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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. Not going into the block discussio here. Had enough of that on the steam forums. There is plenty of food until you can get a farm going. Not a problem at all in SP. The farming however is fine. Just did my first harvest in SP. (Finally, had to start over 2 times and was busy in MP) On day 22. Replanted every seed i got from the harvest, crafted seeds so i have the same amount of plants as before. Then i went cooking. And i have more than enough for a week. The good stuff. Gumbo, Spaghetti, Shepards Pie, Meat and Hobo Stew. Farming is fine. You need to invest points and you need a bit of patience though. You are not gonna get a huge farm going that delivers endless food before your first horde. Those days are over.
  2. Yeah, tell me that again when you fail stealth and all the Z´s from a T5 POI come at you. And because you use your gun, you summon a screamer. Also how does that even work? Shooting a bow crouched wakes up all the zombies in a room when i do it.
  3. What? if you put down a woodframe the stages where wood, reinforced wood, cobblestone, concrete, reinforced concrete, steel. There was no iron in between at least not in A17-19, honestly can´t remember before. @JCrook1028 Two stage are missing, that´s true, i was simply lazy when typing assuming people will know anyways. Otherwise the upgrading stayed the same. There is no more iron frames (not to be confused with rebar frames), but tbh, i never used those so i have no clue if they were removed in A20 or earlier.
  4. @unholyjoe They spawned within 1m of him. That shouldn´t happen under any circumstances. Read the first post again. He didn´t wake them up and they came towards him. He saw them spawning right in front of him, that´s a no go tbh and has nothing to do with the sleeper mechanics beeing a good idea or not. I really hope that´s a bug.
  5. So you are saying Z´s spawning right in front of you out of thin air is intended? Nahh. Please don´t do that.
  6. Wood to cobblestone to concrete and then steel isn´t new to A20. That is around for quite a while now. They took out the iron frames, yeah. I never used those, to much iron needed to upgrade, not viable for me, takes too much time to gather the iron.
  7. With all the new block shapes you can build an even more glorious and amazing tower. There is now over 1000 block shapes. But yeah it´s possible. Take a look here:
  8. You can always turn off horde night. Normal zombies and screamers shouldn´t sense you when deep enough. Don´t use a door, use a hatch on ground level. They usually ignore those. (Not sure for A20, haven´t done underground for ages now)
  9. Nah, let them have some sleep. There is mods for that. And you can always spawn in a trader in your base without even needing a mod. Never felt the need for it. In fact it adds another small challenge often enough. Getting back in time to finish a quest. It´s a small time managment issue not worth any dev time tbh.
  10. Huh? I can place them from my stack. 0.25 cube. No problem
  11. Nobody will sacrifice aesthetic due to the material cost, but due to the lower HP ofc. It will just lead to every hordebase kinda beeing the same. There would have been a huge increase in different ideas with all the new blocks, now all is back to normal again. I am just saying if you go by the logic that smaller block has less HP it´s just logic that you need less materials. If they wanna go the route of logic then they should do it properly.
  12. I fully understand that this is a logic step to make smaller blocks having less HP. That´s simply how things work. But the costs should also be lowered following that logic. Also this will just lead back to minecrafty hordebases. It´s simply an aesthetic change, nothing more. Won´t stop anyone from cheesing, it just won´t look as good as before and we will have less diversity in their game.
  13. Yeah and in real life you can´t carry 500 blocks of concrete and still run like usain bolt or simply pick up your vehicle and you would need a building purely dedicated to build the 4x4 and the gyrocopter including special tools. Workbench is way too small for that. Before you bring real life into the discussion about a game mechanic you should think about all the things that you definitly don´t want to be like in real life. But as always people only bring real life into discussion when it´s a disadvantage. It´s simply about balance in the game. Realism only goes a short way in most games. Wich is good. Wouldn´t be funny to play with too much realism. I could understand your rant if food was actually rare, but it isn´t. It´s a bit harsh with food in MP the first 2-3 days but in SP there is more than enough.
  14. The invisible wall happens as often as in A19 for me so far. At least i don´t have to exit the vehicle to make it go away anymore now. @ClassicRedEye Vehicles on hordenight are a really bad idea. Those vultures are no joke. If you are very good at driving and have a ton of luck you can outdrive them, but not on a minibike, needs the motorcycle. Still wouldn´t recommend it. It´s nearly impossible.
