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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. If nothing else, we're one day closer to the next apocalypse.
  2. Possible, yes, but you will think you have stopped time watching it collapse.
  3. I've been playing without traders after my first few games with them. They make too many problems trivial for me. A solution for the "no filters" problem is to make water purifier mods scrappable into filters or make filters a rare drop for scrapping some vehicles (keeping them as rare as you want by adjusting the drop rate). I currently just play without filters.
  4. It would be nice of them to add something into the XML that gave each loot item/group the option of having a date range for it to drop. Alternately, they could just allow the chance of finding something be affected by real world date ranges (seasonal items have a zero chance of being found outside their season, for example).
  5. Unless I'm missing something I think it's embedded in the executable. You might be able to extract it as a resource using a tool in Windows, don't know, since I'm on Linux.
  6. Alternately, you could send a cat in to get it. Edit: I had to post the message and then attach the image.
  7. If they could fix the animation from crawling to standing and vice versa for zombies then that would be awesome. It's not game breaking but it is a little disconcerting as it stands now.
  8. They used to have a mechanism where the nights could pass at a much faster rate than the daytime... but it was always buggy. Don't remember why it was taken out specifically but not many missed it after it was gone.
  9. It's possible some might choose to fight the trees instead.
  10. Finally! Someone with some Brains shows up in this thread.
  11. Zombies on horde night need to do either the YMCA dance or Thriller just before they charge your base and attack.
  12. In A22 the jars come back but contain bits of broken glass.
  13. Yeah, I remember him being one of the more active devs on the the official alpha threads. I did not know him personally, of course, but he seemed like the kind of guy that not only loved this project but he loved what it meant to others. If there's an afterlife, I hope he gets to continue to create and be happy doing what he loves.
  14. Sometimes, permadeath sucks.
  15. Hold on, you haven't seen the selfies yet.
  16. This would be so much better if that last name was U BANGBANGBANG instead of LI BINGBING.
  17. Just before I posted this it had happened again and I hadn't yet had a single successful attempt to return to the main menu. After posting this I had my first (and only) successful attempt. Found the proper place to put this, sorry, please close/delete as necessary.
  18. It simply exits the entire game. It has been doing this for several releases (only in A21, was not an issue in A20). I'm on Linux Mint.
  19. Items.xml in your config folder should be a complete list. Granted, it's in XML so you'll have to pick out the bits you need. EDIT: As for item IDs, read the last line of items.xml: </items> <!-- Item limit: There can be 32k items in the game. IDs are generated internally on loading the game/items. -->
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