fit for vanilla, i.e. a story that first-time players will have a chance to reach. For old time players it will look like any of the mods has cooked up 5 times of that and they will race through that story content. But that is because vanilla is the entry-level for new players and the mods are supposed to entertain players in the long run. And for vanilla and new players a fixed blood-moon is more than enough.
  5. 6) Traders are stiil work in progress and supposed to be better balanced in A20. Special focus on ammo as there is by far too much ammo available at the moment AFAIK it is intentional that you can specialize in one ability tree or distribute your points. It already is the case that you can use any unperked weapon but it will fall behind in effectiveness to a weapon that you perked in. I would suspect that except for the INT player using unskilled weapons is generally only done to consume otherwise useless ammo types. 7) Professions are included in many of the overhaul mods if you want to play 7D2D that way. TFP wants to finish the game in an acceptable time frame and considers a lot of the contents relatively final. It seems the advancement system is considered finished on the whole (except for further balancing naturally).
  6. Your post would have been utterly perfect if you didn't add that last sentence 😉 (I didn't check Usain Bolts statistics though). All sources on the internet (example below) say normal walking speed is from 1 to 3mph depending on age and the link below thankfully even defines brisk walking, as 3.5mph tops https://www.healthline.com/health/exercise-fitness/average-walking-speed
  7. When we are talking about AI, we are talking about different things here. So let me define first what AI technically means in a game: The AI of an NPC does not only control the NPCs attack or how he talks to you. It also controls in detail which path it follows if it has to follow you. This may seem trivial to us huamns, for an NPC in a game it is a difficult task, and even more difficult if the world can be changed arbitrarily. Example: When you step through a door and go a step sideways, suddenly a wall is in the way of the NPC and it can't go straight anymore and a complicated path finding routine is part of the AI so it still finds a way to get to you. Even worse, you gut close the door you stepped through. And that AI is somewhat easier for flying objects, that is why TFP makes a drone as a companion to the player and not a dog. So yes, the AI I and some others are talking about is necessary, the AI you are talking about is not necessary. PS: I made a slip-of-tongue in my previous post and said "zombie" where I meant "NPC". Corrected that now.
  8. So. Did you ever have a time where you did not eat for 2 months? Just asking whether you speak from a postition of authority. 😉
  9. I don't know. But DamageEntity is used for all *hand* type items and set to different values while EntityDamage is set once in MeleeHandMaster and meleeHandZombie01 and then passed on to all other hands unchanged. In other words, if we assume that different zombies do different damage then DamageEntity must be the value the hand uses for damage Melee weapons and guns on the other hand don't use DamageEntity but instead use EntityDamage to set their damage. If you have time for experiments, just double DamageEntity and halve EntityDamage for the playerhand and a weapon and run the game to see the damage you do with them and also what your character info says about damage when you have an empty slot or the weapon selected.
  10. So, all this work just to mislead your friends in thinking you added fewer mods? You have strange priorities 🤔 Just a reminder, whenever you want to update a mod you merged (because the author of that mod posted a new version with a bug fix for example) you either have to do that merge operation again or compare old to new version of the mod and add the changes by hand.
  11. To this I can only quote Rolands "Walking < Running < Bike < Minibike < 4x4 < Motorcycle & Gyrocopter which must be slower than chunk generation". And add the other important rule "gameplay trumps realism". Do the math. EDIT: Just checked XML and could not find a value for player velocity to compare to bicycle. Makes it difficult to really do the math.
  12. The same way you can share opinions I can share opinions, isn't this how opinions are shared? I don't see how that is rude. Where did I ban your opinion? If you have good answers to my doubts this would even strengthen your case, wouldn't it? I still don't see how it makes a difference if this NPC is simply called mayor without any consequence other than money. Would killing a basic zombie give you more pleasure if it was called behemoth or super zombie? I can see a gameplay difference when it is a group of zombies NPCs and you have to prioritize who to save in sticky situations, for the rather selfish and ignoble reason that he might net you more money. Other than that I simply have to trust you on your statement that you would care.
