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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. This all hinges on what triggers someone's base as raidable. You can get lucky and find a powerful weapon or tool even at a low level. Besides, I didn't say newbie, I just said younger, as-in they haven't hit the raidable trigger yet. Turn about is supposed to be fair play and all that. If the settings were all configurable by the server manager then great, I'd say let it ride no matter what and let them figure out what works on their server and what doesn't. I think it is going to be impossible to make even most people happy with a single set of rules for PvP. This game is too awesome for one set of rules anyway. This is a crafting game and some people will want to focus on that and include base building in PvP part of that. This is a survival game so some will want to focus on that and consider base destruction in PvP as part of the equation. But I'm not saying anything you don't already know, so, yeah. Just put some of the ideas into play, make everything optional/configurable, let us test them out, and then adapt from there. As a community I'm sure we can provide adequate feedback. If not, raid our bases and boot us off your server.
  2. I was thinking that too... but then how to you stop the "younger" players from griefing the older players? Maybe have them only raidable by players that are also raidable themselves?
  3. So which of you is Pinky and which is the Brain?
  4. I have Rust, just haven't gotten into it enough yet. I think I'm waiting for them add a single player option so I can at least get a feel for the mechanics of the game before throwing myself to the wolves.
  5. I think it's worth noting that not all PvP is "everyone else is an enemy". Team PvP can be a lot of fun, especially if teams are large (like the realms in DAoC, for instance). Mixing PvP with PvE will make PvP in 7DTD more survival-ish as well (the zombies act as a universal enemy). That's a niche worth investigating.
  6. What if the LCB made the blocks extremely hard to destroy (as-in not likely worth someone's time) but not "things". So people could strip your fort of furniture, pictures, chests, doors, spikes, that sort of thing but not completely destroy walls, floors, the ground beneath, etc. You get to keep your building but they can loot the hell out of it. This would probably require some serious edits to blocks.xml to pull off, though. However, without that distinction people can still grief by digging under a base and letting gravity do the work (unless you build directly on bedrock).
  7. Make it so there is one ingredient that you have to buy from a trader in order make a LCB, even if the item itself is cheap, and make it so that you can only buy one per day. Also have the newbie version expire within some period of time (24 hours/3 game days/whatever, for instance). That way farming newbies will not give you infinite LCB while the newbie will still get one that is useful to them until they get a real one. It also makes it a lot harder for someone with a second account to cheat the system.
  8. Agreed. The tough part will be the interface that allows us to see what settings a server is using before we commit a bunch of time to it.
  9. This should be a server setting. There are a whole lot of people turned off by permadeath, especially so if there is a lot of build-up work to get minimally secure. If I have to start completely over, build a new base, level up my skills/perks, etc. every time I die then... yeah, no thanks. This isn't supposed to be a WoW battleground.
  10. Except that this is a worldwide game and some people will be many hours (12+ in some cases) apart by the real world clock. And some of us have to work. I agree that permanent invincibility is too much but what about a timer? If you are logged out for more than 24 hours your base loses invincibility?
  11. That has a whole lot of potential. Maybe make it so that the inner one is only indestructible so long as it is surrounded by other claim blocks? Once you've breached the outer perimeter you can take on the central area. Have the distance from the central claim block be the factor that determines the multiplier that that claim block gives to things built around it. The farther you build from center the weaker your defenses.
  12. Air drops: I think the loot inside should be more about short term advantages (so buffs, healing, that sort of thing). Also, the time it takes to loot them should be increased either by making the time to open longer or make you have bust it open to get the contents. That way it can get be a bit more competitive to get what's inside. Zombies: They need to be there but... I can see them being used as a weapon. Back in the early EverQuest days there was a concept of "trains". Where people would get the attention of monsters and as more would tag along the player would flee. Soon there were a whole lot of monsters following the player until they exited the zone (bad news for anyone else there or just coming in) or they died. Sometimes people would use the trains to their advantage by dragging a bunch of monsters into the midst of someone else's fight, nearly guaranteeing they would die. So I can see someone doing the same sort of thing with a horde or just a large group of zombies. Good thing or bad thing? Hard to tell.
  13. Pimp fight! EDIT: Sorry, that wasn't very productive of me. I agree about no grinding in a PvP environment. Safe places should be kept to a minimum and any guards should deal with problems quickly (so no running around after the people breaking the rules, just kill them outright). EDIT2: Also, I think instead of maxing everyone out in everything, give them a certain number of points and let them pick the perks they want without being able to max everything. Then people can differentiate themselves at least a little and try out spec each other.
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