  15. Never found acid in a chemstation so far. It´s so rare that we buy chemstations and wheels from the trader in MP. Impossible to have 4 chemstations and vehicles for 4 people with the acid you find. But we are swimming in first aid bandages due to aloe cream everywhere. We need a bit more acid and lot less first aid in loot tbh.
  16. I should get respawns and zombies without workarounds, like restarting tbh. And it also happens when i come to a new town i haven´t discovered yet. Went to a new trader, parked the bike and explored a bit. Empty town. Seen 2 zombies outside. Either i have bad luck and they all get stuck somewhere, or it doesn´t work as intended. But even if it works as intended, 8 zombies per chunk is a joke. It´s not enough even if they all come for me.
  17. In MP it´s crazy how fast you can have high level wepaons and tools. In SP it´s a totally different story. Honestl no idea how you could find a solution that doesn´t highly disadvantage SP. I kinda like your idea, but a book is too random. Also i can already hear the crying of the masses if you gate higher quality behind something.
  18. @meganoth I don´t have them at all. It´s a new day, i spent the night building my hordebase just now and went ~600m in a completly different direction from my homebase on foot (just to see if i get zombies), shooting a chicken with the pistol. Wasn´t in that direction the day before either. Not a single zombie. It´s all the time. Doesn´t matter when or where it still feels like A19. Only downtown i get more. The amount of zombies there is like it should be everywhere and in downtown there should be even more.
  19. In the forest the towns are as empty as in A19. Feral sense doesn´t change that at all. I constantly can travel a few hundred meters without seeing a single zombie. Wether it has changed or not, this is just a huge flaw. More zombies should be everywhere, not just in harder biomes.
  20. Meat wasn´t a problem in A19 either. I never starved in SP during A19. Even when not using traders.
  21. I really should do a new install. I have feral sense on and on a way of 600m i didn´t see a single zombie. In a town. Not downtown though. During a quest in a POI i get like 1 or 2 visitors from outside. Same as in A19. When downtown it´s 3 or 4. Farming is good. You need points in living of the land and you can´t ignore seeds or harvestable plants anymore when outside, but it yields enough food. The nerf was needed. The lag in downtown and dishong or other T5 POI´s is annoying, but as you said, it´s experimental. Let´s see what stable brings. It wouild be a bad joke if we get told that we can´t get more zombies due to hardware requirements and then they add something like this that is even more hardware hungry. Early ferals are ok for me. You could carelessly go everywhere in earlier versions. That´s not how a game should work. That one feral in the dead rooster, wich is a T1 quest you might do on day one, is a bit much though. (that POI get´s an overhaul, so that should be solved) The new town generation is just awesome, i like that T5 POI´s are harder now. Overall a well done update. Love it.
  22. It´s fine, Food isn´t an endless supply anymore. Every suggestion since A20 came out exactly would do that again, same here in this topic. There needs to be a nerf to farming compared to A19. You could feed a whole town and still have enough to sell food to the trader. After all this is partly a survival game. Food shouldn´t be something that is granted for sure. Especially not that early as it was in A19. TFP doesn´t like it when there is a way to make easy money. They constantly nerfed things that would sell good. Like beds.
  23. Just dig it out. If that would weaken the structural integrity of your base, open the console with F1, type cm, press enter, close the console and press Q. You can now fly trough the ground and get your drone. Press Q again, open the console and turn off cheat mode with cm again.
  24. I can assure you that no one plays this game with 500FPS. CS:GO yeah sure, but no one has those numbers on 7 days to die. Monitors go up to 360Hz these days. You monitor has nothing to do with your FPS. 60Hz just means you don´t profit from higher framerates than 60FPS as you Monitor can´t display them. You propably have V-Sync on or limited the framerate to 60 via your GPU software. MSI Afterburner has an On Screen Display that you can see while in the game. Click on the gear in the middle and you should get into the settings where you can activate it and set what exact info you want to see. In most cases this game is very CPU hungry. Make sure to check your CPU usage also.
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