  13. I can recommend it, but it doesn't change game play enough to scratch any itch geengaween seems to be having
  14. Oh yes, AI is required for the NPCs. A simple "magnet range" idea (if I understand it correctly) would probably not be acceptable to TFPs quality standards. Rescue missions will get stale like any other mission once you have done a few dozen. Who cares if that NPC is called "mayor"? If the mayor then doesn't feature prominently in a story all it means is that "mayor" means a bit more money. A quest isn't suddenly more fun if you get twice the money out of it. I would suggest waiting for the alpha where NPCs/bandits finally make it into the vanilla game. I'm sure that modders will add rescue missions even if TFP might not.
  15. This game tried that and it seems to work well. It gets critizised and applauded for a lot of things but seldom for this. Jumping 3 meters is already a pretty strong ability depending on how you want to play the game and is rightly behind a perk. What FPS do you get with 7D2D ? There could be an argument that you are very slow on foot, but unless the game has to load a lot of stuff from harddisk looking around seems instant to me. And what have you set as mouse speed? Maybe you need to move the mouse too far for turning around?
  16. First of all you should put up a relevant logfile on pastebin and post the link here whenever you want help (there is even a pinned thread here that explains all this and many seem unable to read this) Secondly the error message mentions SDX which seems to point to you using a mod. Please contact the mod author instead, most of them have a thread in the mod section where you can ask directly.
  17. Zombies do their attack with the handitem (also players when they fight with an empty slot I suppose). EntityDamage has values from 10 to 40. I know because I checked a few days ago. Since a hand seems to be handled like a melee weapon it makes sense that it has a ModSlots setting but naturally it has no mod slots. It might be necessary to set it to 0 to turn off some automatisms inside the game. If you want to test it, just set EntityDamage of ZombieHanditem01 (or similar) to 110, spawn in a basic zombie and watch how he obliterates your lvl1 toon in one hit 😉
  18. If you are able to collect unlimited amounts of loot and haul it in your rather limited inventory then, by jove, you deserve that unlimited money 😁
  19. Whether bug, shortcoming, balance problem or faulty localization, it will all usually follow the procedure that a tester will check if it really is something that should be fixed and then put into a big list of things to fix. If you need a better word, just call the "bug section" of the forum the "fix section" from now on and suddenly it will all make sense 😁
  20. There is a pinned thread here in the console with a procedure that should help with disappearing bases. That MSFT does not take the game of the store means it must be in a better state than you assume it to be. I don't think I heard of crashes every half hour to be typical. An update to the current console version is highly unlikely. TFP will hire or more likely licence to a new publisher to make the port of the finished PC game to the new consoles. And that publisher will not want to waste his time with the old console version and likewise not want to port the finished PC game to a legacy console that does not have the hardware to run a game that got more hardware hungry in the mean time. Whether that new publisher makes an offer to owners of the old console game I have not the least idea.
  21. This may be stuff for a bug report
  22. In some other countries this is simply done by everyone every day, it is called haggling. No need to get personal. The only problem for Clusterfawk is that he may be talking to the wrong guys. As far as I know the prices for the console version are set by the stores independently of TFP But lets assume he is talking to the right guys. Then you really should bring arguments why the price is right and not drive off the customer. Alternatively you could tell him that if he doesn't buy it, your 5 small children will starve or have to work in the mines. Otherwise I might get the impression you don't know how to haggle!! 😉
  23. Frowned upon is probably too big a word. AFAIK it simply is more trouble than it's worth because of many countries where the game developer has to battle it out with censors (and probably a lot of potential players as well). What you do in your mod is in 99% of cases independant of any restrictions the developer wants to adhere to. (But note, I don't speak in any official capacity)
  24. Effectively you are showing that news and hoaxes jump from news-site to news-site to streamer to news-site to streamer..... Someone starts a rumor and everyone essentially copies from the same source. This is not independant confirmation, this is just exponential copy and paste in the internet age Just a few days ago reputable gaming newssites were reporting that 3dfx-interactive (an old company who built GPUs) may be coming back (even though most sites also showed there were doubts about this). Yesterday it was reported it was just a hoax.
  25. Nice. This hoax is only reported by french players it seems. So I would suspect that somewhere in the french supply chain of console games someone misunderstood a message (or someone planted it for some easy cash) and now it makes the rounds
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