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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. @doughphunghus I can understand why they do it, but then at least make it so it is easily modable to get more colours for all blocks. None of TFP´s bussines if i wanna stress my hardware to the max with mods or not.
  2. More colours and textures. Yes please. Or at least make them so that you can easily mod in new colours and textures.
  3. Afaik the plan is A20, A21 and then Beta. So yeah, beta could start next year if things go well. Considering how long they already work on 7 days, i would call that the final phase, yeah. And it actually doesn´t matter if they work on a sequel or a another game. Both is business as usual. My personal guess is, that it is indeed a sequel. I think they coudln´t really do what they wanted to with Unity. And the next project is done on Unreal Engine. (That´s a fact, otherwise they wouldn´t hire people with experience in Unreal Engine)
  4. Well we are in the final phase of 7D. Hopefully. Also i think working on your next project while another one is still developed is business as usual. Not for really small studios ofc, but other than that it´s pretty normal.
  5. Actually a sequel on Unreal engine 5 please. If that would mean really big hordes tough. This is what this game is missing so bad. Hordes that can be as big as 200 z´s with no lag. It´s one of the few things i really dislike in this game. Not enough zombies. @warmer They already work on a new game, but there is no info if it is something completly different or a sequel to 7D.
  6. Well TFP bought back the rights to the console version when Telltale went bankrupt. But they do not have the time right now to deal with updates for the console right now. @Younotus Asking again: Did anyone promise you updates for the console version when you bought it? Was it sold as early access? Ignoring those question tells me the answer is no, no one promised you any updates for the console.
  7. They will still do it. I was in a FB group wich was pretty big (Big enough to be way more meaningfull than any poll on here, i have seen screenshots there that got double the likes in one hour than polls on this forum have votes overall) and there was a poll about exactly that. Most people use suicide. Those 10% XP loss even help them more to get their gamestage low and draw out the time before the demolishers show up, wich are a reason why lots of people want to keep their gamestage low. Ofc the loot loss would be an option. You would propably have to deal with a S storm after that tough. In the end it doesn´t really matter if people use suicide or not as long as the people are happy playing the game. I wouldn´t care too much about it if i would be in TFP´s place.
  8. You bought a game from Telltale. Not from TFP. Telltale messed up their whole company on their own. TFP was not involved in any way when Telltale went bankrupt. Why would Telltale go around and tell everyone that they are in danger of going bankrupt? You are drifting into the territory of conspiracy theories now. Again not helping your cause beeing taken seriously. And asking again: Did you buy this game as early access on console or as a finished product? Did you get any promises on later updates when you bought it for the console? I don´t think so. You simply assumed that the console will get updates because PC does, but you were wrong. Wich is basically your own fault, no one promised updates for console. Neither TFP nor Telltale.
  9. TFP lied? Source please. Otherwise i am simply assuming you made that up just now. Also when the console version came it was clear that there aren´t any future updates planned? It wasn´t sold as early access, i am pretty sure about that, but maybe i am wrong.
  10. Neither Rust nor The Forest are anything like this. Even tough they use unity they are totally different. None of them have a completly destructible world for example. Also Endnight Games, who made the forest, are a very small team, they would take even longer as this game is way more complex than The Forest. And even if they would give to another company, it´s not only that the games are pretty different. Getting familiar with the code of another company/developer team is time consuming af. Your best bet is waiting until TFP does it. Anything else will take longer.
  11. I am pretty sure TFP would remove any suicidal option if they knew how many people actually use it as a teleport home, save on food or to overcome things like broken legs, infections etc. quickly and also gain the advantage of lowering their gamestage by doing so.
  12. I can already tell you that insulting the game and the devs will rather harm your cause. Not very clever tbh.
  13. Should i just collect them and post them all at once or what is meant with "one source"?
  14. I found another one. "Domed trash can" is translated as "Verfluchte Mülltonne" wich means "doomed trash can" . Correct would be "Gewölbte Mülltonne". @Roland I was looking trough bugreports but i didn´t see any translation posts there, so i hope keeping this here is ok?
  15. That means all permadeath players are basically Jon Snow. We know nothing. 😛
  16. As we are talking translation here already: The candy "Health bar" is translated as "Gesundheitsbalken" in the german version. Wich actually is a health bar, but the one where you see the HP of an enemy. The correct translation would be "Gesundheitsriegel". @Roland
  17. Still glad they did ditch it. It was poorly executed. The things you had to do if you didn´t want to fall behind in a group where simply stupid. Like running around the campfire in the first nights while crafting stone axes. Or sitting in the forge menu watching anvils beeing made. Meh. Don´t miss that at all.
  18. Not that a failed quest in the list is a problem, but sometimes it´s because i accidentally leave the quest area, wich i only recognize when it´s already failed. In MP it also can happen that i die (compopack has some really mean quest locations) then i am too busy trying to survive. Do you really wanna go into the menu to cancel the quest when there is a small chance to survive?
  19. Yeah, quite obivous that we aren´t entitled to anything. Especially as this game gave a lot of us quite the experience already. It´s amazing with what kind of arguments the people demanding quicker development and/or the release come up on the steam forums. That one thread about how long the game is already in early access is hilarious. (poor mods tough, they have a lot of work to do there) @Canute That´s interesting. I should check our laws here. Austrian government tends to have a lot of similar laws from you guys. Not for this game, but that is generally good to know.
  20. Thx. It´s all about balance. I feel the scrap stuff is a bit OP for the first few days, got a tier 2 pipe pistol and machete on day one. Default settings on warrior. Maybe i should add the slow leveling from jaxteller. You wouldn´t find stone tools/weapons in containers, that´s true.
  21. How does the bigger wandering horde work in very late game? Does it keep adding up zombies every time the game stage increases? I´d really like to use it, but as we tend to play longer games i fear we might get wandering hordes that are causing massive lag.
  22. Hopefully they will provide a challenge for me in SP. And for MP i really hope that we have the option to turn them off seperatly so we can play with zombies but no bandits. It would suck to need a mod to remove them while keeping the zombies. Unless they are dumb af and have the shooting skills of storm troopers. Then our builders propably don´t care if we have them in our MP or not. @TWORDY I guess he is talking about people on PvP servers raiding his base and not about TFP taking away mechanics.
  23. Hey. Is this all just blocks that are in the game already but usually only available via creative menu or did you add new stuff aswell? Also is this server side or do the clients also need to install this? (Pls dear modders, always mention that in your starting posts.)
  24. Is there a version of this without bigger backpack/crafting queue, HUD mod, scrap/pipe tools and weapons? I mean i really like the idea of the scrap and pipe tools and weapons. But as an addition, not instead of stone age. I would love to see this between stone and iron tier. Bigger backpack just makes it too easy. I wasn´t over encumbered once in my first 3 days. I like the struggle with the inventory. It´s part of the challenge in this game. Also it´s a bit hard for me to read because everything is way smaller. Have mercy with my old eyes. And if i could i would play without HUD at all. (well obviously not all the time) but that´s not possible sadly. Other than that this is a great mod. Good job.
  25. I will try my best, i did some different maps after that, but i think i should be able to reproduce them. It still happened after my post with different settgins but not as frequently as before.
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